Why haven't you joined the military yet?

Why haven't you joined the military yet?

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I'm too fat.

So? Go lose the weight and sign up

Because I don't leave for army bct until Monday

cant smoke weed there

Yeah, im on my way.

What's the weight max for military?

I did. USMC. Semper fi to my brother jarheads.

Dropped out of school

i did tho

I did already. Overrated.

Semper fi, 03

I had good grades.

I did, and a good reason not to join it is: it's overrated

if you're asking that? you're too god damned fat.

because I got scholarships for college by not being a high school fuckup. Two degrees later, I'm 1/3 through a good career with a pension waiting at the end.

The only conceivable route to me being in the military was ROTC, but I went to college from '01 to '05 and I probably would have been sent to die in one of Dubya's daddy-issues wars.

Thanks. You too? Hollywood Marine or did you goto the swamp?

A: why would I do that?
B: asthma

Too old, too physically unfit, too lazy. Scrawny manchildren have no place in the military.

Because I don't believe in thr motivations for current involvement, generally speaking.

Also I have a family that I wouldn't want to leave.

I would voluntarily join under certain circumstances.

I got literally diagnosted for autism. So yeah dunno if the belarussian military will still take me

Did Serve.
Those who didn't will never know true comradery, true friendship, true pride.
I feel pity for those who chose not to serve. They will spend the rest of their lives searching for a meaning to their existence.

Because I'm way too fat. 350 pounds of waste.

I already served (1995-1999)
Airborne Special ops on ft Bragg.

Hollywood. Drill instructors were abusive as fuck tho. This is about some of them:


I read about this when I was in Iraq

i have asthma, such a weak excuse, plus i had knee surgery
feels bad man
always wanted to join infantry, but thats never going to happen even if i lied id probably end up having an asthma attack somewhere far from medication

stop acting pretentious. You're walking towards your death just the same as any of them. Yours is just a little less explosive and a little more self-serving/boring.

I like money. and military wages are low.

I did 2 tours in Afghanistan.
Lost 8 friends first tour.
Second tour lost 3.

Since lost another 6 to suicide , And 3 to driving drunk.

Because I could be that faggot on the strecher dying for some fat fuck in America to stay rich. The only way the military is worth it is after you get out with all the benefits, However I will fight a war if it ever comes to our soil.

"The matrix?"

Good luck to my future.
God speed~.

I lost 2 to suicide and 1 to drunk driving

I'm too smart

Fucking A. Didn't goto sandbox I served pre 911 but same re: DIs. Was pogue mos Intel but they had me building bridges and shit lol. thanks for service in Iraq have heard whst a suck that is/was.

I like to use drugs. They told me I cant join because I refused to quit doing drugs. Also, run-ins with the law prevent me from enlisting as well.

07 Marine here-- I thought Airborne was at Benning no? My bad if wrong, Bragg is Delta and Green Berets?

Bullshit. But thanks for getting shot at to keep my gas cheap.

dd214 6+ years Active duty

I'm not poor.

I don't feel like fighting for governments that value personal gain over human lives.

I did. Navy aircrew/rescue swimmer (2003-2009).

A little asian dude who was about 5'3" or so, they made him guide and had him fit into a trashcan for shits and laughs. I remember they called him "pocket ninja"

I got kicked in the face a few times for taking a shit without asking for a head call, got slayed a few other times on the quarter deck and for being retards but other than that it was boot camp dude, it sucks so deal with it. How was yours?

there is no brakes on the propaganda train

medical problems

All ready did OP, I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces

i don't want to come home in a casket

Working on beating the run time, i'm just slightly over it and don't want to have to wait at least 6 months to try again

Because I am not a chess piece for the Order of the Snake.
I am not a dog to come when called, or die when ordered.

isnt it exciting?

how old? im a lazy 34 yo and i am going to try to join

I have scoliosis...

I don't want to be killed in the middle east for oil instead of a real cause, I'm too old, and my vision is too poor.

Because I've still got like 4 years of muhreen NROTC, maybe 5 if I reapply for the Academy.

I’m fat and bipolar. Apparently I’m not allowed to own or hold weapons of any kind.

Triple digit IQ.

free housing
free medical
free school
free fucking food

I hate communists

any military bros? considering 11x op 40 or 18x after getting engineering degree or asap (age 20)

In the Police Academy currently instead of military. I have a 2 year old and I couldn't just up and leave him.

We had Chaldean who DiS were merciless ends up he spoke fluent Arabic and Mos Intel too, but in boot fucked w him had crying about his parents killing Americans which was fucked because he was Christian and tucking Tangos killed his relatives (learned Chaldeans were Catholic and towelheads kill). Some DIs fucking stupid sadists some good motivators, agree.

They won't let me lol

I'm too good

Because America ain't worth dying for.

Someone has to stay home and fuck your girlfriends / wives while you are deployed.

31B next month.
Apparently I will be the falcon of blue.

That's why we have JODIE

same brah lol, life sucks

>shit housing. homeless shelter level.
> I have medical
>school is already free
>food is shit.
the only way the military is good for your wallet is if you sell goods or services to them. witche I have done. I have done my patriotic duty by skimming of uncle sam's surplus.

I'm not trying to go into the military, I'm just curious.

They won't let me, said I have too many physical and mental problems. Horseshit man, I can fire a gun and folow orders, lemme kill brown people already.

We had an Iranian-American dude they called "terrorist" every time

Shit was fucking hilarious

Because I'm not retarded?

Why would any sane person want to go die in some sand country when they can easily avoid it?

When I graduated high school there were two types of people who joined the military. The first were the kinds of kids who grew up dreaming about the day they could enlist. No one particularly liked those kids. The second were kids who just barely avoided being dropout druggies. No future, no skills, shit grades.

I have a cousin who is autistic as fuck. Fat, stupid. 28 and most definitely still a virgin. He went to Afghanistan for 3 years and came back fatter than ever. Make no mistake, these retards are not heroes.

I've met militaryfags who don't quite fit in those categories, but they are fucking rare as shit.

because i am unwilling to swear fealty to a corruput organization in order to make a living. particularly on ehtat will send me around killing people for their fucked up agenda.

Actually it's a pretty life-changing kind of experience. Most of it is just funny as hell, the rest is working out

I'm helping

wtf am I looking at here?

>Actually it's a pretty life-changing kind of experience.
Well sure. Getting run over by a train would probably be a life changing experience too. Doesn't mean I wanna try it.

>Most of it is just funny as hell
I guess my idea of fun just doesn't include getting blown up.

>the rest is working out
You can work out in a place where you don't risk your life just by being there.

No I mean its just funny as fuck, if you ever get in and just reset your life instead of being a faggotron all the time you'll see what I mean. It's a good time, lot of comraderie and a lot of pussy. You just need to put out and not be a pussy

Uber gunnen

>Why haven't you joined the military yet?
A mind is a terrible thing to waste

>737760239 Because I'm not so useless that the only thing I'm good for is a meatshield for a shitty country well on its way into becoming a third world laughingstock

No actually, some of the greatest men who ever lived were soldiers

Stop being faggots. Shits fun! And if your on Sup Forums you probably not doing shit with your life anyway

No war is worth fighting. Gimme another World War and I'm in.

there is no breaks on the propaganda train.

You seem to expect me to just change my mind and join the military.
I won't.

>if you ever get in and just reset your life
Why the fuck would I want to do that? The only people who want to "reset their life" are lowlife tards who never achieved anything up to that point.
I've got a good stable (civilian) job, a house, enough money to do whatever I want (within reason), etc.
No reset needed.

>not be a pussy
Caring about your own survival isn't "being a pussy", it's a basic human instinct that somehow you seem to lack.

Most of these kids don't have the balls for it. But some do

>8 years, got out as USMC sergeant
>30 now. Someone patrionize me, please

But if you do, you'll save someone else's life. I know it

do you feel like you have wasted your life? are you behind your pair group socially or financially?

... yep!

I'm a little bit smarter than that OP

'hurry up and wait'

You will become very familiar with this phrase

Who cares? I did it selflessly

What the hell did you do?

Why? Some of us have to actually work to pay for the military to do it's thing.

I wont want my salary cut to like a half or third of what it currently is

Because its a dangerous job with shit pay. Also I really want to avoid being shot at for my whole life.

>earned my money
>bout an apartment,
>fixed it up.
>found a girl.
>got bigger apartment.
>getting married next year.
>I am younger than you.
while you were out there playing solidar
I got friend in the military. all they want to do is stay kids. its sad.

>I did it selflessly for the American war machine
It's funny how Americans will fight to the bone for a silly brainwashed idea. Fight fight fight that's all you guys know, it's sad to see you guys squander your potential

Because I was born with a fucked up foot and can't run and limp when I walk