A series of events have concurred, and i have absolutely nothing to live for anymore...

A series of events have concurred, and i have absolutely nothing to live for anymore. I do not want any comments about me having too seek help or shit like that. All i want to know about is the most painless and effective method of killing yourself. I live in Norway so i will not be able to get a hold of a gun. I just turned 18 and got a gift of 10.000kr from my mother (1200$ aprox.). So that is my budget.
Thanks beforehand.

Other urls found in this thread:

linde-gas.com/internet.global.lindegas.global/en/images/Hazards of inert gases and oxygen depletion17_13909.pdf

bag over the head and pure nitrogen, your body doesn't realise you're not getting oxygen anymore and you just drift off peacefully.

Don't do it though, suicide is a white person problem, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem

buy a ticket to another country and start anew life is not that hard pussy ass bitch

Ta live ditt sammen di jævla fitta. Forbanna idiot viss du drepe deg sjolv. Mann opp å start ein kriminell underverden

nothing more to add

U r 18 and know shit.

Eat cookies and drink milk.

Dude you're 18 chill the fuck out, see what life has to offer before you decide it's not worth living.

You live in the best country in the world why would you kill yourself you retard

>bawww I have nothing to live for bawww my girlfriend broke up with me and my fish died bawwww

Fuck off crybaby

Dude you are young. You are loved

if hes thinking about suicide already it probably wont get better

Jesus user are you retarded? He'll make up his mind and be thankful he didn't off himself like a pussy in. a year or so.

du er 18 år og du har mye mer å leve for, seriost

Ta deg sammen. Ikke gi opp så tidlig

Bruk de 10.000kr på no fint som gjor deg glad:) Livet er en gave, ikke kast det bort på ting som skjer når du er ung.


go hang yourself kid

I have heard that lack of oxygen is one of the worst ways of turning the lights off. Does it put you to sleep before you eventually die?

dude, you're 18. there's so much in this world you can do, just give it a chance. do not quit just yet, do something you've always wanted, travel, meet new people, discover things, explore. there is so much to do and you want to quit without giving it a single chance? c'mon you can do great stuff, just go out and do something.

At least wait till your 30 dude. If you are going to end it early, at least go out with the chance for pain. Jump off a building and see if you can crack your melodramatic skull.

There is a way based on the hight of the fall and how long the rope is to kill yourself without feeling a thing (it snaps your neck) search it up if you want.
But to be honest you shouldn't do it... i thought about it many times because i was in a situation very similar to yours but i didn't and now, even if nothing special happened, i m pretty happy.

gas just buy welding gas (since it'll be pure and sometimes people put oxygen in helium) and just jerry rig a mask to the gas and just breathe til you pass out and die a take costs like $100-$200 depending on size and type of gas (argon, co2, helium)

Drittbrev i /norgetråden/ på Sup Forums heller enn på Sup Forums ditt naut.

For å være litt on-topic så er nok karbonmonoksidforgiftning en av de enkleste smertefrie metodene. Trenger en engangsgrill eller tilsvarende og et noenlunde tett rom (steng ventiler på soverommet og legg noe klær forran eventuell sprekk under doren). Light engangsgrill og legg deg i sengen. Du sovner i lopet av 10 minutter uten smerte og er dod i lopet av 30. Sikkert greit å legge noe som ikke er brennbart under grillen så du ikke brenner ned huset til foreldra dine da.

Bor du på ostlandet vil jeg gjerne ta en ol med deg for du "drar" :)

Your body supposedly can't tell the difference between nitrogen and oxygen, so it thinks it's still breathing just fine while you are in fact dying. Thus no/minimal pain. There will be immense pain if your body thinks you're not getting oxygen.

>Thus no/minimal pain

Has anyone confirmed this? Uh, no, because they're fucking dead.

er ikkje så lett

one can assume its like dying in your sleep I don't see what pain can be involved since you just pass out

Bor desverre på Vestlandet. Vet du om det er mulighet til å f.eks leie en garasje i Norge, ettersom jeg ikke vil utfore det hjemme.

Dude at least wait till your 30 before ending it. Crack your skull on the feet of the tallest building in Norway if your just going to be a pussy about life. Also if your going to put that on your mother by using her money to off her own flesh and blood. Your scum dude.

>one can assume

Yeah, except you can't.

Killing yourself with your mother's gift?
You fucking inconsiderate asshole

Vestlandet.. kor? bor der sjov

you can't prove its painful either and I can't prove its painless but breathe in non oxygen gas you get lightheaded and feel high so its ok to assume it's painless but you're still here and so am I so neither of us can claim anything until one of us does it



A post I have the answer for. So listen, these are the ways I found that could help you commit suicide and still look like a natural death.

I live in Canada, and it's pretty much winter from September to June. So about ten months out of twelve are spent inside with little to no sunlight.

Needless to say, a lack of sunlight and a vitamin D deficiency lead to depression over time. That's one of the things that made me go ill... Anyways, since I don't have access to a gun, and don't want my family to find my body or see that I killed myself, I searched and found the best ways to commit suicide and male it look like a natural death.

So here they are...

Don't drink any liquid for a few days, then take ecstasy

A lot of caffeine pills (from online, like Amazon)

Heroin overdose

Poison (there is a PDF ebook that shows how to make it at home with house products)

Don't eat for two days, then inject insulin

Hyperventilate, then put your entire head in water

So that's it! All methods are painless, and most can't be found during autopsy, which will make it look like you just had a heart attack or something else. Heroin overdose is probably the best one if you want to feel good one last time, before dying.

Anyways, I wish you success in your attempt/s and hopefully I'll see you on the other side pretty soon.


Det er mulig ja, regner med at finner noe på finn. Det meste funker så lenge det er sånn passe tett. Er folk som dor i garasjer, telt og båter på denne måten ved uhell (dårlig lufting og ukomplett forbrenning som gir avgasser) med jevne mellomrom. Du merker bare at du blir trott, og legger/setter deg ned for å ta en hvil og våkner aldri igjen.

Selvfolge revurder om du faktisk onsker å gå gjennom med dette. Ta gjerne en tur til amsterdam for penga forst, knull en fin hore og ta en jævlig store dose syre og se om det endrer synet på livet.

People who have accidentally been poisoned by this and survived report no pain.

user here is right, think about the people that loves you instead off ending it. use the 10k kr. on something nice for you self. cheer up homie.

Thing is, I'm not the person here sitting here asserting that it's painless.

Maybe it is, but maybe it isn't.

The key word there is "survived" and also, how do you know?

>don't do it though

After you taught how to

there's been studies done, its painless you can't tell air you breathe in is so you just pass out after a few breaths and just eventually die

>there's been studies done

link them

I can not really imagine any of these making me go out easy? I have heard that there is a misconception that drug overdose or a pill overdose, or a poision overdose is quick and painless, but in reality it is one of the most painful ways to go out.

How about you read the "notes" part on the wikipeda article?

Hei. slå på tråden da vel? 116 123 hva har du å tape?

Get a hold of morphine, preferably oral morphine. One bottle of 200mg will be enough, but best get 2 just in case. If you can't get it legally, ask around dealers for morphine.

Alternatively, go to doctors, say you're depressed, answer almost all questions as strongly as possible, but if they ask about suicide say that you think about it, but don't plan on it. Get prescribed anti depressants, and take them all at once with a strong alcohol.

Either that or you take them as intended and they make you feel better. Win win.

you've got money right? buy a grip of heroin,get right and when you're good and ready take enough to od. no point in jumping off a balcony and leaving anyone else your money

A lot of those methods will be painful and far from guaranteed to succeed.

Pick one and jump.
Pic related.


check the sources at the bottom and learn to google shit

I've it's on pain killers before . by the grace of friends I got to a hospital. but I don't even remember od'ing, let alone any pain. just closed my eyes and woke up in a hospital

Heroin is not a very good method of suicide, it's often mixed with loads of shit so you never know how much actual heroin you're injecting. A guy I met from Sup Forums blew all his money TWICE on heroin trying to OD and survived both attempts.

No one has asked the important question: why are you going to be an hero?

just hang your crying ass and stop seeking attention here you kiddo


No one asked because no one cares.

i've thought of this but i feel if i go into a welding shop they're gonna ask questions or i'll have to prove i own a legit welding business before they sell me anything. it would have to be 99% pure nitrogen right? i did a bit of research and some tanks has a 25% mix of oxygen in it which may just result in brain damage.

12g's worth of any drug is more than likely enough off yourself

Just a cop looking for ip addresses of anyone encouraging him to go through with it.

fuck off neckbeard

Hi cop!
How many minorities did you shoot today?

It's not my job to research your claims for you. It's your job to provide evidence of your claims.

>It's your job to provide evidence of your claims.
But he did though

No, he didn't because there's no proof in that wikipedia article that it's painless.

Now taking bets on why OP wants to kill himself

1 - His girlfriend dumped him

2 - He failed his school exams / didn't get into the university he wanted

3 - mommy and daddy won't pay for his shit now that he's 18

The rules of the game are this: state your answer, 1, 2, or 3, in your reply. Post ending in 33, 66, or 99 is the correct answer. Your bet must be something you will do if you guess wrong.

If you have your own theory on the petty, childish reason this dumb teenager wants to end his life, simply write it out instead of answering 1, 2 or 3.

>it would have to be 99% pure nitrogen right?
Pretty much. At least 94% required to die. 20% is regular atmosphere.
>25% mix of oxygen in it which may just result in brain damage
Nah, you can breathe just fine in 25% oxygen/75% nitrogen, 0% chance of brain damage. The old space station skylab had that exact mix as their breathing air.

Narcotics overdoses are not a very reliable way of suicide. Please look up the statistics on how many people survive overdoses. Most street narcotics are very far from pure and you never know how much actual goodies you're getting. Being a insecure 18 year old who has never done drugs doesn't really give you a better chance of getting your money worth of heroin and not just paracetamol.

Here is your fucking source you cum guzzling faggot. Page fucking two.
linde-gas.com/internet.global.lindegas.global/en/images/Hazards of inert gases and oxygen depletion17_13909.pdf

OP, fuck you for making me read this whole gay ass thread. KYS faggot... Oh, wait...

Why do you want to die OP? Nothing can be that bad at 18.

If you do off yourself, don't spend the money. Leave it to help cover your funeral costs.

grab a hold of you balls and be a man, suicide is for pussies

Just don't kill yourself, man up deal with your issues it's that simple, 18years old and want to end it hahaha don't know what a real problem is you cunt

> 20% is regular atmosphere.
Whelp. Meant that regular atmosphere is 20% oxygen. If the air you breathe is less than 6% oxygen you die.

use that money to get the fuck out. go live life on ur own terms and stop being a pussy dude.

give me the 10k and I'll choke you to death. you will lose consciusness in 10 seconds and wont feel any pain. Kom till stavanger

beta cuck nigger go suck a white dick and beg for money

don't kill yourself. There is nothing after life, so something, anything.

Strangulation. Get rope, a door, wrap the rope around the handle and throw it over the top. All you need to do is just kinda lay down on the noose so there is enough pressure to block off your carotid artery. After 10 seconds you're out flat, death will happen in about 30 minutes. No pain, just make sure you dont get discovered otherwise you potato.

Good luck OP, this will be my exit one day soon.

Use the money to take a trip to a warzone in the Middle East. You'll either die quickly, or have a life changing adventure. You've got nothing to lose. Fuck it.

You quit being a pussy and get back out there you fucking idiot.

get the fuck out of your area and start helping someone else
there are small children that need help, animals dying...commit yourself to something larger than yourself

you have already given up on life so now change course and stop thinking about yourself

What causes pain is too much CO2 in your blood, if you manage to expel that you will be fine

I'm in a very similar situation to you. 18, UK (so no access to guns) been taking anti depressants since 14, depressed since 12. I was thinking either heroin overdose or helium inhallation, worse come to worst then hanging. Have to wait until next thursday when I get paid as my bank account has been frozen. Currently wearing a wristband from hospital, told them I was going to do it and they still just sent me home and told me to go on a medical detox from alcohol and drugs. Take every opportunity to take every drug I can (mdma, cocaine, fet, ket, lsd, weed, alcohol, tobacco) and constantly put myself into dangerous situations. Met up with a ramdomer from Sup Forums, knowing I could well be murdered.
We're cowardly people and you must be afraid of pain too. The only reason I haven't attempted yet(apart from a botched wrist cutting job last year) is because ifI fail, I don't want to suffer brain damage, scars, or be known as that girl who couldn't even kill herself.

Kill yourself