Should I do it Sup Forums?

Should I do it Sup Forums?

I'm a lonely fat POS with nothing to live for.
In the last couple of months I've lost two family members to suicide, and now I'm considering joining their ranks.

I fucking hate life.
I hate to be lonely, no matter how many friends I'm with.
I hate that no matter what, I will never be happy.

What do you think? Should I exit the train now?


Stop caring about everything in life

You will always be calm. Never sad, never angry, never happy, and will sleep at night no problem

You won't have a reason to kill yourself

But I won't have a reason to carry on living either.

Nothing brings me joy anymore.

Who ever said joy is the meaning of living

You can live without joy

The lack of responses must mean yes.

You were my best friends.


I've been depressed for more than 8 years, but I always kept on living. seriously, I don't know you but please, life CAN be fucking awesome, work somewhere, move where you want, love yourself someday. I think there's alot of stuff you can and want to do

Sad mother fucker stop caring

Tell yourself every day I don't care
You will end up not caring

This guy says it the best. You can love yourself

I have tried to love myself for 30 years, and I'm not even at a point where I like myself.

Fuck suicide , if you kill yourself you will be in fucking hell , you should give your life and your time to : poor people , homeless , people who need help , that is a reason to live : help people

I recommend using a soft BDSM rope. Take a soft dishrag and fold it over once. Use that as padding between your neck and the rope. It will make it a bit less uncomfortable without prolonging it

Why should I help people?

>thinking hell exists
This is a topic for adults to discuss. Does your mom know you're here?

And I don't either. but you should always aim for something positive. Antidepressants got me the neutral life. but it isn't worth living like that for me. so just find something that genuinely interests you and follow that road

There is a gigantic fuckin world out there, start anew, go off the grid, idk, there so much fucking stuff to do

What's wrong with your space bar faggot you should kys

>There is a gigantic fuckin world out there, start anew, go off the grid, idk, there so much fucking stuff to do

^ this

At least rob something from the rich and give it to the poor before you kill yourself. If you get caught you can kill yourself anyways or try every drug on the planet. Shit you got nothing to lose

Help people for the shallow, fleeting ego boost it gives you? I think suggesting OP try hard drugs before deciding to kill himself is much better advice.

I've seen most of the world already, and it's not that interesting.

And no matter where I go, I will always be lonely.

Time heals all wounds, eventhough I disagree with it, it does soften wounds. you Will meet new people, you will remember your lost ones but keep living on for them but mostly for yourself

Kill yourself, user! The world doesn't need a fat fucking loser taking up its resources...Oh, and before you do it...Go fuck yourself.


Adopt a stray dog and learn from him be happy