I have severe back acne worse than in this picture. How can I cure it? I got salyic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoid adapaline. How can i stop picking at it? It itches. Ty for the help Sup Forums
I have severe back acne worse than in this picture. How can I cure it? I got salyic acid, benzoyl peroxide...
see a doctor
ignore Sup Forums
Change your sheets weekly, don't re wear shirts more than once, shower?
I agree with this user
Shit I only have two shirts and one sheet. C as not afford a deratologist
that's no fun, i vote ignore doctors
Get a 20 pack of some cheap ass white T's
Head & Shoulders, twice a day. Let it act and wash off. Come back and tell us.
Congratulations, you became a ghoul.
Well, go to your dermatologist...
But probably oral isotretinoin (vitamin A analog), super strong but extremely effective and results are usually permanent. It's Rx only.
Just buy a fucking red and black long sleeve, grab a black fedora and make a glove that utilizes (3) 10inch blades and call yourself freddy. Also kill people in their dreams.
and don't be a dumbass and go out and take a bunch of vitamin A thinking that will work. Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) build up and can cause side effects (liver damage, in this case).
Diet, exercise, hygiene. That is the only way.
Post a pic op
Leeches should suck the blood out of them
Actuane. It's a wonder drug but need weekly blood work to monitor liver enzymes etc. they say it can cause depression which for me, as pizzafacefag in high school was EXACT opposite having acne made me depressed and stupid creams made my face red and scaly but still zits. I have no interest in pharma but for me Acutane was wonder drug got my oil glands to normal and better than all other crap.
this, have you seen a dermatologist?
It's almost certain they'll prescribe accutane if you're that bad
No alcohol for 6-24 months, however long your treatment is
most things are treatments, but accutane is a cure
you're on the internet, read about it
yeah don't start taking a bunch of shit
save up some money and go to a doctor, for acne that's really involved it only really goes down with antibiotics.
keep cleaning your back, and if you haven't already started try to eat right and exercise more. Get some hydrocortizone cream to help with the itching
Steroids (hydrocortisone) will help short term but can cause reactivation acne that's worse than before and permanent changes to skin pigmentation.
Steroids decrease inflammation (destroy or sequester white blood cells), but that also removes the defense against bacterial overgrowth (WBC again). Steroids are only for SHORT TERM relief.
Doc will start topical benzoyl peroxide (antibiotic) and maybe low dose doxycycline (antibiotic), if these fail then maybe skip to acutane (no longer called this, but a retinoid of some type).
May skip to acutane if you have scaring, since this is cosmetic and irreversible most of the time.
That's fucking disgusting man. A perfect display of your personal hygiene. If it does ever heal, you're going to have ugly ass pockmarks all over.
Will my scars heal? and can I buy accutane on the street
Get injections to lessen swelling and have it lasered off
Source: My friend had a less worse version of this
Scars can be improved but it's better to treat the acne first.
You probably could get accutane on the street if you tried hard enough (and by street i mean internet), but you really shouldn't it can actually cause some bad side effects if you aren't getting regular lab monitoring.
Also, accutane is taken for a few months and then stopped, with dose changes based on skin changes. You should go to a derm for this.