Should I kill myself ?

Should I kill myself ?

My life is trash.

> 22
> Skin problems. Eczema and psoriasis.
> social anxiety. I cant talk to a girl without shaking and sweat a lot when I'm somwhere with a lot of people
> virgin
> ugly , 3/10 at best.
> theeth problems
> scoliosis
> nearsighted 1/10 and 2/10 on my eyes.
> Not done anything in school.
> cant do anything with people without getting stressed and anxious.
> poor.

My life becomes hell every time I have to go out of my house.

Yes and stream it, also show teeth, I may have same prob

you should find something that you are really interested into and then do anything for that

Do it, but take other people out with you

Convert to Islam or something and become a jihadi so your death at least serves some purpose

Not sure about the skin problem but you could fix everything else if you tried hard enough

damn bro I know some of those feels

>eczema so bad my hands don't look human
>mid 20's virgin
>social anxiety
>probably won't ever finish school, already behind

Fuck yeah my dude we'll do it together

skin problem cannot be fixed. I have to apply medicine every day.
My skin renews itself too quickly.
If I do not wash myself every day I have pieces of skin falling all the time, like dandruff

l2spell teeth cunt

sorry I'm not that good with english. im from europe

My hands are okay now thanks to some corticosteroid ointment but my scalp (dont know if this is the right word) is horrible... And I know no way of fixing it.

I feel you user. I feel you.

>social anxiety/generalized
>major depressive disorder
>no friends
>so useless that I couldn't even an hero properly


are you muslim? ...go ahead with your plan

are you NOT muslim?...well, you are already one fucking step ahead of muslims

dedicate yourself to helping others..ask every woman out and eventually you will get one

fuck off with muslims i dont give a shit about religion.

I cant ask women because when I talk to them, I look like a mentally retarded person

Take a few days and rethink things. Commit to something. Either kill yourself asap, or start working hard to improve things.

has anyone tried anxiolytic ? does it work?

Don't kill yourself, OP. You should work out and get swole to boost your confidence. Then you can see a doctor and a dentist about your other problems.

You're still a young guy. You have a lot of years that you can make good so you can be happy

Where are you from?

Your words are touching


europe, france

Yeah man, this right there. Work on developing your personality and your body. Working out isn't just great for your muscles, but your joints and your bones as well. You might just have low testosterone. Honestly, just look at things in the long run and stick it out for the long haul. Trust me, it isn't going to be easy, and it never really gets easy, but you'll develop the thick skin and resolve you need along the way. Also stop watching porn and masturbating and use the lotion you usually use for that on your eczema. Ok lol but being serious, the only way you're going to get over any of that is by just fighting it head on. It's fucking empowering to know that you can conquer whatever life throws at you. Also, yes dentist and doctor visit asap.

Get in the military. Atleast die while serving your country. Plus, you might like it and find yourself some new talents.

Don't do it. Where is your psoriasis?

Jesus tap dancing Christ get a grip and gain some perspective. You think you got dealt a shitty hand? I know a guy with cerebral palsy, he's a greeter at Walmart and has spent his entire life in a wheel chair with no motor control at all. This guy has told me that if he could just wipe his own ass that would make him the happiest person on earth. What fucking right do you have to complain when someone like that gets up everyday and does his fucking job. Take your fucking skin medication, address your anxiety, take online classes. Find some fucking purpose and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Take some fucking responsibility for your life and realize people who have it much worse than you are able to function, so you can too. God fucking damn it

Why don't you try to better yourself? Go to the gym, eat healthy, join a club of some sort (chess, soccer or wherever the fuck your into) read the Roadless Travel by Scott M Peck. When your out and about just say hi to strangers. Talk to people, even if it's the clerk at the gas station. Travel more, you don't have to go anywhere crazy. Start with just going out of state and go from there.Start taking control of your fucking life instead of watching it pass you by.

just look for ecchi,it will make you happier

knees, hands, head, face

That sucks. I have it on my head... Hope it gets better man.


seriously thanks whoever this is for taking a notch out of these whiny fucks

a generation where their hardest problems are getting rejected by girls and Taco Bell running out of "burrito coverings"

ya'll need some fucking overview on the whole situation of reality, crying about mundane shit like this all day long. post after post thread after thread. shut the fuck up and do your job.


does anyone else think threads like this are fake too? but then on the other hand I wonder what type of person would waste their time making up this stuff.....

usualy I would say yes but today user i say NO!
listen up friendo!!! some have a BAD LIFE
you sound sad. maybe poor diet. stay away from sugar at all cost. get plenty of exersise and sunshine.
im sure your a fart smeller i meen smart feller
thats a joke lolz
never loose your sense of humor


None of those are a good reason to an hero, not even put together tbh.