Hey, Sup Forums I need serious help right now.
>Gf was abused and raped by family members
>One faggot only got five year
s>Three others are still free
>I keep telling her to get help and to tell her father's family
Pic Related.
Hey, Sup Forums I need serious help right now.
>Gf was abused and raped by family members
>One faggot only got five year
s>Three others are still free
>I keep telling her to get help and to tell her father's family
Pic Related.
>And end up like you.
You really want to help this bitch? Fuck her I would say
>I need serious help right now.
get off Sup Forums
You're a shitty person, just leave her alone
Damaged goods op,
Cut your losses and find someone more deserving.
You are abusive af dude
Man, fuck you.
I have gone the distance with this girl for two years.
I helped her and protected her, documenting incidents and going to police.
Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped OP.
Leave and don't look back.
Also cringry
>used to make people like you attempt suicide just so I could have fun
Yeah, you are such a badass
I documented one incident in the past and went to police she called me creepy so I went off.
She was a coward and was willing to let him get away with tearing through her cunt twice.
She is running from her issues so I am bitter and have gone off on her.
I used to cyberbully emo fucks like this.
Hahaha, dude, you are fucking lame.
It's a traumatic experience that people deal with their entire lives.
"Just get over it!"
>Oh it worked!
She's 100% right about you. You're apathetic with slight sociopathic tendencies. That's completely fine for you, but just live your own life and don't expect others to be like you.
It's none of her business what she decides to do with her life. Leave her alone. Clearly you two are not suppose to be together. And you are pathetic too. Not sure what help you wanted here
Well, doesn't that make you an edgelord.
Justin isn't a girl's name
also where are you from?
Leave her, girls with family issues and pasts like that are the worst.
She'll constantly mistrust you, she'll constantly doubt you, and she'll constantly try and control you.
> Gets raped
> wont do anything about it
Good chance there's more to the story than that Sup Forumsro. If she has a support system setup where she could incriminate them easily free of harm or danger, then she probably wasn't full on raped. Maybe she allowed it to happen and was too embarrassed to admit it, or something along those lines.
It's mine. Her name is set to mine, vice versa.
She gave up on romance and affection because the mood was bad.
Her family never got her anything so on her birthday, I got her like $300 worth of stuff and she didn't want it because she was used to people getting her nothing.
And you're a faggot sucking nigger dicks. What the fuck are you on about. Sociopathic? No. Bitter? Yes.
She didn't say anything so it happened again.
OP if you really care about this girl and want to get through to her, I advise you meet up with her and discuss this in a 1 on 1. Even that won't exactly guarantee you passage through her evidently stubborn mindset. Otherwise if things don't work out, cut your losses and leave her.
>having this conversation over text
>being demeaning while pretending to be helpful
fun fact: you're not helping !
I mean, if she's acting like a bitch.
Maybe raping her is the way to go man, you know, get something out of it
I just want her to deal with the shit already. Ffs. This has caused a divide in the relationship and we are so polarized about it.
>Greentexting via SMS
>used to make...bla bla.. attempt suicide
Hoe Lee Schitt, man. You are such an edgy little faggot that it stopped being funny.
>So I can get closure
This is not about you, narcissistic faggot.
>That's what I even want.
That's not how you use 'even'. Learn to grammar.
I was raped, i won't get over it, i don't make it the problems of others, it is MY problem to deal with. Yes, my girlfriend know, she asked me why i don't like sex that much, i told her everthing, i told her to never talk to me about it again, that it was in the past.
Please, people, be like me. Its not others problems if you have been raped.
Tl;dr make her kill herself already you little pussy bitch
maybe deal with your own shit first - you're the one trying to control her and now you're throwing a hissy fit because you can't
You are homosex.
When you stop being gay and date a girl who you have to help with her life issues, you may become bitter too.
Until then, I don't respect your opinion.
I'm trying to make her deal with this still ongoing issue.
Oh yes. So evil.
Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Mate, I dated a borderline girl for 4 years who, mind you, had been molested in youth and sure, there were times where I'd be frustrated but I never came across as such a little shit.
kys sissy fag
As you can see some emotions are flying around and so it's fairly reasonable to assume some stupid shit would be said along with spelling or grammatical mistakes. Advocating for yourself doesn't make you a narcissist but evidently you've never been in this situation despite picking apart the situation in a condescending manner so kill yourself.
yeah dude leave it. its trash or if not, its bait.
Maybe you were not bitter.
Maybe you did not have BPD.
Maybe it was resolved before you met her not while you dated her, having to be protector, guardian, caseworker and boyfriend.
She never told me this in the beginning and it made me bitter so I said hurtful stuff at times. Because it fucked me up.
Lol you kys stupid fuck head what is your problem? A little bit jalous cause i have a real girlfriend and the only person who want to fuck you is you 2D loli girlfriend you keep in your special folder?
I have tried to.
And I have never had to deal with this.
>your special folder
Just message the father. Tell him straight up
He is dead.
Stepfather is a piece of shit.
My special folder contains pics of sexy mens like you
You remind me of the ex-bf of my current gf and holy shit does that piss me off. People like you are so narcissistic and delusional that you make all of her problems your own. People like you will ever be happy until you die and frankly, I hope that comes sooner than later bud. You fucking suck, leave her, move the fuck on and die already. Piece of garbage.
Sounds like you were fucked up to begin with. Every user here is shitting on you because you're an immature faggot that can't see how huge of a douchebag he is and thinks he's helping when in reality you're fucking your gf up even worse. You need to take a step back and fix your own shit before trying to take on someone elses.
You are an asshole.
not op but found the faggot,
fuck off bisexual confused faggot.
Shut up edgelord
I hope you die. But first I hope you get raped until you can't walk from pain. I hope your death is slow and excruciatingly painful. You deserve worse than that. You honestly are not mature enough to have a relationship. Fuck, if you were my boyfriend and you did this. I'd fucking destroy you. But he's not, he's a real man not a little cunt like you
Try and make me?
Don't talk to ur mommy like this,young man
Are you on your period?
You have to be trolling, theres no way somebkdy is this stupid.
As you sit alone at home, not talking to anybody, dropped out of school, your "girlfriend" is being hit on by Chad and Tyrone in every single class period and she loves it. You think she will throw away All that good dick for you? You made the situation about yourself and not her. You are selfish. You think she wants to ruin her name and reputation? She's being tough about it; not letting it define her as she moves on to better her life and not dwell on it. Then she gets a boyfriend. A lover, a companion. Somebody who will be there for her emotionally, mentally and physically. But no, he pressures her to do something that is clearly on her mind already, a tragedy mind you, that SHE has to live with every single day of her life until she dies, making it something she doesn't want to just out out there openly unless she trusts somebody. Then I read this thread and absorb that information and drama about an entity I don't even know, making you the ultimate rat of her trust and life. She should seriously move on and get some better dick so she's not stuck with a whiny beta who's inside his mom's house all day crying to Sup Forums about his ex girlfriend who got dicked by the family men. You're not going to undick her so I don't see the objective here.
Venting? Exposing her identity and fucked up family-related story to the internet?
It's bait, not a dick, don't take it so hard.
I never dropped out faggot and this was bait, so fuck off.