Be me

>be me
>Arab (born in Syria) living in UAE
>been living here most of my life
>see expats getting fucked and kicked from Kuwait
>see shit go down in Qatar and qataris getting kicked out from UAE
>realize that no matter what, this place isn't home
>look at home country (not Syria) and it's an absolute shithole with sexist and extremist goatfuckers running rampant
>never lived there
>never wanna go there
>can't go to country of birth either (which is another shithole)

Tfw you realize you don't belong anywhere, any moment you could be told to back up and leave

Your whole life can be built on a thing that could be taken away in the matter of seconds

Your home country is shit, you're just a temporary resident in your current country and no one in the world likes sandniggers

Should I just kms Sup Forums?

Never thought that way thanks for opening me eyes OP,and dont do an hero pls

come to murica and work at a gas station ! worked for my daddy who's pakistani and im pretty sure white folk dont like us anymore than they like you

How old are you? you could try to emigrate to europe to study or work?

Can you post a picture? I bet you're hot.

I didn't work 4 years on a degree to end up in a gas station

I really want this to be true but you're going to have to prove it otherwise you're a fat white male.

Try to immigrate to canada? heard they're friendly to immigrants

Keep fighting OP!
I believe in you :3

I'm 23, I already have a university degree (will get it in a week)

Currently doing an internship at a major advisory firm

I thought about Europe but after all the things I read online by Europeans, I don't think I'm welcomed there

All muslims should kill themselves. So yes.

You're a rude bitch and should get off my Sup Forums

if that's you in the pic, they will welcome you

Stay the fuck out of Europe you scum.

What do you mean?
And I wish I was a fat white male at least I'd have a home, or a place I belong to, a place that would treat me like a human

Yes, yes
I know

go suck a goats dick you islam loving faggot

Apply for a graduate degree in the US. Build a professional career in a non-shithole location from there.

I lived in the UAE and the place is a mess. You have no rights there if you're not Emirati and the Emirati culture sucks (cars, prostitutes, religious hypocrisy). The UAE has been awful to the Qataris too, mostly because they can't stand Al Jazeera and its open criticisms of those in power. Just accept that you're now a refugee and you need to set yourself up in a new place that will accept you and allow you to flourish. I recommend either of the coasts in the US (which is where most of the money is). Good luck, user.

I mean until you prove that you are Syrian and in the UAE, you're a fat white male like the rest of us. Prove it.

do you have degree on finances or accounting? you seem be doing well, compared to the majority. you have an intership that is in your area of experties? all higher education immigrants are more than welcome in the world. Also uae is one of the best countries in middle-east. if you really want to move you should try to get work visa.

I was born in Syria, but I don't have the Syrian passport (I have another Arab country's passport).
How do I prove that?

Tbh OP, if you wanted some advice, you don't post it here.
This place is one of the most hate-filled places on the surface web

Moving to Europe is a great option, people will like you if you have a good degree....


Sorry for autism

I have a BSBA in finance, but I'm not exactly working in my field
Working in an non-financial advisory firm
Although it does work with a lot of financial firms

Need to get some money first before working on my graduate degree

And yeah, while it's not that great, the UAE is way better than any other option in the Middle East

But it can never be your home if you're an expat (they rarely ever give passports/citizenship)

Just go to USA or Europe like everybody does... Of course their laws and society is pretty different than Middle-East but seems to work as so many people want to move there.

That's what I like about Europe, separation of state from religion, the idea that you have personal freedoms and human rights

I think it would actually be weird if I move to a place like that and start saying things critical of the government in broad daylight infront of strangers

>Need to get some money first before working on my graduate degree
Just get a loan to cover the graduate degree or borrow from some family members. It's your only real ticket to a life of proper wealth, comfort, and stability. There are plenty of Syrian communities around the US too. I'm expecting the UAE to implode sometime too when the reputation gets around of what a shithole of a place it is and the property bubble pops. Then it can return to being what it was always destined to be, which is a large shopping mall for Saudis and a sex playground for hypocritical Muslims with money.

Would it matter if I complete my degree in the UK? Or would it be preferable to do it in the US?

I worked for the US government for a while in one of my internships, already went through the security clearance process, should be a tiny bit easier to apply for immigration/student visa

You can say that you're Palestinian, it's okay.

The salary level for professionals in the US is a bit higher than in the UK. Property prices and the cost of living in the US are a bit lower than in the UK. Personally, I think you come out ahead by being in the US. As a non-American in the US (mostly NYC), I found the culture to be very welcoming too. Going with the UK would be a good option too, but probably the US is preferable and more welcoming.