What's your reason for not being MGTOW, user?

What's your reason for not being MGTOW, user?

>I'm gay

What the fuck does that mean

So that's your response?

MGTOW = Third wave feminism for men.
Complete homosexual movement funded by the same zionist jews.

Because I need to do my part to secure a future for the white race. Duh


Independent mgtow, being official is fucking gay.
> >
>nice trips

Your comments make no sense. How is it gay for men to want to take control of society? Also, gays generally worship women.

Because I meet women places other than the bar so my opinion of them isn't that they're all impulsive, drunk and dick hungry.

Mgtow helps men it helped me I'm not an ideologue tho. my entire life is more that idology or any other.

I have grown from the ideology into the man I am today. From a fucked up past, single mother ...
Bla bla bla...

I have come to realize my life is great I was a emo faggot
Now I enjoy every day of my life.
Tho I plan on mowing yards for a living and working twords my own home and my hobbies

Now please let me know what the migtard way of life is done for you op?

I am

I basically am but it's depressing as fuck. I think I'd like to go back to relationships.

that's why I said I'm independently mgtow, the movement is just filled with thousands of closet gays and annoying motherfuckers, so not associated with it.

I've been following the development of the MRM since Warren Farrell started writing heavily about men's issues in the late 80s.

It's following the EXACT same trajectory of feminism and MGTOW are literally second wave radical feminists. They use the exact same rhetoric, arrive at the exact same conclusions, use the exact same tactics, and exert the same influence on the mainstream.

The MRM WILL be Third Wave Feminism next generation because the only faggots working to gain power are the MGTOW style radicals, just like how Third Wave Feminism was defined by radical Second Wave Feminists because the "good" second wavers didn't care enough to fight for power.

All movements fall in this way. The good people don't care enough to fight to the point of drawing blood for it, but the radicals always do, so the radicals take control.

Why are some people so eager to call thousands, maybe millions, of men they've never met, and never will, closeted gays?

I'm not because I don't need a ridiculous label to know that I'm single

Faggot confirmed


How? Calling people you don't know "gay" isn't going to improve your life.

Fucking hell this thread is max cringe.

You all need to alpha up, fuck bitches, and dominate like the rest of us real men.

> Pathetic bitches the lot of ya'

god damn who actually cares about this shit, it will all be another alphabet soup acronym in a few years anyways.

Because I'm happily married.

Cause I'm not a faggot who blames women for my own mistakes?

I'll bet that lasts

That's your reason for NOT being MGTOW?