I'm an American and I may be moving to England...

I'm an American and I may be moving to England, will English women/people find me to be an oddity or will they not really care that I'm a yankee?

no one gives a shit.

it could be possible. also thanks for the english pepe Sup Forumsro

All depends where you go really, my town hates the yanks

Dude you don't want to move here. We have way less freedoms here than you do over there. Freedom of speech is pretty much dead.

But Americans are seen as a novelty in most the country. Here in London you'll be treated with indifference cause the whole world is here. Elsewhere you'll be a novelty atleast for 5 mins. I'm sure chicks would dig the accent. Though Britain is falling apart.

So long as you pronounce words properly and not like the rest of you American retards

Don't listen to this retard he clearly doesn't know anything about how England works and probably follows Britain First on facebook

Yeah I have a degree in Biology, so I should be alright there. I will represent our speech well XD

Might be in Leicestershire, but not completely sure yet.

So its not as diabolic as that user described?

Ooooh you're in for a treat my friend

As long as you don't go somewhere shit then you'll have no problems, same as any country really

So basically, not Manchester or London?

Did you know that those who describe themselves as 'White British' now only make up 45% of London's population?

We're already fucked but London is particularly shit.

Well I'm not sure what the statistics are in NY, but I'm sure its similar. whats the white population overall?

1/10 made me reply

what part of free speech is gone?

the women of the Islamic State of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will not be allowed to have any opinion on a Kafir like yourself. Dirty infidels...

I've no idea. Piss porn?

I hope to bathe in your blood. Deus Volt

'hate crimes' are a thing here.

That's a restriction of freedom of speech.

Oh, you mean ill get my head kicked in for being white? I mean hate crimes are pretty common in the U.S. but maybe they're not labeled as such most of the time.

literally they wont give two shits unless your in a nightclub and you're the one to mention it, or if you have a heavy accent and still then they probably wont care other than the typical "omg what state are you from why are you here whats it like there e.c.t."

You can drown in afterbirth, infidel. By 2045 we'll have out bred you and you will be a minority in your own homeland. Sharia law for the UK!

No. You wont get your head kicked in for being white.

Your beards grown is just like my pubes