I've slept with dozens of different prostitutes and I have two instances where things fucked up:
>#1 >In the middle of sex with an asian girl in a massage parlor >We get the notice that the police might be coming >She quickly gets off me, puts her clothes back on, takes my condom off and tells me to lay face down on the table and puts a towel over my ass >I was worried that I'd get arrested anyway even though she was making it look like a regular massage >About 20 minutes pass, it was a false alarm >She strips off, it takes me like five minutes to get hard because of my nerves but then she puts another condom on and we finish
>#2 >In the FKK Paradise in Stuttgart (really fancy, high-end brothel) >Get this beautiful, I estimate 36DD cup brunette to have sex with me >Very fun, very good sex >I was on top of her as I finished >When I pulled out I noticed that nothing was in the end of the condom >The condom had tore during sex >I was panicking and all "Oh shit oh shit oh fuck" both to myself and out loud >I could see cum leaking out of her pussy >She said to me in very broken english "Is okay, I have implant" >Getting her pregnant wasn't exactly my concern because the girls there have BC fallback in cases like this >The way she said it implied that it's happened before with other guys >I never thought I'd have a condom break and was worried I'd catch an STD since I basically fucked a prostitute unprotected >Got tested a while later and came back clean
Any stories you people have to share?
Jonathan Russell
Helpful bump. Never have paid. No judgement, just not been for me. Interested though.
Lucas Taylor
i kissed a girl once it was fun thats all thanks
Gavin Brown
>was worried I'd catch an STD since I basically fucked a prostitute unprotected fun tip, you have more chances of getting a shitton of STDs fucking a random normal girl in Burgerland than fucking whores in Thailand.
Jack Murphy
>>The way she said it implied that it's happened before with other guys
Angel Murphy
Yeah I've only caught chlamydia once over years of having sex with prostitutes, I do have sex in mostly Europe though where the risk seems to be way lower
Blake Bailey
never fucked a prostitute, but i did get the herp from one of my exes. bitch didnt even know what cold sores were. blowjob gave me genital herpes.. its fucked
Nathan Bailey
get fucked herpy dick.
Xavier Davis
I had genital herpes even before I started fucking whores. You're pretty much bound to get it if you fuck regularly, I'm positive I got it from a one-night stand I had a few years back
Prostitutes are really no more or less safe than having sex with normal people these days
Ryan Collins
Had my first kiss last friday night. I think I fucked it up. Thx.
Hudson Russell
Filed under: Random tip user just made up.
Julian Parker
I'll never get paying for sex
90% of the excitement for me is getting a girl to sleep with me more s than the sex itself
Nolan Ross
shit dude where is the fkk paradise in Stuttgart? I've been to the town twice but never heard about it. Must hangout with boring people. far away from the main trainstation?
Ayden Gray
It's fairly close to the airport, hard to miss
Austin Jackson
If you can't get it another way or if you want really hot girls it's by far the easiest way
Justin Sanders
hm the prositutes around here are pretty ugly.I frequent our local brothel's website to check out if the finally got a pretty one to try it out and some are fine but really not worth paying for
Brody Lopez
Europe especially FKK clubs are top-tier girls plus it's legal
Carter Russell
>FKK clubs i thought you just hang out naked there without fucking
Owen Hughes
You CAN just do that, relax, go swimming, etc... if you really want to, but the main attraction of FKK clubs is the prostitution
Ayden Gonzalez
whats the avarage price for a girl?
Caleb Sanders
prostitutes in germany often have less std as normal german women because they get checked often
Brody Gomez
40 Euros to get in the door, base rate for 30 minutes of sex with a girl is 50 Euros but the price goes up if you want more time, and for certain or additional sex acts depending on the girl
Dylan Davis
I've had sex with so many hookers, I've lost count. Easily over 100. Probably more like 150.
I haven't used a condom in forever. I've only caught clamidya, knock on wood.
Probably have a few bastards running around, but oh well haha
Only major mishap was getting a knife pulled on me by some crazy slut. I have her my cash and got the fuck out of there. She was a dumb cunt since I just came in her mouth, so I got mine and she just got the $100 I had on me.
Lincoln Martinez
> see this little ladyboy at a massage parlor on the regular > started with handjobs, moved up to sucking and fucking over time > started inviting me over to her place, we'd always fuck when I'd go over > ass is super tight, always tell her how much I love fucking it > one time , she says "honey no condom, but you fuck me anyway." > I pass, but as she's blowing me raw, I talk dirty and say shit about how I want to fuck her ass so bad > she gets up off the dick, slaps some lotion on, and jumps on my cock > before I realized what was happening, I was balls deep in her super tight, super hot ass > realize it was a bad idea, but seriously, 10/10 feels > warned her 'I'm gonna cum baby,' > she rides harder, takes my nut right up the ass bareback > literally biggest load I've ever blown, feel it dripping out of her and coating my balls and crotch > she starts playing with it, uses my cum as lube to jerk off all over my belly and chest, she cums a massive load too.
Shit was hot as FUCK, but I freaked out for literally 9 months afterwards, getting tested every month for aids and everything else.
Went back to see her, she tried to fuck me without a condom, I was like, "nope, sorry, I'm out."
> haven't seen her since.
Joshua Baker
What the fuck is wrong with you people
Henry Wright
>"honey no condom, but you fuck me anyway."
Brody Jackson
Hey, it felt good man. I still jerk to the memory of it. I was already hard as a rock from the head she was giving me, and the feel of her little ass easing open around my cock... Jesus, I felt every millimeter of that ass on my cock.
Hard as diamonds just thinking about it now.
Ian Thompson
>ladyboy >she
Dat denial has "faggot" written alllllllll over it.
Matthew Garcia
Found an 8/10 Asian at a local Massage Place. Tells me she is 23. Small perky tits, cute and tight ass. First time, got a HJ. Second time got a HJ+BJ. We hit it off since then. She really likes getting finger blasted and cumming a couple of times before fucking. And noticed that every time I do that, she welcomes my cock raw. I'm super scared but she tells me I'm the only one she does "Live" and sends me pictures when she's at the clinic getting tested and checked. Have done her raw 3/10 times I visited. She is such a good lay.
Isaac Gray
only been with one so far, normal experience, nothing storyworthy
Robert Rogers
I'm bi, so yeah, half a faggot. I fuck anything that moves - sorry to hear you've arbitrarily limited your choices for sex to 50% of the population because you're afraid of other people's disapproval.
I'll remember your frowning disapproval next time I'm blasting a huge nut into some cute twink's asshole - I'm sure I'll have a moment to spare for you between pumps.
Brody Perry
This guy is the ultimate player
Andrew Thompson
Robert Rivera
I've cum inside a woman for the purpose of procreation >it worked
Asher Jones
Isaiah Gomez
Trips and here's a pic
Christopher Robinson
>be me >married to hottie Spanish chick >she has 2 sisters, younger, equally hot >one of the sisters move in with us >constantly uses bathroom but doesn't lock door >walk in on her while she's peeing >"sorry" >"no I'm sorry, almost done" >she finishes I go in for shower >meanwhile wife at work >hear knock while showering >"sorry user need bathroom" >"uhm, okay I'll unlock, sec" >unlock door, back in shower, she comes in, pees >hear shower curtain move >"you saw me, only fair I see you" >I try covering up >"I won't tell if you won't" >diamonds >we fuck >I cum inside >wife gets home 3 hours later >fuck wife >go to bed >now fucking wife and sister on daily basis >sister gets knocked up >tells wife >"who's is it??" >"Sorry sis, this guy at a party, I feel horrible but want to keep it" >huge pep talk about marriage and responsibilities >I'm shitting bricks >sister winks at me >mfw I'm a father now >wife wants us to have our "first child" >mfw it'll be my 2nd
Brody Bell
Based on what statistics?
Isaac Nelson
>bi >half a faggot
Denial has "full-fledged faggot" written alllllllll over it
Nathan Wright
One time I payed 75 cents to hug this cute girl in elementary school.
Went to the clinic a month later and everything came back clean. My parents would've disowned me if I caught cooties
Nicholas Miller
if you think that's bad, i frequently have sex with iv drug addict girls by paying them with heroin. cheaper than hookers and never enforce condom usage, hookers are hit or miss, you usually have to pay them extra and show them clean test results, and even then only like 2/3rds will agree. i haven't used a condom in 13 years.
what's wrong with me? i understand that insertive vaginal sex with an asymptomatic partner and no skin breaks in my penis and no illness impacting my immune system carries a lower f->m transmission risk for serious uncurable STDs than the risk of death or life-altering injury from the drive over there, and since i certainly wouldn't not have sex to avoid the drive, i won't ruin sex with a condom to avoid an STD.
Levi Martinez
I deal coke on the side but dont really make much money. What i sell to dudes usually pays off what i give away in exchange for sex.
Luke Cooper
So whats the best place to find a whore state side,i usally look ad CL or Backpage but I'm sure tgere are better safer ways
Luis Sanders
hardcore but i've got you beat.
one time some girls wanted to drive my car so i made them flash their tits in exchange.
that gave me aids.
John Gray
Benjamin Perry
Chat free with horny cam girls live now at user.to(slash)PvavNi
Jayden Brown
Condom broke in a chunky hooker, was very akward...
Jack Hughes
Holy fuck, any vids?
Matthew Jackson
that 2nd story was anxiety inducing > be me a few days ago >hit up milfy escort >get there,do my thing fuck her this way that way not amazing. tight but definitely not the good tight more anoying than anything >starts trying to finnish me off by blowing me >w/e better feeling anyway even with the condom shit.. lol. that was pure old hoe experience when it came to the succ >says i can cum all over her chest >k >about to detonate, pull off de damcon >thought she was going to direct my wiener >doesn't >first squirt hits her in the tit >2nd over the shoulder >and the 3rd and final? >Fucking headshot *fatalityanonwins >starts saying "omg i should have expected that" >you young guys loveeee to aim there >total accident but like.. why weren't you directing my bratwurst? >end up being cool with a little jizz on her cheek cause she knows it was accident >leave >coolstory i guess
Adam Nelson
>I can't think of anything better to say
Blake Campbell
Dated a girl that used to be an escort. At 1st i didn't know and fucked hew raw for like a year. THen she told me, but because i lurk Sup Forums too much i loved it and she told me all the fucked up shit she did.
Pic related
Nathan Turner
I'm uncertain as to why, but I read this in President Trump's voice.
"I know out, you know it, we all know it. Prostitutes.
Jason Hall
>coolstory i guess No No it was not How high are you? I could barely understand your awkward story progression arc, or your disgusting syntax. The only redeeming quality was the personality you put in with your vocabulary but even then it hindered the story almost to the point of incomprehension.
Jaxon Green
Post some of her stories
Austin Smith
If you couldn't understand what he was illustrating with his words, you need to take a reading comprehension course ASAP. You're just bored and need to nit pick
Justin Bell
>awkward story progression arc >welcome to every story about dealing with hookers
Adrian Martinez
- not sure where to even start. Told me she did it not because she needed the money but because she loved it, in the 3 years she was an escort she fucked 300-400 guys
Isaac Taylor
>>The condom had tore during sex
I've had that happen a few times. One girl noticed right away. Popped in the other two. None of them seemed to be fazed by it other than trying to get condom bits from inside to outside.
Zachary Davis
Everyone look at the fucking mentally ill person try to justify their mentally ill faggotry.
Austin Brooks
>ol. that was pure old hoe experience when it came to the succ What the fuck am I reading?
Liam Parker
I know, I am for a fact not high (yet) however you're pathetic attempt to seem grammatically superior has been in vein.
Owen Gray
You're autistic
Isaiah Jenkins
How much did she make?
James Foster
right? virgin/pure faggot alert
Christopher Murphy
you seem upset user
Ian Hernandez
>Calls my post a pathetic attempt to seem grammatically superior >Actually defending a post with these sentences
>get there,do my thing fuck her this way that way not amazing. tight but definitely not the good tight more anoying than anything >that was pure old hoe experience when it came to the succ
Sure, bud. I'm definitely not more grammatically superior than that mongoloid pothead...
Brayden Williams
Older chicks give a better blow job due to experience. Get a book because you clearly don't know how to read well
Jace Price
shes got atleast 20+ years of dick sucking experience vs someone of these 18+ girls not knowing how to properly handle a dick, and the fact that shes touching it is enough to get me off, bitch needs to try aagain
Kayden Smith
and an indignant one at that
Asher Diaz
James Hernandez
still a faggot waiting for my reply >suck my dick harder user >but youll never compare to even a prostitute >always worthless always.. user >*user waits for more
Jayden Reed
- Here in canada escorts are pretty cheap, she charged 150$ pre hour so i'm guessing 60k to 100k in those 3 years. She had a regular day job but did this on the weekends
Jose Edwards
And this guy isn't? Good job on diagnosing the real problems
Luis Roberts
>raids interesting post talking about grammar and prose >keeps going >doesn't share story
it's totally not you that's wrong
Alexander Hill
no one like's you, and thinks your an idiot (probly even your family) and pot/weed/marijuana/bud/dank/kush/loud isn't the only thing to get a person "high" lame boy
Connor Mitchell
You can't get genital herpes from a cold sore. They are two different viruses that take up residence in two different body sites....MedFag
Carson Adams
>being so uneducated you think some retarded pothead's writings are on par with anything written in a book
Keep sucking dicks in the back alley for money, fag
Cameron Turner
Wait you get the normal herp if they suck your dick and have cold sores?
Kevin Scott
like your birth
Samuel Evans
How did she prevent diseases and what not? Just condoms? Did she get tested?
Matthew Howard
how's the spray paint this time of year?
Jace Martin
If you can understand some of the highest tiers of literature, you can undertstand the lowest. Go be a faggot somewhere else you bored, lonely, virgin 17 y/o faux intellectual
Josiah Stewart
for real?
Ryan Collins
I wouldn't know >don't live in midwest america/not a redneck/not you >*preserves brain cells*
Christopher Bailey
STFU you ignorant troll. You can get both kinds in both locations.
Leo Collins
this kid's parents have to call him to dinner some time
Robert Ross
>cute guy at work >he hits on me all the time >I flirt back >am slut >he talks big game >average cock >cums fast >seconds >condom breaks >not on pill
what a fucking joke that was
Colton Sanders
- Condoms and regular testing yeh. Once in a while a condom could break or sometimes, given enough money, she would go bareback. Always blew dicks without protection tho
Isaac Perry
>see young hot escort >she puts on condom >go doggy >says harder >go harder >she asks for harder >keep going faster and harder >notice no condom on dick >wtf >where did it go >can't find it >we both scared >i dig deep with my hands, found it and pulled it out from her pussy >wtf did i just raw dog a ho?
Jayden Bell
No. Risk is much higher actually.
Brody Russell
Robert Hughes
Good luck with your dumbass logic, kid.
Christopher Gomez
>Being so mad that you are actually waiting on my replies
When do I need to explicitly say I'm not replying to this retarded thread anymore?
Just let me know if I need to or not. I know how to autismos get this time of night when you just can't leave anything unresolved before you masterbate and cry yourself to sleep.
Jason Martinez
get you some real dick hoe
>figure people out 2017
Aaron Sanders
Did she ever get a disease?
Aiden Hernandez
Hahah like anyone cares if a slut likes the sex, you're just warm meat
Blake Watson
Yep, Her! I didn't stutter!
It's the same reason I refer to you as a person, rather than the walking queef runoff you are - you prefer that society treat you and refer to you as if you're a real person. Much the same way that she, though born a man, presents and looks like a woman, with the notable exception of her lovely, functional cock.