Yo Sup Forums how do I get laid?

Yo Sup Forums how do I get laid?

>inb4 cuck
>inb4 faggot
>inb4 leaf

Dubs decided what I do with my fidget spinner

Op will deliver

sell it on ebay for 1 dollar no auction

reroll 1/3

reroll 2/3

In the pooper

reroll 3/3 goodbye

Spin it on a doggo

You got dubs so everything in this thread is irrelevant

I will deliever cuz trips

Understable, have a good day

is your xbox sitting on top of kleenex boxes?
take a few rips outta your bong and tidy up that shithole man

You have to step out of your comfort zone. Regardless of who you are as a person, your personality is not the first thing women notice. It's your overall appearance and your lifestyle. Come up with a clean, presentable look for yourself. Tidy up your living space. Clean out your car. You want to attract their attention first, then get to know them. These days, you may only have one shot at getting their attention. Everyone is so busy with so many things vying for their attention that deciding a persons woth is a snap decision and it's usually very hard or even impossible to reverse. As for the fidget spinner, do what you want, just keep it in a drawer if you have company. They are seen as a weakness by many.

clean your fucking room user

yay for doggo

shove it up your dick hole

op probably smell like corn and sausages LOL

put it inside your pooper


Chek'd dub dubs

Sup Forums is the new leddit apparently.

Here's an example of how to keep yourself from getting laid. Normies get laid, because that is what women are into. You can act like a normie and still be autistic as fuck. Just REEEE in your own head. You might even like acting like a normie. I did it for years.

Oh, right I forgot we're not supposed to give good advice and be polite. I was supposed to say KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING MANLET. YOU'LL NEVER GET LAID. That better?

Get rid of your fidget spinner. That's a good start