Anybody else a mastery climber? Show me what you got

Anybody else a mastery climber? Show me what you got...

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Play Dota 2 instead you dingusás/eune
Here's mine, doing well I think

The fuck is mastery? is it just an ingame achievement system or is it your rating on a hero vs everyone else in the world?

Both I guess, some sites let you compare yourself to other people that play the same champion

Still no 7s yet

am a scrub... from africa.. have mastery 6 on jax and lux that's it.

would love to contribute but..

if anyone's curious how I got banned


>that cuck song

one trick kindred

>lol in current year

This. I abandoned it as soon as I passed the game.

dude i was banned for 14 days for the same reason 3 days ago

One trick kin with no 7? Not enough essence?



how is it like to be trash at this game faggots? d3 hardstuck retards

I have fun, so pretty good. B5

my main man azir