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no user this is normal, stop being a problematic transphobe

t. your average leaf

how is this normal?

you sure have read and studied a lot in order to have that opinion about the matter,right?

gender is a social construct, we have to let children decide their genders on their own

Who cares


that's a bunch of crap.

Let's not confuse the infant with labels?OH Canada u fuckin hoser



Does it have a micro penis or something.

its ok anyone who rly wants to know the gender of the child will just look at the reproductive organs

Apparently Gender no longer equals Sex.

It's a different word for more bullshit.

This won't work anymore thanks to modern day sex change surgery.

But even still, shouldn't they just write down the sex? Even with all the gender bullcrap

it's proven science you can deny it all you want bigot but it doesn't change the facts


Sounds like an intersex.

dw about that either, you can just look inside of any nucleus of any cell from the person and see the X or Y chromosomes

Canada what are you doing?

Please tell me she didn't name her kid cereal

>Gender no longer equals Sex
It really never did you paleo-conservative identitarian

sure because a homo with a shitty tier vag can host children in his belly

I hate this planet.

>dw about that either, you can just look inside of any nucleus of any cell from the person and see the X or Y chromosomes

dw about that either, you can just look inside of any nucleus of any cell from the person and see the X or Y chromosomes



dw about that either, you can just look inside of any nucleus of any cell from the person and see the X or Y chromosomes

Then it should be socially acceptable to rape any woman in the world as they freely chose to be of that gender.

>>Start raping people
>>Say you identify as a woman
>>get away with it since women always win in rape cases

this is why trump won.

seriously, fuck liberals sometimes.

if they had stopped this retarded shit, we wouldnt have had that mongolid as the president.

I mean, the results are already coming out. Parents who let their kids decide on a gender, followed up by hormone treatment, are rendered utter failures from a biological view. they won't reproduce, their bioheretical PC religion will die with them. Breeding populations win by deck default.

It's not that simple. XX, XY, XXY, XYY are all possible and have been documented. Plus, there are a host of mutations that can occur that cause ambiguity in the sex of a person.

But this is all so easy

Penis = man
Vagina = woman
trans lgbt fliud etc = attention seeking fuckwit

there is too many cancer - too many people wants this gender retardation

in the past faggot feelings were hurt when homosexuality was a mental illness - was reduced to deviation, yet it wasnt enough so now its perfectly normal
soon pedophilia and bestiality will ce classified as nothing wrong

>"your baby is in a very low percentile for body weight, we fear he... .pardon, xher... may be malnourished"
>"but that's only according to the male charts, and as we know this baby is ungendered until xher hits age 4 and picks a pink dress of a table, making him a female (much like a young buddhist boy grasping the possession of a former master, thus defining him as the reincarnation of said master)"

>"oh but also men can wear dresses too, unless they are 4 years old, in which case we need to pump them full of estrogen and cut their penises off"

wow you people are morons

Checked for Truth.

no they havent. dw about that either, you can just look inside of any nucleus of any cell from the person and see the X or Y chromosomes

His gender is A FUCKING LEAF.

>Be genetics specialist.
>Finally see someone who passed highschool biology.


also xxy chromosome is klinefelters syndrome you fucking moron

trips dont lie my case is made

abortion will cure all inbreds and mutants

All bullshit aside, this truly doesn't bother you?



>lists three genders
So you agree that there's more than two genders. Got it.

>is biological a male

>"hey son, how are you doing?"
>hey girl, could you please help me with the groceries?"
>hey boy, it's time to go to bed!"

You can also easily count their ribs and tell if they are male or female

and also XYY syndrome is basically just a man with more testosterone and less intelligence, it doesnt relate to gender at all

The (((mother))) in question.

Gender and sex have always been different concepts, you mongoloid.


Are you stupid? Go back to school moron, gender is not social matter it's about how biologically you born idiot, if you are "social recognized" as a piece of shit (even if I think you are) biologically you're not


They all are sterile so technically they are "it".
There's only two genders: "man" and "not a man".

is "attention seeking fuckwit" a gender to you?

Nah 2 genders and mental illness

That's sex

You're right, reality is much worse and these lunatics mutilate their kids with medication and surgery

if this is real that kid is in for a bad life

No gender is listed because the parents refuse to let a doctor see the child, so in issuing a health card they put U for unknown for the gender. Ontario is slightly different, with gender not being listed on new healthcards. The article is being deliberately misleading


this kid as to wear earmuffs, so it can't hear the shit that's comming out of it's "mothers" mouth

dw about that either, you can just look inside of any nucleus of any cell from the person and see the X or Y chromosomes

It shouldn't bother you either all of this shit is horribly overblown in an attempt to make people on the right feel superior or that they are fighting for some really ligitimate moral cause. Meanwhile, it is terribly easy to find dumbasses on either side. When you look into the dumbass sjw's on the left though, you realize it's mostly just young people. College students, people who will probably never be able to hold down a job, people who will never hold any real political or economic power because they don't even bother to try, or understand how the system works. These people are not a threat, almost by definition, they are ineffectual by nature. Meanwhile they are overblown as this massive society ending problem by right-wing outlets so everyone has something to rail against while no one actually passes a remotely legitimate sounding policy or proposal to help them.

Canada is deliberately misleading in general are you in the anglosphere or not ?

because seeing a penis on your baby doesn't mean you had a boy.

You're an idiot

Why is that toilet in the middle of the bathroom, with no stall around it?

>it's a single person bathroom

Then why are there other people in it and where is the sink?

Gender = what an user feels
Sex = do ya got the dick or the puss

Lol this whole thread is bad bait.

There are two genders. Male and female. Only a male and a female can reproduce naturally. Therefore anyone else who claims anything but heterosexuality is doing a disservice to the entirety of the human race.

Another way to look at it is since we humans haven't had a world war in a little while, nature is naturally curbing reproduction by selecting weaker genetic strains for deletion by making the offspring fucking retarded and not interested in reproduction.

Either way let them do them, but don't let them adopt and make surrogacy for transgender and homosexuals illegal. Problem solved. Failure to comply will result in a forced termination of the pregnancy.

>What is genetic disease?

Fucking go back to school

Leftist dumb fucks

there are too many bigots and strawman it this place

XYY syndrome is klinefelter's disease, hes just very bad at baiting unfortunately


Genocide of liberals when?

Lefties are so reactive


Probably sooner than you think

For fuck sake

So in Canada bill c-16 passed and compelled speech is now a thing. You must use the proper pronouns what's next the thought police next year.

This is fake news, also your birth certificate shows the sex of the baby which is biological

So there is no vage gap anymore between genders because women can now freely choose to be men when ever xhe wants?

Keep the faith friend this liberal faggotry is just a fad

What? Link to this

They would never be able to enforce that.

It's probably meant for selective enforcement, to attack political wrongthink.
It's more of a psychological control than anything.

I just read the Wikipedia tldr of it. It only applies to federal ministries

You can deal with it complain but do nothing to make meanibgful change, for kill yourself.

Nobody wants to hear your complaining

Like if i'm being honest if someone preferred to be called he/she I would since it makes no difference to me, but all of this attack helicopter furry demigod nonsense needs to disappear, it's mental illness.

Bill c-16

I know. Did a whole module on sex related disease during my degree

I hope the Muslims rape every single last one of you and you can cry about it and we'll tell you how oppressed the Muslims are by you and they can't be rapists because rape is a social construct and you probably wanted it anyways because you invited them in the first place. Oh and how can you be raped if the penis is a lie? Check mate, christfag.

The doctor would use the pronoun "thier" or "they".
>"your baby is in a very low percentile for body weight, we fear they may be malnourished"
Xer and Xe are memes, as in "not real"

So it's like California's travel ban?

We can't. It's become the norm and the non-retarded folks are fighting a losing battle.

Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy? It's becoming reality.