Big fat fucks being big fat fucks
Big fat fucks being big fat fucks
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Someone should put it back in the water
Should use the drive through. So at least people wonder if maybe you are ordering for other people too.
Wtf! None of you fags look like these fast fucks. only me.?
every time I see this i laugh when he pushes the cart into the back of her seat
I said moar damn you
Moar pics now please... I can't weight
Give me moarrr
Let the beetus flow through u
it begs the question, how long did it take her to get inside?
>be person
>start noticing you're a bit heaver than everyone else
>maybe in elementary school they call you names
>maybe as a teen or young adult you have trouble getting dates
>normal person: whoa, maybe I should lose some weight
>lose some weight, eat better, work out, go on with life
>fat fuck: gimme large chicken nuggets with a bacon cheeseburger on the side
This is why I have no sympathy for fat people.
It's not like they woke up one day completely fat.
They had to work at this for years.
>be my college gf
>she's a bit chubby, but still curvy
>cries to me about childhood
>"kids called me names, they were so cruel"
>be me, fit from athletics
>tell her, "you aren't fat, but you can still lose some weight"
>eat better, take diet pills, do some swimming
>she looks great, gets a new bikini, shows it off at college bikini contest
>one month later, she says it's too hard
>stops eating better, goes back to original shape
>oh well
>years later, find her on facebook
>man the harpoons
some people just want to be fat for some reason,
no matter what it costs them.
wtf are those her feet
don't click this thumbnail
I love fat people eating feasts that can feed an entire family from Africa of a week straight.
where does the belly and the leg begin..?
Why does her feet look like that of a albino elephant..??
>inb4 fat positive uses this as reference that small doors are 'fatphobic' and problematic in society
That boy ain't right
kill them with fire please.
he's washing that down with a diet's all good
i used to buy that it was awesome
The legend
there is webm floating around of this cunt getting a sponge bath around all that horrid skin, not many things make me dry retch, that did
he's got a point
There's your problem, you've got 2 fridges.
2 fridges and can't get to either.
Funny thing I considered myself fat when my body had a fat percentage of around 20% (I am 22 years old), which is considered healthy in the US. Fuck that, thats not healthy at all.
My goal is 12% btw. Lost 13 pounds of fat in two weeks.
It's hot.she's melting
keep up the good work user
just ditch the fried food and sugar, get more exercise and those pounds will drop away
>you shouldn't exercise, because, you know, your body has a finite amount of energy....kind of like a battery, that doesn't reset when you rest or sleep
>I like my steaks burned and in pools of ketchup
Is that where her pussy starts?
That is so fucking disgusting
i always wanted to travel to the usa.but now, after this thread, i seen all. not need to go anymore
I bet if you jumped on him his head would fly off
This is barely the snow on the highest tip of the iceberg.
>which is melting at an alarming rate, but that's okay because covfefe
>the Jews forced me to eat this
No he doesn't
Thans user. I used to have a fat percentage of around 15%. I was eating unhealthy since I got a gf. 6 months of eating thrashy food payed its price.
What always baffles me is that it's understandable to be somewhat overweight just due to modern lifestyles and the fact that being an adult means being too tired to care about most things, but once you get to that size.... to a size when you need to drop $50 AT TACO BELL just to meet the caloric needs to simply remain at that size, how do you justify it?
It's burning money.
well first of all, you're lying. We don't consider 20% body fat "healthy." Certainly not at fucking 22. It might be "average" for a 40 year old, but you're just wrong on both categories. Not to say we don't have a lot of issues with weight, but no one would ever say "healthy" to 1/5th of your body being fat.
Good for you for wanting to change for the better, though. As long as it's done in a safe way it can only help you.
He doesn't look THAT bad for a guy that's so fucking old. He probably isn't physically capable of most cardio exercises
explain me, what is this, that thing in her asshole
thanks* paid*****
rip my language. Maybe I should sleep lol
Fuck, I had a professor in her 80s able to run marathons (and probably still does). At that age, your health should be one of the main things on your mind. Donnie's the last guy to body-shame anyone, much less give health advice.
I saw this somewhere from a news agency, this motherfucker is making serious bucks.
My dad used to be massively overweight, he got down to a really healthy weight by just eliminating one unhealthy thing at once from his diet. First it was no more fries, then no more chocolate, no more soda, no more fried food. Didn't take him long and to look at him now you'd never think he was overweight.
looks like her pussy shit itself
a lobster?
moment, first we should discuss about where the pussy is. on here it looks like the ass be in the front.
so its the ass or pussy
good for him. Being overweight decreases the quality of life big time
That's a pretty extreme example, and one which probably required a lifetime of good health decisions. He seems to do a lot of lower impact stuff, so I guess he tries to keep up with that. Honestly, at a certain point you can really only recover so much of what was lost.
It's all about taking responsibility and using a modicum of self-control. Pic related.
is that fat on her forehead
according to his doctor's note (he's the first president not to release medical info) he's the most physically fit president, ever!