time for some To Catch a Predator
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watch some pedos get rekt
Time for some To Catch a Predator
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Take a seat, Bump.
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Pedophilia, like any other sexual preference, is something you're born with and something many people can supress and control. Please learn to differentiate pedophilia with child molestation.
wait what is going on? did i miss something?
did some pedos keep posting cheese pizza on here or something?
No, kill yourself filthy pedo apologist.
no nigger, come join us
All pedos must hang
bumping. get in here faggots
I made cookies and tea.......
Our queen
get yer bantz bois
stfu faggot
Anyone who is legitimately attracted to a 1-15 year old girl has serious mental issues. God tier is 26-34. Only plebs like kiddies.
Alex ayers
Baltimore pedophile has thousands of photos and pays girls 40 online for piss videos
I agree user
Because there is a huge difference between a 15 year and 364 day old and a 16 year old. Once they go through puberty, they are no longer kids.
eat a cock cunning
...so you guys down for some pedo hunts?
I've been saying something like this but IMO it's a mental illness just like the LGBT lot
10/10 you are pedo
Where's my M4A1
Check out nonce hunters on Facebook
That is why there is a 10 year difference between god tier and pleb tier you fucking douchebag. Why not take the prime juice instead of focusing on victims?
I deleted my FB :/
Make a new fake one then they use "decoys" to chat with them then they go and confront the pedo and live stream it over Facebook along with the chat log
It always amazed me watching how many dudes in How to catch a Predator just stood there and tried to lie their way out or start apologising. Best episode I ever saw, as soon as the host walks into the kitchen, the pedo says nothing and without hesitating spins around on his heels and walks back out the door behind him. They film walking across the lawn, he never says shit after the con is revealed.
actually looking forward to this totally blowing up in their face one day when a guy arrives armed and takes the show host hostage.
this isn't scaring child molesters into changing their minds, it's just making them more prepared to be violent and opportunistic.
16 and 17 year olds are only victims in America. The rest of the world knows they are sexually mature beings at that point. 26 is kind of old to have sex for the first time.
cont... I won't touch anything 16 or under. But I don't care how cute you might be, I always meet in public first. Meeting in someone's home first in just asking for trouble, especially if the person is of questionable age or too good to be true.
Everywhere in mainland Australia age of consent is either 16 or 17, mostly 16.
Your opinion, mate.
Thank you for posting this. There used to be livestreams for TCaP all the time on Sup Forums.
Or a pedo with a carry concealed weapon who just starts shooting. I'm willing to bet the crew has like two cops nearby, but a prepared pedo could do a lot of damage quick.
ITT: newfags, newfags galore.
exactly. just like how narc stings have made dealers even more prepared for violence, this show is making predators ready for blood
Who the fuck is talking about first time? What the fuck are you on you degenerate?
So you mean they're born with it? Shit then let's get some lynching parties going to cleanse the gene pool
Gas yourself pedo apologist.
methhead on the loose
This type of comment attracts even more faggots than saying Donald Trump isn't racist. lol
Good job, user.
Some of these guys, man.