Trips decides what I do with this golf ball

Trips decides what I do with this golf ball.

Other urls found in this thread:

up pooper

Shove it up to your ass

Sharpie in pooper

You heard 'em, shove it up there.

Make a cO2 cannon and fire it at your back

Melt it with a lighter

hit it with a baseball bat in the direction of some buildings

shoot a 12 on a par 3

if it's not going up your ass then we dont care

up bum lol

ugly fingers

put it in yer mouth with all the other balls


Shelf it

swallow the golf ball

I think it's pretty obvious what everyone wants you to do with it. So do that thing. Rollex.

Throw it at a dogs skull

gag your sister with it

Up the bum


Eat it whole like you are taking a pill.

Play a nice game of golf with your friends or family

You have very low imaginative ideas huh?
I could go for that
Fingers in general mate are uglyCould prove interesting just a regular lighter?
Want to do something, but interesting
Did you come up with that yourself?

Cut it open and with the elastic inside wrap it around your balls/tits until the blood circulation stops and they fall off.

Throw it at the windshield of your moms car.

Eat it fag

swallow it

lick all parts of it

Gouge someone's eyes with it

In ass fag

Cut open and chew on the stuff in the inside

In bum

Obvious death
No sister
Sounds good if only trips
Momma don't got a car man


Poop shoot

Throw it at a bum while yelling four. Then go pick it up and tell him you are sorry, but you need to stay off the golf course.

Throw it at some random kid on the street and yell your full name

shoot it.

Up your po hole

Come on OP we all want to see you crack a dogs skull open with it

Go play golf with it


Throw it in the woods

Put it in the trash with time stamp

Reroll cause fuck you

nah i know some fingers that i would swallow

Slight chuckle, dislike homeless would be funny
Neighbor dog would be good would have to do it at night.

Place it on your eye socket and use a mallet to hammer it in


Put it in your own cars exhaust pipe.

Give it to a kid next door.

Satanic trips get throw it in your toilet

How about you put it into your ass?

put it in the gas tank in your car

Right up the ass.


>full name lol


Well lemme go find a fucking shit stain to throw this at, video coming soon as possible.

And confirmed

Put in your mouth and try to say"I'm doing for the lulz"

in the ass

Take it outside to an open space. Hold it in your hand. Spin yourself around while counting to 10. When you finish counting stop spinning. Now throw it in that direction as hard and as far as you can.

go to a grocery store and swap it for an egg in an egg carton.

tell us where you'll post the vid!

Where is a good place? Any recommendations?

>Shove it up to your ass
and then
>Sharpie in pooper
And then
>shoot a 12 on a par 3
And then
>swallow the golf ball


Hit it 100 yards

>full name
>video coming

giphy probs

Oh trips

epic win?


this again

Trips already happened... Gonna go find a kid to hurl this fucking ball at!

Oh my!!! Good luck, OP, and post pics of results.

rolling for this

You're a shitposting loser mate. Upload a timestamped picture with a golf ball and a shoe or something else random. You can't so fuck off!!!!


shove it down your pee pee hole?

are you- are you actually doubting the fact that he has a golf ball? really?

swallowing the golf ball is possible without doing a death, just cut it up in pieces




Fidget spin it

jesus man, this board has been baited so much that we doubt the simplest of things. also checked

all the way

stick up ass and fart it at a target

Can't find any little shits to hit!

I prolly dont have a whale's dick
But sure.. Do it

Is thread kill?



Stop making excuses OP

Fuck you, not my fault can't find any shit out in this heat.

break into somebodys house then