I've been on Sup Forums since 2011 so I'm fully aware of what I'm about to get told.
> be me, never knew father
>molested at 12
>join Marine Corps
>Helmand 2011, literally get a guy sprayed all over me.
>can't stop drinking, failed marriage, son stolen from me, have intense withdrawals everyday. Whay do Sup Forums when you're 28 and have lost your life?
I've been on Sup Forums since 2011 so I'm fully aware of what I'm about to get told
checked heil hitler dubs
Seek professional help I guess?
>get a guy sprayed all over me
its called an IED faggot
>>molested at 12
by whom?
Did you lose any comrades? how did that feel
Is that your post, OP?
If so: 88x2 noice.
grow a pair of balls you weak faggot, you don't have it tough you only think you do because you're a soft cunt.
Kill yourself already or stop feeling sorry for yourself, your life is fucking easy.
holy shit Hitler dubs again. Been there done that kid. Had to sit on patrol all day watching ants drag bits of flesh into their tunnels. It's what we signed up for devil dog.
it was taken on the roof of a mosque.
>It's what we signed up for devil dog
Confirmed pog or civilian
No one in talks like that unless you're talking down on them and a grunt sure as shit wouldn't talk down to another grunt
you know I don't blame you for being ignorant, but how many people have ypu seen blown up? I'm not weak for being affected by seing war. Wtf have you done?
0621 attached to grunt unit on a MEU. Wpns co style.
you aren't alone man.
There are a lot of us in your position. Even support groups set up by guys who went through it.
I just honestly feel like we were used to protect the poppy
>Pog did a meu is now a badass
Yeah nah fuck you
Fyi, we call Marines we don't consider real Marines "devil dog"
Next time a grunt calls you a devil dog just know he's basically calling you a bitch
I have long stopped caring about what I thought we were there for or whose war we were fighting.
I was there for my brothers and overall, whether I could see it or not, and whether it made sense to me or not, a lot of little strange things had to happen to make the big picture work.
It wasnt an insult in my time until that srupid Marine Corps Times article came out. And I dont give a fuck, I didn't ask gor a MEU, I joined in 07, but I have the CAR to prove it was no picnic bro.
Its just shitty. You look at a ball pic from one year, and a kid that took an AK round in the neck and left a pregnant wife behimd at 22 is there and its just hard.
If your really that scared from seing some bastard get blown up then you choose the wrong job, i would have love for the opportunity to die for my country but was turned down because of my heart issue. Your a pussy. What kind of marine gets shook off a little blood and guts. Can anyone say WRONG PROFESSION, christ just kill yourself, all that training for some pansy scared of the color red? Your an American? Fuck if i was gonna kill my self id rob a bank, take lives if i had too. At least id be dieing for something worthwhile. Your pathetic. "Oh i got molested, the Marines will make me a man" step the fuck up and stop whining, be proud of your country and wipe the fuckin blood off you, you puss patty. They turn a dude like me down so they can hire an SOB like you. Fuck off
It is, everybody deals with it in different ways. If your way of dealing is destroying you or keeping you from living a normal life than it may be a good idea to talk to others who have gone through the same thing and see how they have managed.
It isn't something you can talk to just anyone about because they really don't get it. They try to relate with their own experiences and it just gets irritating that they think it can even come close to comparing.
I do have to say though. Posting about it here is just asking for shit.
everyone has your attitude until they see it for the first time, then they find out exactly how they feel about it.
spoiler alert, the percentage that aren't bothered by it is small enough to be considered 0.
move to an area where pot is legal, it'll help with your ptsd
see the va folks and get a counselor or something
says a fag who never wore a uniform, lol. "turned down for my heart" fuck you faggot, I was a recruiter, you dont have to disclose one thing. You will forever be that pussy that "almost joined" but insert excuse.
and I prefaced with that. Let the teenagers fuck with me, I don't care.
exactly. This guy is just playing internet commando because he thinks war is like the movies and video games he plays.
what a tough guy, he "almost joined the Corps" I bet you're great at dinner parties lol. If you had nuts you would've concealed the medical issue. Faggot pussy.
hes the typical, "they wouldnt take me for my eyes, or I am flat footed pussy"
also, nice misuse of "your" you likely were an ASVAB failure
You are a pathetic piece of shit. Lower than a nigger. Youre a fake nigger.
Holy shit, what a massive faggot.
Oh i know exactly how i feel about it, the dead look in they're eyes before they go. The fear, family crying, dead children. I wanna die my man, i want those fuckers to ice me, i want to die for something worth dieing for. Pain is temporary and a weak mind would let the suffering of other human shitbags get to them the only thing that should matter out there isnt "oh will i make it home?" It should be the objective. Victory. Sacrifice. Honor. That profession out there dosent mean coming home. It means your taking a trip to hell and the only 2 options are victory or death. War isnt for people who got feelings man, its for the suicidal who want to make a difference before they go, if you were out there id think you'd know that.
I went to 2 of them and am highly decorated. There's nothing wrong with disliking seeing a young man get his fucking legs blown off.
350 pound war movie enthusiast confirmed.
So now you just sit on your fat ass and shit post.
I knew a kid called isaac that talked exactly i mean EXACTLY like you. The first time we took fire he hid ina truck crying like a baby. We beat the shit out of him.
Troll level 10 unlocked.
what Battalion?
Stay strong leatherneck
exactly, that is why I say everyone has this little boys attitude until they are in the shit and then they see exactly how they respond.
This little child is just all talk, admittedly as well.
Whether this guy is even being serious or not is irrelevant, plenty of people think just like him and they are all idiots.
you are a pathetic excuse for a human being
you got a squad marine? if not get on facebook join disgruntled veteran. we'll look after you. stay safe man
Combat vet here. 11b/11c
My advice? Man the fuck up. Get your shit together, quit being a little Nancy. "Oooh, my PTSD. I can't function anymore." Get it together, jeeze.
Moved back to Oregon the day i got my 214. Smoking helps more then any of the meds they had me on
For what it's worth I can't stop drinking too. I've never been in a war zone but grew up in a shit place, my parents taught me to drop on ground at the sound of gunfire. That shit probably help me not catch a bullet from a drive by when I was just riding my bike around with the other kids.
Try to get out everyday or do something to keep your mind busy. I had a terrible night a few months ago. Was ready to grab my 9 and call it a night but just drunk drove to bar and blacked out. Started drinking alone and recalling shit. Was already hurt because the girl I was with for years got knocked a month after we broke up. But fuck it.
Start a small business or something. That keeps you super busy.
First and foremost op, sorry to hear about your situation.
I have kids as well. The feels of lost hope. The only thing I can think to recommend is some therapy. Hopefully government funded. 28 is too young to give up. Best of luck from Canada op
spoken like a true Army fag
lmao holy shit, ypu Army
fags are commenting on Helmand? lets leave it to the professionals.
haha ok Army guy
>Whay do Sup Forums when you're 28 and have lost your life?
Lucky you has had a life.
My inner life got destroyed before i learned to walk.
It's a myth that time heals everything. But time helps to accept the cards you got dealt and find routines to get along.
btw: alcohol (and any other drug) decelerates and prolongs this process significantly.
dont worry, youre both faggots. the military is for retards.
> be me, never knew father
meh, millions dont know their father
>molested at 12
what the fuck were you doing? you're 12, you could have at least swung for the cunt abusing you. faggot.
>join Marine Corps
that's your mistake. dont make us feel sorry for you
>Helmand 2011, literally get a guy sprayed all over me.
bukkake form another man is gay
>can't stop drinking
just put the bottle down. addictions are easy to conquer. its not our fault you have a weak mind.
>failed marriage
you got cucked into that. MGTOW is a thing because people like you FAILED a fucking marriage.
>son stolen from me
kick his ass then? its not hard you pussy.
>have intense withdrawals everyday.
boo hoo.
man up you big pussy.
Where is Patton when you need him
>my heart issue
Who was it broke your heart sweety?
You're obviously still feeling the pain of rejection, but that's OK, you're with friends here.
Don't be afraid, let all the hurt out
VA benefits, marine!
Get help!
Get your kid back!
Stand tall!
Are you still enlisted?
If not, go army reserve/national guard.
>I was there for my brothers
kek. love it when i get this response from military retards. dont sign up in the first place, you wont have to be a pawn and you wont have your dumb "brothers" to look after. no excuse, faggot. youre an idiot.
no shit you gullible faggot. what did you think you were doing, fighting for freedom? KEK.
what kind of VA do they have where you're from?
Every Marine in history that has gone natty guard has wanted to suck start a .45. Even the reserves, I mean come on, being a tampon used once a month?
that's pretty hard i mean it's not easy or medium diffuculty... so.. yeah. why are you a butthurt, cleary mouth raped by everyone in life queer faggot? mad as fuck at the world KYS
Soft army fag giving "tought guy advice"
>Whay do Sup Forums when you're 28 and have lost your life?
In your case I would recommend simply ending your life.