How can I get a job Sup Forums? I'm 19 with no preparation, dropped out of uni

How can I get a job Sup Forums? I'm 19 with no preparation, dropped out of uni

apply for every job possible. odds are you'll end up with a job.

Go back to uni. The educated economy is going to be booming in the next few decades, healthcare, finance, etc.

Actually try and you'll succeed.

If you don't have a way back into school or you just suck at it then start at the bottom.

Get a menial job working for someone with a trade skill. Take out the trash at a machine shop. Learn to do something but make sure you work hard and don't bitch about your state in life.

Remember, you did this to yourself when you dropped out

Go back to uni or go to a trade school

>Get a menial job working for someone with a trade skill. Take out the trash at a machine shop.

Truer words were never spoken. Must like the old "mail room" jobs.

lol idiot, just browse local ads and apply for anything possible. Most simple jobs require nothing more than your will to work your ass off.

I did this, but I only had 2 interviews (over 20 applied jobs) and got rejected from one, no news about the other one

Your job now is to tell me how is this goddess

I already applied for a lot of shitty jobs, no reply whatsoever except for 2 interviews I had. Got rejected for one of the jobs and the other guy hasn't contacted me yet


You have no prep and no degree. You will have to start out at a position that a retard could literally do. Develop a skill or a trade or you are going to have an awful life.

Name ?

No sauce, sorry, got it from a thread some time ago

ashley alban, she has fake tits but I think they are pretty nice

In this country that is close to homeless, also I'm not pathriotic at all. It's not an option I reject, though.

Don't apply for jobs you aren't qualified for, there is a system in place now that will blacklist you from the entire company. Hiring managers also talk to eachother a lot. Depending on where you live look up a program called "Year Up" they can help you get back in school and get an internship at a fortune 500 company.

Yeah, but there are a lot of guys with no prep or degree looking for that kind of job, so it's hard as fuck to find one, I've been trying for two months now (since I dropped out)

get a job in a non-corporate store
work hard
move up
run the store

this is like a 2-5 year plan

Where are u

19 same problem.

But I'm going college in 2 months

Op you live with your mom.? Cos I do

This is easier said than done, I can't find that kind of jobs here, I've tried

go to a temp agency. work at the place they'll send you for a month or two. or five days whatever then throw that "experience" on your resume.

I have to, I would've moved a long time ago if I could

living with your parents while in school is smart actually

apply for one you fucktard

Ihave to, I would've moved a long time ago if I could

If your are 19 there are plenty of places for young unemployed people. Just search online.
I am 100% sure that if you actually try you will have a job in a month.

I have tried, I even humilliated myself asking my parents for contacts or whatever they could help me with

Go to a place that's hiring and put in an application, you retard. It's literally that simple.

All my frucking friends got jobs thanks to their parents
And they make jokes about me for not having a job

My mother works at home and my father won't help me get a job at his factory

Be my cumdump. I pay daily, aslo have to get my coffee

Okay, post an email to discuss payment and place

I don't know what it's like where you live, but where I live trade jobs
-don't require post secondary to start
-don't put you into debt. We even get EI (government employment insurance) while we go to school for a couple months a year during apprenticeship
-easy to get into because demand is high
-can be very well paying.
-highly transferable. You can take your skills anywhere. You are not dependent on an employer. I got fired for telling an upper management dick to fuck right off. I was working again 3 days later for someone else.

I was making $120,000/year in an industrial fly in/fly out environment. It was nice because I'd have a week off at a time. That's the money I was making as a worker bee, not even a foreman, but I was union. I have health problems that have forced me out of the trades, but the trades were very good to me.

You could do that until you decide what you want to do with the rest of your life.

Southern Europe

I don't even know what a trade job is, never heard of anything simmilar


merchant navy?

Nope, not here as far as I know

Teleperformance mate, they'll take anyone.

A trade:skilled labor.

Mechanics,Engineers that kind of stuff.

god dammit op. you know that south park episode where cartman has to sing come sail away with me every time he hears it? it's the same thing with this video, I have to jack off after I see it

See if a baker will let you work. It's shit work, but you will leave with a legit skill you can employ yourself with for the rest of your fucking life.