Pokemon box 3

Pokemon box 3.

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I will take that as a "Yes"

It's time for goodra



That's news to me.



Do not lewd small panda


More Gardivoir line pleassse

Yeah! Evole him into Jotaro first

It's a somewhat complicated system. The OP can bump their own threads if it's the first post in several minutes, but if I'm posting one image per minute and no one else posts, the thread will die within 15 minutes or so because of how fast Sup Forums is.

Small panda does the lewding

Female, I presume?














How are you niggas doing today?




I want to get fucked like that by a Charizard

sleeping for 12 hours was a mistake



Sleepy. Don't want to work.

That's lewd.


Sleeping too much or too little is always bad



It is not lewd if it is love making




I often do one or the other

Love is lewd.


inevitable with a fucked sleeping schedule i guess
how are you my dude



Love ain't lewd, especially if he gets me pregnant but you are in your right to disagree


I am okay. Morning classees forced me into a normal schedule. Heh, I was going to bed a 4 am and waking up at 8 am. I am also browsing porn when I should be working on a Report but meh

what isn't lewd?


Raw sex with a total stranger in a back alley.


Nigger that is the lewdest thing ever

That's not pure at all


It can be if you want it to be


healthy people with healthy lives tend to be that way because of obligations
when you're a leech of society like i am it's easy to just not do anything




I suppose, I sort miss my NEET days thought.





being a NEET can be nice when you have a desire to do and accomplish things


What pokeballs would you hold your pokemon in?

I would use ~love balls

Left looks cuter.

can i get some poke-blowjobs?
hopefully pokemon to human

Yeah, I was a NEET for ~8 months and by the end I was antsy to fucking do anything just to have a way to spend time.

Though now that I'm not a NEET boxes are a lot rarer....


Well, during that time all I did was play vidya all day. I didn't really thought about the future or a career or things like that for the most part. Then again, it was only for half a year





I wanna shove my face into her butt



heal ball, friend ball, luxury ball, love ball
all valid options, i'd probably go for luxury

how long have you been a not-NEET?

i don't have any interest to keep me active so i just waste my hours away collecting porn and doing literally nothing



Let's see... about 17 months now.

I was unemployed from August 2015 - February 2016 and haven't been out of a job for more than a week since then.



oh that's pretty nice
is the pay good or are you still trying to move up?


Luxory or Premier balls are the only acceptable pokeballs for my loves

Not even Video Games

I'm always trying to move up.

I was at $13.50 for a few months, then closer to $18, and now I'm at $22 or so.

I keep pushing for a promotion at my current job but half my team just got promoted so not many slots are open and my boss will probably want to keep me where I'm at until we can get more people trained.

