Describe Sup Forums with one file

describe Sup Forums with one file


fuck off







i agree with this one





''I want to be different and edgy desperately''


He will rise again

that´s a huge fucking image





yeah, for sure

We have a winner



ayy lmao



I got banned for posting that.

My fucking sides just exploded.



Somebody edit a penis and tits on this file for me


lost so hard.


Is that a fridge


Me, this year


It's sad to see a decaying relationship...

. . . when your sex life is dead.


She is a bottomless Queen!

when you fuck a dead, decaying raccoon and it reminds you of your sex and love life


...when your sex life needs a revival




yore welcome





who goes to a porn shoot on a full stomach. this bitch did this to herself

>le epic not dead normie site run by a chink who doesnt care XD