god tier albums bread
God tier albums bread
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Love the artwork for the new Weezer EP
but on a serious note, listening to some Soilwork and Sevendust right now. pick and choose any of their albums.
>Claims to love music
>Has never listened to Panopticon
Seriously, what the fuck is your excuse?
posting my favorites
forgot image
Might as well be a feels thread
insomniac is infinitely much better tho user
5, and that's it.
When the next red vox album comes out, I'm sure it will be up there.
Though I did enjoy insomniac, I will stand by dookie, and it is how I will remember green day
Take this fags
How is frizzle fry feels
too slow, eight was better
mah nigga
Isis is awesome. "Oceanic" is my favorite, though
the obligatory
currently on my 3rd listen of pic related and it just clicked
it's fucking good too
not a bad song on it.
sry forgot pic
Great choice, user.
Their best.
I can't get enough of "The Crowing" and "The Light and the Glass".
"In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3" is awesome too.
good call
what a fucking masterpiece
my niggas
a bit of an understatement truth be told!
everything Tim Smith is utter brilliance!
Flawless album
i remember a radio session about ten years ago when someone asked about new cardiacs material and tim goes "what's the rush?"
there are no bad songs on rtl. true god tier
hits home... it really does...