Hey boys!

Hey boys!

How does it feel to know that I would kick your ass in a streetfight?!?!

I have a black belt (the highest rank) in karate.
It took me 5 years to get my belt so now I can proudly consider myselfe a true master.

Since you guys havent mastered any martial art you wont last 2 minutes in a fight against me

My cuteness is my only weapon so have mercy.

suck my cock bitch

Karate is a method of self defense, not a method of combat. Learn what karate is before you call yourself a master

OC you will, I'm a sissy faggot


makes me want to shoot you in the face

5 years for a black belt is bull shit u should do more research before u post bait



Man she gets drunk alot

ur gay lol

Scary?you must have an incredible grip strength.why you come over here and pull my cock I'll give you a cum rope to wear afterwards

Sure bitch , beat this phaggot . Oh yeah , you can't he's 4 times your size . Your kicks won't do much .


She looks literally exactly like John Krasinski in The Office.


nope, at least the last one

Get off my board fag


post this R9K whore's vag and anal gape shots

Pretty simple to win. Any sort of Jiu jitsu grab and you're fucked, on the ground with some skinny white fuck breaking your arm three ways to Sunday.

You are a woman


you might flail some impressive shit towards me, you might even hurt me a bit but i'm not dumb enough to get hit in the nose or just stand there and let you do a grab on me. I'll bob and you'll probably throw some kicks that will be painful, i might even run towards some with cover, take the hits and then just wreck your shit with one punch.


Who cares? You would still be face first in the gutter crying like a little bitch as I pound your ass with a pistol to your head.

Martial arts is for fags.

2nd degree in taekwondo reporting in.
OP, you're an idiot, there's a reason what we do is not what you see in a cagefight... Unless you specialized in weapons training, your martial arts would barely put you ahead of someone else of your own size and strength.

Samefag here.
Real question. Why these threads? And, have you ever been in fights outside the gym?

Weak b8


Hey hey judo chop baby yeeeahh

>5 years to get a black belt
Gee, wonder if that's because it's determined based on how long you've been learning and not actual skill

Try and defend urself from some gunshots im a nigger so ill automatically shoot

Go fuck yourself you chink looking cunt

i'm above fighting people. that's something kids do in middle school. only stupid twats start fights.

Enjoy getting your ass handed to you when you try to fight someone who regularly fights.



Seriously though, does anyone else think it's a little fucked up to be showing all these movies where 5'6" 130lb girls are dropping dudes left and right? Like what if some chick believes that shit and squares off against a 200 pounder and learns the really hard way about weight classes?

black belt in: karate, judo ,jujitsu and kung fu, i am a virgin

>In a streetfight
>Implying I don't carry a fucking glock with me

I'm a masochist so I would love for you to beat me up

your problem is you either except from me weak moves or some expert shit when i just hit your throat and space between your lungs so you literaly can't breath for next 5-10 seconds or more.
This 5 second give me time to break your leg or arm, i will repeat this process or at least weaken your breath control so...
Who i kidding i will just shot you with my gun.

lol I really hope for you sake you never actually try to fight a man

>itt fag op who thinks that streetfight is like training in a secure space for 5 years

Post a pic of your body. It'll help us gauge how strong you are, and plus you look pretty hot so that's a plus too.

Prison that long is a better test

i don't work out at all so if you're muscular/strong you could definitely beat me up. would be kind of hot tbqh

What form of karate did you take? Also, what degree black belt are you?

realistically, how do you expect an actual fight with a man to go?

5th dan googlefu

another one, don't ever play yourself

I have a belt, bitch. Try me, I'll whip your Anne frank looking ass up.

Who is in OP's pic?

If it's a trap then that only makes it better

So you're a 5th Dan in googlefu. You can find things fast on google, got it. When you learn an actual martial art, come back.

What's she up to, nowadays? Heard she had some kinda orbiter discord.


Where did that pic come from?

Thinking you're strong enough to fight a man is a good way to end up beaten, dragged into an alley, and raped.

You would be SOL if the guy had a gun, so don't get you're hopes up.

You know you guys made her an hero right?

Never understood the hate for her. I would have tripped with her.

Did she actually do it?

You don't understand. I love hardcore femdom of all levels. Ived fapped to shit tons of ballbusting videos and even femdom castration. Dont even get me started on femdom doujins. I would legit let you do anything to my dick and balls

Yes she is very dead

Kinda sad honestly, we put her through a lot of shit for really no reason.

I would have done droogs with her if I knew her irl, she seemed pretty nice.

That's unfortunate.

I kind of doubt someone willing to put that much effort into something would anhero

let her alone op