Can anyone confirm for me if this can actually happen? Would this just be like asexual reproduction or would the kid come out absolutely fucked?
Can anyone confirm for me if this can actually happen...
go back to school.
You should spend less time on the internet and more time in anatomy class.
why? This isn't a helpful answer.
assuming you're not a complete retard (which we know you are), a sex change operation does not instill a working uterus. he's not a genetic female, so it's literally impossible.
Well that's just as fucking useless really isn't it?
Thank you very much.
Wasn't that hard to give me a straight answer after all you mongy twats.
It'll prevent you from looking like a retarded dumb shit who thinks "sex change operation" magically grows an uterus, along with the rest of the reproductive organs of a real woman.
Kill yourself useless faggot.
Actually, Britbong docs are claiming they'll be able to transplant uterus into trannies within the next ten years, so this will be a legit question within a decade.
Google it.
During a vaginoplasty, the dick and balls get turned into a vagina. Although fuckable, it will never have a period or a functioning uterus, sperm does not magically change into ovaries either.
I suck at school, but thank god i'm not op.
Just to confirm, I'm actually intelligent, I had a B in GCSE maths and a C in English. Just didn't know this one thing.
Fun fact I read today: 1 in 5 fish in Britain is now transgender because of the hormones thrown into rivers. This affects their reproduction because they lose their competitive mating attitudes and can even carry eggs now.
How many transgender fish full of hormones have you eaten lately?
yes it will happen 100% confirmed
Hi, don't say "I'm actually intelligent". It's ok to have questions but you trying to prove so hard that you're not dumb is actually leading us into believing you are dumb.
You probably have Dunning-Krueger. Don't worry, even the current sitting US President has it.
Im smarter than you, you fucking retard. Fucking amerifag name 1 american that isn't a complete retard. Oh wait, you can't, because you're all inbred.
They will still be somoene elses eggs, genius.
>b in maths
>c in english
>i am intelligent
I really hope this is a troll.
Haha look how mad he is.
Please stop you're just embarrassing yourself.
Even if they have a uterus they still have a Y chromosome. It wouldn't work
How am I mad? These retards just seem to think their smarter than me, when they're obviously not. They are just lowlife scum on Sup Forums.
Can't hold all these dubs
Some fish can already change sex though. It happens frequently in aquariums where there are too many of one sex
Your C in GCSE English is showing...
That has nothing to do with it - the eggs that came with it would be someone elses, or there are no eggs with it and some would need to be implanted.
Either way, the body doesnt just make eggs - even xx women's bodies dont produce eggs.
Doesnt matter if theyre XX, XY, XXY, XYY, XXYXXYXXXYXYX or Z - theyre not making any more eggs, and any that are implanted wont be based on their genetic code.
Unless, of course, that japanese study which experimented with turning eggs into sperm and vice versa becomes a more commonplace reality, anyway.
Your an idiot
Those kids are so fucked.
Where is the fetus gonna gestate?
In a box?
He can't be this autistic surely.
rofl lmao
op is troll confirmed
He has no womb...
Where is the foetus going to gestate? Going to keep it in a box?
>gigantic, diverse country spanning the length of a continent
>more inbred than a small island country previously ruled by a family with a centuries long run of cousin fucking
Confirmed for troll
Get off the internet newfag. Your dads starting to beat your mom nearly as hard as his meat go be a hero and stop him
sex change doesn't make it functional. it's a glorified hole where the dick used to be, I'm sorry OP, but your dreams of being Fother or Mather aren't going to work.
You need sperm and egg to make a baby, dudes don't get eggs and gurls don't get sperm and no matter if you cut of your pecker or take a lot of hormones and get a fleshy dick, what's there is there and there is no adding to it, there is no operation that will give you the genetic apparatus to produce eggs or sperm if you don't have it already
I'm no medfag, but I think you might be able to take the genetic information from a sperm cell, implant it into an egg and fertilize it, but it'd probably look like an inbreed son of a mother-sister father-uncle couple
How is anyone this fucking retarded?
I think you mean YOU'RE you fucking retard, he used the right your