the cancers and degenerates took over Sup Forums

the old days are gone

Sup Forums was always ruled by degenerates and autists. The only difference today is, all of them turned gay and worship traps somehow.

Dude, like the past 2 other weeks there were tons of good rekt threads with fresh ass content.


Doesn't matter though. See that cunt who bumps a thread he is interested in without posting any related content. That's Sup Forums cancer and people like him were always around. Lurkers who don't understand the fucking rules.

Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

I don't save webms and the rekt threads are dying too fast.Luckily Sup Forums has anonymity and you aren't standing in front of me. Otherwise I'd be jamming a knife through the back of your throat. Fuck you. Stupid piece of shit.

rly, dude? You waste so much time for such a weak bait?


Ya mad bro?



> doesn't save webms
> interested in rekt threads
> thinks threatening someone on the Internet does something

Well you outed yourself as a 12 year old, well done. Now be a good boy and suck your daddys cock before he sticks it up your bum.

That's really cold copy pasta man c'mon.


>being this retarded









is rekt thread basically a china thread but more general



Why the fuck would someone do something as stupid as this, what the fuck

I have to imagine that he's retarded

oh fuck!!!




another perfectly good rekt thread ruined by dogposters

its feelings that are about to get rekt.

Get ready for lots of retards to start talking about edges and virgins, over and over and over ad nauseum. Trying in vain to make the bad feewings to go away



White people created dogs to be our greatest and most loyal companions. Anyone who harms a dog for personal satisfaction is a nigger, not an edgy virgin.

Visnu created cattle to be our greatest companion. Loyalty to see. American are edgy subhuman who put them into butcher houses because they are all edgy virgin nigger


Doggie got taken for a Wok

Takes a 12 year old to know a 12 year old faggot. Slit your wrists and eat shit trap lover.




This subhuman piece of filth should holes drilled into every inch of his body and then filled with sodium hydroxide solution.

Holy fuck that was awesome. Nature is fucking metal.


the good old days are gone indeed, pls kys lmao

thats nice sweetie


Haha what is the point you think you're making? Enjoying animal cruelty is one of the absolute most pathetic things you can do.


There's always a bigger fish


It's a fetish

I think some people are missing the point here. I don't think the life of an animal is very important. I'm fine with eating animals. What I'm not fine with is psychopathy and sadism. When you slaughter an animal, you shouldn't go out of your way to cause as much misery and suffering as you can (ie. by boiling it). I think anyone who shows that kind of sadism should be killed because that often translates to the same kind of treatment toward humans, and also just because a psychopath or sadist is mentally defective.

Says you. It's a rekt thread retard not an animal safe thread. Don't want to see it go start your own animal safe rekt thread.


I think you need to just fucking chill with your trips bruh.



Trips confirm, this anons faggotry cannot be matched.


Beef, it's whats for dinner.

I see what your going for here.
How much?

Trips like that on a post like that? The Gods have forsaken us.

Yeah all these gaywads getting butt rekt

>what is emergency stop

One million keks my good man

Haha so you disagree? Well there you go.
Also I'm not enough of a pathetic shut-in to start a whole thread to not have to deal with sociopathic losers lmao.

>american join isis

>butt rekt
Oh the irony in that statement.

Haha how clever

PETA called it wants its bitch back



Another gaywad

But you are enough of a beta to join one and try prevailing for moral high ground. You are denser than osmium. Your bait is shitty and your shitposts are mere skidmarks. Drink acid you zoofag, Sup Forums is not the place for you.

Incredible, a bunch of douchebags assaulting a woman.

>this is you.

or can it?


thank you for this picture to bring some humor into the fucking thread




Finally a happy ending to one of these. That was either a spic or a nigger, so I'm glad that fucker is dead.


This is how I poop



This is why you never footsects a girl.

omg. that was so refreshing.


im not even bothered by isis beheading videos but pimple popping videos disgust me so much


U mad?

Nice feet

Not anymore, no.