Tell me what to do Sup Forums

tell me what to do Sup Forums

Nudes or no cash

>get nudes
>send bowl of eggs

Do the right thing: Promise food money, receive nudes, block from phone.

Keep us updated op

Buy her a pizza, don't get nudes, have respect for self and helping someone in need, fap to near infinite porn on internet.


>You have to eat all the eggs



Tell her for every nude she gets one Chicken nuggets from McDonald's

It's probably an ewhore, first verify it isn't by asking for proof.
Note that they often photoshop the photos, try asking for video proof with mic chat(inb4 mic broken).

going for it

fucking moron


Nothing to see here

it was probably drug money but I made someone happy today nonetheless


Epic fail faggot

Pathetic degenerate. Stay mad at moralfags :^^^)



obviously bait, no one is such a tard like this

status: sorted out


Mad????? :^))))))

Well done OP.

UPDATE: she sent a nude anyway lmao

How much??

10 bucks, if that was her price for someone who actually wanted nudes, I feel bad for them

Ask how it feels to be a whore

she eating alright kek lamao

Get her over for some real prostitution non of this milenial bullshit!

I think she mighta blocked me lmao

I went with this guys idea. give him a hand for being a chill-ass nigga

Why didn't you offer to take her out.

Get her to shove that brush in there.

you did good nonetheless user and even got the nudes guilt free.

if she was hungry you gave her food. if she was a begging druggie you did not give her enough to get wasted.

how did she get your contact information though? are you two acquainted, friend of a friend or what?

thanks man. it was through one of those local meetup apps

She looks like she could do to miss a few meals yo

>bitch desperate for food
>offers nudes
>posts to Sup Forums
>what do
>doesn't obtain nudes
>OP is a faggot


Give her some cup noodles and see her cups :^)