UK girls and postcodes thread. Old thread reached limit

UK girls and postcodes thread. Old thread reached limit.


Any Swansea university?

BH1 and surrounding areas...

Cardiff uni or Newport anyone?

Any Kent?


Any Becca Cl4rk from Glasgow win? Apparently in uk mega

Any Northampton?


LOL no, Bournemouth

any moray

Looking for the Accy/Blackburn guy - added your snapchat from the last thread as fourtanman

No thought her name might b Paris but I can see from this pic that it's not


Ah, sorry. You not from B'mouth then?

Anymore of this girl? Know her in real life

No, feel free to continue tho

Worcester area

Have a few Insta but posted nudes

My pleasure

any brighton wins?




Anymore stocking pics?

Saw those. If their any good post em please mate. You two go out?

Not of the same set, but there's a couple of other ones like it


pls dump all



Thanks she's cute

You like her?

Becca C from up north?

>and post codes
get your commie shit outta here, brit fag

Nah, just friends

lurking if you want to keep dumping

Hell I don't have nudes of my friends. Did an ex get pissed and leak?

You got more?

Pretty much yeah

Can you post some of the nudes pls?


Surely there are some from Kent

Sure thang

Well I'm lurking with great interest thanks

I love the thought of guys jerking to her

Damn great tits for a teenager how old is she in these?

that is fucking hot! got any in a plaid skirt/thigh highs?


Any Glasgow?

Love them moar pls

the pic with her tongue out is so hot, imagine finishing a load in her mouth

Any with face I need to bust my nut to her

Nice, keep posting!

Looking for a girl in Manchester calls herself princess

It is
No tits with face

absolutely whit? does anyone actually live there?

Just moar tits then pls

some decent girls here

ooh, no bad

any more?

Nice, BH9 here friend

were you from


Pls say you got some with those tits out!

Does she have any bikini pics?


sadly not

DN1. Any local anons?


Jealous of the guy that was fucking her..


Same tbh

Did the blonde one ever fuck her?

Which blonde one?

The one in all her fb photos

Yeah, they do a lot. You have a kik?

You gonna dump pics? i can make one real quick

Yeah will do

I'll make one now


I'm jamesrob2240 fake name is obvious

2 different people?

Anyone got the archive link to the last one?

yup i'm the guy from the first thread

you got any nudes?

ayrshire slut into gb's

i know the ginger, any of her?

More ?
Recognise her from somewhere

None sorry man. How do you know her?

Any Cara W4lker?

Dale Lad

into the swing scene and parties too

Nice one. Go scruffies?

So hot
Nudes ?

only seen a few posted before, looking for moar too or webm of gb she did

innit, ill take any other dale ones if youve got

Nah I'm out of nudes

Chesterfield S41 reporting

>UK girls and postcodes thread. Old thread reached limit.

Ex Coventry University

Who is that