You're on a lunch date with this woman, and she asks you:
>Are you a feminist?
What do you do?
You're on a lunch date with this woman, and she asks you:
>Are you a feminist?
What do you do?
Not go on a lunch date with a person who looks like this in the first place.
Generally. There should be equality, and right now I don't think there is but too often I see people on the extreme end of things and how they largely represent the movement as a whole. I'm also not actively involved in the process so my opinion carries little weight on the rest of the world.
Yes, I'm a feminist.
I think that women should be allowed to get naked wherever they want and to masturbate in public.
Are you going to do something about your hair?
I'm for equality of opportunity, never equality of outcome
I am completely lost as to what I'm looking at
Tell her "Tits or GTFO" because the internet has desensitized me in social situations.
"I've never really considered it. From what I can tell, women have equal rights to men, and they may have even greater rights than men because they get usually get guardianship of the kids and most of the property in a divorce. I believe in abortion rights though, if that's what you mean. Can you please put your breast away, we're in public."
I question how I ended up on a lunch date in the first place.
god youre cringey
Respond with
>Fuck off, hairdo. You oughta be shot in the face for that stupid fucking mullet
"What does that mean to you?"
They usually answer some completely PC thing that you can agree to. It's VERY VERY rare that someone who says they are feminist are actually radical extremists. Usually it's just people who think it means "egalitarian".
It's just a word, ffs, it doesn't mean anything to most people. It's a cliche. A turn of phrase. Like a politician saying they're "Tough on crime".
Most people don't know what the fuck they are talking about using buzzwords that they heard of TV, so you have to ask them what they think and what they feel if you really give a fuck about understanding where they are mentally.
id say duh girl obvs, what a dumb question. lets scissor when we get home
>make her vegan cookies.
>make frosting for cookies.
>add horse semen to cookies.
>knowing she is vegan, she will freak out about eating animal products.
*she eats them*
>her face melts, animal products melting false human flesh from her body.
>she reveals her true form; a disgusting witch trap, long dick hanging with titty balls and a vagina for a urethra.
"knowing you just ate and killed babies, how do you feel about abortion now, snowflake?"
>I pull out my katana; 6 feet long- and I top my hat with my fedora.
>I slice her witch body in two, forever ending her cancerous wrath.
>You're on a lunch date with this woman
I would never be on a date with a pile of shit like that. Honestly, who the fuck dates someone with a nose ring like that? It's repulsive. I wouldn't even hire her to clean my fucking toilet.
Putting quotes around something so that if people call you out on it, you can just say you were quoting something.
I respect those who respect themselves. Respect is always earned, never given.
You forgot
>tips fedora
this is a super unpleasant picture. not a great body but usually i'm not too picky. but the nasty taco bell flopping all over the place, the malformed boob, the haircut that makes you imagine unwashed, sweaty, dandruff-ridden scalp... nah son.
Say no, duh.
Punch her in tha face and tell her to put on some clothes. There could be some kids around.
A) they're in a taco Bell. Why are they at taco Bell?
B) why is her tit just out.... Like... What?
C) why does her tit look like it was trapped in a bell jar for twenty years?
D) what is with her hair?
E) those eye brows.... Cool it with the plucking
F) who the fuck goes to taco Bell and doesn't get a naked chalupa?
That's cool I'm a feminist too but if you was my g/f and you did that I think I would give you an ice cold Cosby and thrown you in a wood chipped and use you as fertilizer to grow my fucking potatoes.
I believe in a woman's right to choose... to orgasm on my cock
"Not for those tits I'm not."
She lacks nutrition she barely has a tit.
she sets off way too many red flags
Make sure everything is equal.
Expose my right nipple in kind
feminist I suppose
>implying i'd ever eat at taco bell
Tell it no. Not like I want to put my cock in it in the first place, so I don't give a fuck what it thinks.
I wouldn't take someone that looks like that out for lunch in the first place, thus avoiding this situation which I saw a thousand miles away.
yeah this...... i'm not even going to bother with this thread to sjw for me
"Dude, you have a quesadilla slice on you shirt. It looks weird..."
this this this it'd be funny if op was actually this women.
Her breasts are so awful I didn't even notice one was hanging out.
>feminazi glasses
>feminazi haircut
Is it just me, or does she have the tits of a feminist? I swear I've seen tons of feminists with tits like that. I don't see that kind of titty in porn near as much.
but who the fuck would she looks like she would slice your fucking cock off in the night
malnourished or lack of estrogen
I take a picture of her tit hanging out and post it on Sup Forums
that sounds about right
not enough meat in her faggoty vegan diet
I would like to see some one photo shop her into a normal person a time before her daddy issues sent her spiraling in to conformity.
bitch looks like my grandma
"Waiter! Check please!"
>going anywhere near someone with TERF bangs
not a bad idea i'm gonna try but its going to take me for ever
So... You're an Egalitarianism, not a feminist.
Feminism is that women are inherently worth more than men.
say yes and hope I can cop a footjob or something before she realizes I lied
its what average tits look like you fucking virgin. you'd be surprised how small non-porn penises are.
>>knowing she is vegan,
How can you know this? Just assuming it since she is eating a taco bell taco, and those turn out to not contain actual meat?
No it isn't
son, I was banging your mom well before you were born
at least nine months
Tell her, "No, because I believe in equality."
equality means equal opportunities for everyone, which means special support for weaker people
She has the bangs of a special ed student and glasses even an old lady from the 50s would find unstylish, yet it took you until just then to tell she's a feminist? Amateurs.
then why are you asking, if you're seen my mums tits.
Ain't no quesadilla, what you seeing, fool?c
asking what feminist tits look like on average?
how about because I don't date feminists?
On board with feminists who are all about freeing their nipples. More women should do it.
No, I support women who are independent and think and work for themselves.
These "feminists" are still women with women needs. Sure, they have their toys, but do crave a man. One fantasy I have is reducing their feminist-deluded confidence down to nothing, and seducing them just for a nice hate-fuck.
Just fucking them until they surrender to cumming is hot.
well my moms a feminist, and you dont date or fuck girls ever.
>tube titties
I barf.
I give up fags no attention span
hmm. the little bit you did looks pretty impressive. I don't blame you for quitting, I think she would have look like shit regardless.
photo shop can't even fix the bitch much less inspire someone to do it.
I never would have went out with that ugly feminist cunt in the first place.
that was a really stupid statement you just made and i hope you feel like an asshole right now
#freethenipple is the best thing to come out of feminism
Why their usually anorexic or obsess. below average you mean.. unless you can convince me with yours until then tits or gtfo