>mfw I will not marry and make a child
>I am only one son for my parents and grandson for grandparents.
>I will finish this disgusting chain of Japanese blood in my generation
feels so good man.
>mfw I will not marry and make a child
>I am only one son for my parents and grandson for grandparents.
>I will finish this disgusting chain of Japanese blood in my generation
feels so good man.
Same tbqh
Are your parents buttmad? Also why not? You have chance at traditional qt nippon waifu. All the West has are degenerate drug addicted nigger fucking whores.
what's it like knowing you're going to fail at the only goal of life?
white piggu go home
there is no goal in life
my parent want me to arranged marriage and I denied it ^^
Good Goys! I mean Boys! End that meaningless billions of years of evolution today with a sharp or blunt object of your choice! Great work! More shekels for everyone else! You're saving our planet son! Get on with it and expiate yourself from this unhappy abode! Surely happiness awaits you on there other side! We salute you SENPAI. Hero. Hero. Hero.
C-Can we see pics of the qt you rejected?
Was the girl cute?
the only goal of life is to propagate your genetic information
maybe 6/10 or 7/10 tier.