anybody want me to greentext the story of how i got my school bully to eat my own shit in a hamburger?
Anybody want me to greentext the story of how i got my school bully to eat my own shit in a hamburger?
I can't image it's much more than
>Make Burger with shit in it
> Give it to him
You suck your story sucks, you should kill yourself. You're not so.e evil genius. You're not some hero of the bullied. You are a peice of shit wanna be btard with no actually edge. You are not worth the volume of space that you take up.
Sure OP, I'll listen to you :)
only faggots get bullied, so fuck off with your shitty story faggot
Woah dude. Calm down. You didn't clear a single sentence without a typo
op is autisoid
stop being a huge faggot and post the gt it already
kek, seems interesting, will lurk
why dont you just post it without asking?
He'll get bullied
op here, im greentexting the story. here goes.
>be me
>about 6th or 7th grade
>gets bullied all the time because i'm a huge cunt
>gets my ass whooped because i tried to fight back
>gets suspended for 3 days
>end of year is approaching
>decides to cook hamburgers for whole class
>takes a nasty shit in 3 burgers
>one for the bully, one for my crush that doesn't notice me, and one for my teacher because she's a huge bitch
>arrives to school with burgers
>everyone likes them along with the fucking teacher
>ff like a minute later
>bully and teacher vomit everywhere in the room
>crush does too
>teacher bully and crush sent to hospital
>i found out i fucking gave them ecolide (sorry if misspelled.)
>bully never picks on me again.
>i date crush
>teacher now has a screw loose due to her eating my Mcshit
>one of the best days of my life
i asked about it because i wanted to add some level of suspense. and no im not autistic.
>>i date crush
top kek, she wanted another one ?
>Heyyyy mom I'm going out with my boyfriend, yes mom, the kid that made me eat his shit burger.
lol i guess so. she dated me out of fear i would kill her if i didn't
why the fuck you didnt post this at first
I read that in his voice, god damn you!
i already explained it mate
i was talking to the guy that asked me why i asked if i could greentext the story.
Your story is two lines
> Make Burger with shit in it
> Give it to him
You are a faggot. You need to be put out of your misery. Your self righteous, egotistical 4th grade brain makes you think you live an amazing life. You just posted one of the lamest stories in the history of the world on the lamest place on the internet. The fact that you continue to breathe amazes me. The fact that you are not so retarded to the point that your body's automatic functions still work shocks me.
You don't even know what the fuck e. Coli is. If you are miraculously older than 13, i think your mother should have had you put down like a limp dog. Of course, to produce you, she's gotta have the IQ of a drain fly with Down's Syndrome. How are you still alive?
Because op is an attention seeking fag
woah that hurt my feelings. im going to an hero now.
lol just kidding faggot if you have nothing nice to say dont say it at all. didnt your trailer park whore of a mother tell you that you fucking retarded piece of shit?
Everyone gets picked on, only faggots systematically bully individuals
Wanna be Cartman...
You fail at life.
lol im getting bullied now. anyone want some shitburgers?
Go bully and eat shit
Do it. You're not worth the public education funding. If you're not dead this time tomorrow, I'm gonna be pissed. Do t ruin my fourth of July.
C'mon, let's hear it.
sure thing you cunt.
are you retarded?
because people want me to an hero whats the best way to fucking do it?
>>are you retarded?
how could a retard post shit on Sup Forums you shithead?
I'm Very. VERY retarded.
Fucking summerfag edgelord. Getting bullied?! Ooooohhhhe ate poop!
No, this is a revenge story
> Be in highschool, 2002
> Be edgelord peice of shit emo kid
> Picked on constantly
> The plot thickens with one Hindu fag ass port of geese assfuck
> Rails on me. Constantly calling me gay, queer, a fag
> The dream is real
> Type a ten page homoerotic story where in the bully has homosexual relations with several sports stars.
> By line: bully mcassfuck
> Header for page number is assfuck last name.
> Print in out and place it underneath his desk in bio
> "The fuck are you grinning about user? You finally get to suck your dad's dick last night?"
> Nah, but i did fuck your sister in the ass
> "user, you went to far. I'm going to beat the shit out of you today"
> "Bring it faggot"
> Bully disappears from classes half way through day
> Billy's parents take him to psychologist.
> Bully suspended from school for a weak for bring erotica to school
> Bully's dad beats the shit out of his son
> No son of min's gonna be a queer
Putting shit in a burger is a low tower absolutely useless revenge. Go die, OP
do you think of her eating shit when you kiss her?
this, fuck this thread.
Plottwist: user is a faggot.
lol sometimes i do think of her eating my shit. and yes, your revenge story was a hell of a lot better than mine. but seriously, what's the best way to an hero?
>>this, fuck this thread.
then take your sorry ass to a gun shop so you can kill yourself you cunt
Helium tank, oxygen mask, go to sleep
you got what you wanted, I guess.
good 4 u, man.
how much do those things cost? im sort of a poorfag...
Dude.... The fuck is wrong with you. Quote posts
Besides, once you fall asleep breathing helium, you won't care about being poor. You're never too poor to kill yourself.
The fuck is with these faggy revenge stories? What ever happened to just kicking their ass?
that is as saddening as it is comforting
why not both?
>i date crush
Clearly she grew attached to the taste of your shit.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
what's the best way to steal a helium tank and not get caught?
put it down your pants
> Go to party store
> Buy tank of helium
Don't be a nigger. Do this right
lol i stole the helium tank. see you guys in hell!
Dont ruin my fourth of July, user
lol it looks like im a nigger after all. im going to die sometime soon. :)
i dont give a fuck about your fourth of july. im in great britain you bitch.
more like GAY britain bitch