Antifa declare war on The Aryan Brotherhood, which side is Sup Forums putting money on?
Antifa declare war on The Aryan Brotherhood, which side is Sup Forums putting money on?
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more people dislike facsism than like it so probably antifa would win
Lol Antifa could not win a fight with a middle schooler, much less with someone who fights back.
more people can spell it correctly.
Ο Παναθηναϊkός τι φταίει ;
hahahahahaha Antifa.... Fuckin joke the lot of em.
Two sides of the same coin.
Meh. Fascists
organized crime is irrelevant in the us... but only if you exclude congress.
Both sides represent fascism . I hope they fight each other until every last of them dies
so are antifa and the anarchists related?
>antifa far far left
>anarchy far far right
aryan brotherhood are most likely in favor for gun laws. doesn't seem like the people to start a war with.
the white power guys just kind of prance around like fags and get beat down, I haven't seen them do any real damage since the '50s
kek that's not to say that these antifa retards are tough either
it's basically a huge cripple fight.
Antifa are anarchy you tard
They're pretty much the same thing.
antifa's far left
anarchy's far right
so which is it tard. and why didn't you go to school
They are overwhelmingly Left leaning and Left funded.
>Once upon a time you were correct.
Back on topic, Aryan Brotherhood is easy money.
Antifas literally bring fists to a knife fight.
those are retards beating up women
lel wut
this is the most retarded comment i've ever read
No, they are beating up a faggot whore who was picking a fight with a wrong person.
AntiFa = Middle class movement started by well off individuals
Aryan Brotherhood = Hardened criminal syndicate started in prisons
This will be like watching Canadians beat up baby seals.
you my disabled friend, know absolutely nothing.
'left anarchism is sometimes used synonymously with libertarian socialism, or socialist anarchism'
The world isnt as simple as black and white you fucking retard.
Dont talk about shit you know nothing about faggot, like all politics there are takes and schools of thought from both the left and the right.
aryan brother=superior genes=superior fighting skills
As in mexicans and transgender college kids verses strong white men who will fight to the death
Here you go guys Totally far right politics moving away from centralized goverments and states...
Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. These are often described as stateless societies,[1][2][3][4] although several authors have defined them more specifically as institutions based on non-hierarchical free associations.[5][6][7][8] Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful.[9][10]
While anti-statism is central,[11] anarchism specifically entails opposing authority or hierarchical organisation in the conduct of all human relations, including, but not limited to, the state system. Anarchism is usually considered a radical left-wing ideology,[12][13] and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflects anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism, or participatory economics.[14]
She was throwing bottles and explosives into a crowd that had women and children in it
Aryan brotherhood;
If we are talking about pure fighting ability I'm going to go with the people who have actually been in prison and have done physical harm to others, instead of a bunch of pussies in black hoodies who pretend to be some kind of warrior.
antifa is made up of all sorts of different groups. You can be antifa being far left or conservative, just as long as you opposite far right fascism
kek no, antifa hates conservatives and even moderate liberals for being "fascist enablers"
fascist infiltrator placed inside demonstration to cause bad press.
From what I understand, AB doesn't care all that much about racism in any case. They just use nazi imagery because it is pretty exclusively white.
They're about money first and foremost, and probably wouldn't even bother with the bullshit of street politics and rallies unless they could make some money with it.
not sure you can accurately make such a sweeping generalization
No, it's just what happens when your 'revolution' is spear heaeded by degenerate lunatics, drug addicts and the mentally ill
Well the AB as far as i know are a legit prison gang. And antifa are a bunch of role playing rich kid pussies.
So my money would be on the AB but honestly the more that die on both sides the better.
oh my god
>far far
>Retards vs Retards
Im not taking sides on this fuckery
you forgot our Afrikaans brothers
will be fun to watch