What are the best shows on Netflix? just finished stranger things
What are the best shows on Netflix? just finished stranger things
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That fucking sucked IMHO
House of cards is my all time favourite. You have to stick through the first couple of episodes but it's definately worth it.
"Love" < the first season was pretty good, haven't seen the second. It's not as serious a show as HOC.
Not an original but "the killing" is a proper 5/7 show IMO.
12-25 year olds that dont watch/never watched movies like it because they dont know its a shitty badly written version of a million movies from the 80s.
I enjoyed it. I love 80's movies so this hit me right in the nostalgic balls. Why did you dislike it? I know it's not a 10/10 show but it's better than most of the crap on TV.
Old fag who's seen almost every decent 80's movie here. Still a good show IMO.
Master of None
Forgot The Inbetweeners and IT Crowd
>shitty version of a million 80's movie
Makes me want to watch it now.
I forgot to add oldfags taking the nostalgia bait.
Isn't that some poo in loo show?
Is it actually good because watched a couple episodes and holy shit aziz is a terrible actor. Seems like a worse acted worse written more tryhard louie and louie isnt even that good.
Watch it. It's an 80's cliché but it's still good.
Not shitty in a fun way shitty in a "i get it youre referencing and ripping off 80s movies but your dialogue and plotting is so shit all i see is 80s nostalgia fags wanking off over a synth"
Yes. House of fucking cards.
Its not good its watchable because its mainstream scifi tv which doesnt really exist anymore. Theres nothing really good about it besides that.
Last season fucking sucked.
Now I must watch it
Prison break (has some of the best character arks of any t.v. show)
House of cards (goes downhill tho)
Fargo (fucking amazing)
Really? Fuck off... I haven't watched it yet.
Mushi-shi is comfy as hell.
Gave up on prisonbreak after panama season. Is it worth picking up again?
Naw. Have to have been 12 when you watched it to like that fag shit.
I guess not if you didn't like Panama. I loved it cus
It went back to its roots. You might like season 4
The Expanse, the 100, Rick and Morty, sniffer to name a few
You sound like a 12 yr old
Watched the first two seasons and loved it. Never got around to the third, then my friend was watching the newest season so i just watched it with him and holy fucking shit i couldnt believe how bad it was. I was speechless. It was like a kid recreated the show and somehow got the same actors to do it. The editing was like some daytime fucking serial but slower and trying to be serious it was like a pretentious White Collar.
The expanse is highly underrated IMO
Red Versus Blue
I actually enjoyed 13 Reasons Why
Made me feel like such a pussy for crying so much at the end though
Anyone seen making a murderer? I missed it when all the hype about it was going on, is it worth seeing?
Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Orange is the New Black, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Kuromokuro. That's just their originals, not the shows from regular television.
>iron fist
Literally all shit
stranger things season 2 its epic but you dont have it yet, im from the future & you will love it user
You have to be an actual pussy to think that show is even a little bit good.
A self entitled twat kills herself as some retarded act of revenge?
Yeah gotta agree here... Media really hyped them all up but I couldn't get through any one of these.
Honestly all I use Netflix for is to rewatch the Office and Futurama while i do laundry.
F is for Family. Bill Burr voices the Father and he's hilarious. It's like a vulgar version of married with children.
oh man. you should see stranger things season 3. it's the prequel and you will love it even more.
i'm from the past.
Kek... Don't watch those. Of all netflix has to offer, those are some of the worst.
Luke Cage is boring as fuck.
I just want to say sense8 is absolute trash. I don't see the appeal. Why do so many like it? Becouse some charecters are gay? The plot doesn't even make sense. The bad guys have no clear motivation.
no it came out last halloween, for you it comes out this halloween, the next season season 3 is set to be based around thanks giving/ christmas sort of time frame
Stranger thangs, the spin off. It's a about cuckolding and you'll love it user. I'm from the future where we're all really into that shit.
Who the fuck limits themselves to one network.
Anyways, Braindead was underrated.
Because it's extravagant and gay and hip. At least it's cancelled
strangest thangs, i could get into that
I was from that future but now is the past. so i'm from your future's future.
and stranger things isn't really that strange anymore.
it's just an ordinary thing now.
Agreed, felt like most of it was just filler.. I think I liked the new season of orange is the new black more than this new season of hoc
I just pirate everything that's not on Netflix
First season was good.
Second season seemed like a complete re-hash of the first season, just more gay sex. Disappoint.
But I do have to agree, if you are looking for something different, the first season was pretty well written and you feel pretty invested in the characters. Just stop at the end of season 1...
They literally shove that gayness down your throat. It's fucking awful. It's aimed at the tumblr generation. Oh look at us all racially sensitive and gay as fuck.
I liked the nerd kids, reminded me of my childhood and that creeper guy with the photos reminded me of the high school years. It's pretty avarage storywise but the progression of the story is well made. Overall an alright show comparing the other shit that's coming out these days.
One of the best characters from any show
here you go OP
You need to watch Narcos and Fargo. Fargo is much better tho. Don't bother with el chapo one tho.
No love for Black Mirror? That shit is dope.
MFW I thought this was fat Matt Damon
He was such a push over. Felt bad for him.in the end
Yeah Charlie Brooker's a fucking genius
Fargo is my favourite series..
I really loved s1, but I think s3 really topped it, which I didn't think would be possible.
Black humour at its finest, intelligent writing, a lot of tension and great characters.
Every season is great!
narcos was epic is the new season out yet, last time i watched they just killed pablo escobar
R.I.P pablo no one from this board will ever beet your high score
Nah no new season yet
so underrated
Dexter (up to season 5 then stop)
Slippin Jimmy
Dexter is pretentious fucking shit
its hands down one of the best character progression stories ever
its a solid slow burn, some parts are down right cringe but its just... so sincere in its writing and acting i guess? Point is, it's a solid 10/10
I know you all are gonna rip on me but I fucking loved pic related
>>Fatt Damon
Watched The OA about a month ago, I thought it was pretty neat. The ending sucked ass, though.
So much potential turned into another pointless fucking show
I like the BBC seasons more than the Netflix one, personally.
that was a good show, aren't fx working on a prequel called first 9?
Broadchurch was very enjoyable. Mostly because I find the entire situation funny and I love the MC. He's one of my favorite English actors.
Also Arnor Dan does the outro. 'So Close'. I love the ban, Agent Fresco.
Overall BBC had more standouts, but the whole series has been a mixed bag (when good it was awesome, when bad it was still pretty good).
Who's Danny?
Gotham. No super powers just a great noir based crime show.
Damn right, cocksucker. Go open a can of peaches.
The 4400
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The L Word (Mainly because of the hot sex scenes)
Orange is the New Black
over rated, weak story line, predictable as fuck
house of cards, parks and rec, narcos, peaky blinders, marco polo
Yeah, it's SUPPOSED to be like many 80's movies, it's an homage. Way to spot that...
Shits cash!!!
Yes, if you like documentary. It keeps your interest.
Sounds like a good use of your money!
is this show actually good?
i just bought its intro song
Pretty funny show lots of tits!
like naked tits?
dont limit your self to netflix check out the mongrols
what's the best way to watch season 3?