Hi does anyone want to gift card trade? I have an itunes giftcard I don't need, but I need a 10 dollar steam gift card...

Hi does anyone want to gift card trade? I have an itunes giftcard I don't need, but I need a 10 dollar steam gift card. Anyone want to trade? We'll figure out contact stuff and I'll post photo of the code of the card. I can't check the balance because that would redeem the card. I'll give pm info if interested.

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I have a $10 steam card code but I wont go first, especially since you dont even know the value of your card

that's fine. Want my steam account then? So i can pm you the code

steamcommunity.com/id/bplavon/ add me on steam

i have 2 guest passes that im trading add me steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060108479/


i know.....



I don't need a guest pass, I need a 10 dollar steam giftcard code. Guest passes are damn temp gifts


the timestamp says Sup Forums

I didn't post those


posted to Sup Forums earlier

if you need $10 in your steam wallet, I can trade you a csgo skin worth about $12, which you can sell on the steam market for a little over $10 (after valve's cut)

I guess it coudl work but the reason I wanted a steam wallet code was because steamguard fucked up when I had to reinstall windows. We could work something out then if no one else has a code

can someone rich add me? steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060108479/

Nice quads

ahh all right
should I add you anyway?

yes steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060108479/ KEK


fuck off you annoying preteen twat

I guess. I posted my steam url up in the post. bplavon
