Why are there rules and laws when it comes to war?

Why are there rules and laws when it comes to war?

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To make it slightly easier on the people who fight it

To protect those who have no invlovement getting caught up in it

WW1 was too fucking gruesome, so much so that they made rules

because shit like poisoned bullets and mustard gas

They shouldn't have been there then

Your ancestors should have been there, you should have been there, everything about you and that ever was you should have been there. Fuck you, you stupid fucking retard.

Yea like don't nuke people

tfw you find out there are rules of war, but they vary depending on what side you're on.


United Nations stupid

to gain leverage after the war. when suing for peace you can demand more if your opponent has broken the rules. due to pressure from the international community.

Shit happens. If you hear machine guns and mortars you should leave instead of stick around and get killed like a dumb cunt like you

Idiotic post

Yea, because it's SOOOOOO fucking easy to run away from mortars and bullets from people who don't follow rules and shoot any motherfucker that looks like someone from your country, aka you and the soldiers. You're such a dumb fucking idiot. I get that you never leave your room, but you do have access to the internet. You shouldn't be this fucking stupid.

That's a very immature what of thinking frendo, I presume you are an American?

It's moral rules, as to not cause overdone suffering, to create weapons that kill faster to minimize suffering, rather than maximize it. They may be e enemy, but they're still human.

Because the world has to live with itself afterwards, which is the real, hardened view of civilization.

Um just run. Get a map and a compass and get the fuck out

Can you read a map, you dumb piece of shit?

in reality there are no rules

Actually in Africa they kill and rape everything. In America they do not

The real question is, if terrorists purposefully target civillians why don't we do it back to them?

I know we already kill more of them by mistake than they kill on purpose but still

because war without rules will bring out the worst.

weapons designed solely to maim, chemicals that blind or make a victim drown in their own ruptured lungs, targeting civilians, killing prisoners, torture, genocide.

rules of war are there to prevent the descent into inhumanity.

Alrighty, I'm assuming this is bait. And if you reply after this. I'll just insult you and no longer waste time trying to explain to you why what you're saying is so fucking stupid. There has been plenty of war, there are tons of people in countries who dont have access to either of those things and can't read a map or use a compass. There are plenty of people in countries that can't even fucking read at all or can read, but not very well, you seem to be both of them. But either way, you're a dumb piece of shit.

No hollow point ammo, napalm, chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons.

Fuck off with that question. Go use google faggot.

If there were an invasion I bet you're so stupid you wouldn't even know how to get out alive

I have hollow point and napalm

If there was an invasion you'd be too fucking fat and out of shape to do anything, stupid fat bitch. If there was an invasion I'd already be somewhere else killing the enemy. As I'd be enlisted, dumb bitch.


I think you have some things to learn about survival and evasion by faggot friend


wew lad, literally

This. WW1 was so fucking insane, it was unlike any other war experienced in history. It changed how countries and people in the whole world thought about war.