So I might have a chance to smoke fresh opium but I do kratom every day and kratom is very important to me so I was wondering if I should even try because I'm afraid it will raise my kratom tolerance. Does Sup Forums think smoking opium just once will raise my kratom tolerance?
So I might have a chance to smoke fresh opium but I do kratom every day and kratom is very important to me so I was...
shut the fuck up
Just say no, user.
You can always grow your own poppies later if you still want to try it.
Wtf is kratom
shut up junkie
Have you had experience with any other strong opiates before or just Kratom?
an herb that has a cross tolerance with opiates
I've done Oxy and stuff but no H or anything
You'll be fine opium is good shit. Kratom doesn't stimulate all the same receptors that opioids do. So should be no problem
Chewable/Steep-able herb that acts upon Opiate receptors and has some mild serotonin action as well.
Commonly used in SE Asia
Did you find oxy to have any effect on your daily dosage or response to Kratom?
Also out of interest whats your sex/weight/rough daily dosage of kratom?
Smoking opiates is vastly differenty to anything you can take orally..
Yo if you know where to get opium and you're in the US then your fucking lucky.
pill poppin only over here :/
I did oxy allot before I ever did kratom than got clean and started kratom. I'm a male I weigh 129 and I take about 20 grand a day.
>20 grand a day
You my son, are ready for opium..
You weight very little (probably all that appetite suppression right?) however, thats quite a lot of Kratom to be taking.
You'll probably have a reasonable amount of cross tolerance but if i'm honest i'd say you're already pusing the upper boundaries of kratom use. I doubt smoking some opium would effect your tolerance that much.
My honest advice is to cut back on the Kratom before hand. You'll have to smoke less of the opium and also just because I think it would be a good idea for your health, not to pontificate or anything.
>20 grand a day
I will never cut down on kratom.
I will never cut back on kratom.
Just do herion
I actually have been having trouble finding anything lately. The opium poppys are growing in my neighbors yard.