This guy tries to cheat on this girl daily, can someone please inform her

This guy tries to cheat on this girl daily, can someone please inform her.

[_] "Yes."
[X] "No."

Proof? Story at least?

Eat a dick


Can I put ranch on it?


show me her tits, and i might let her know

she wont fuck u op u little friendzoned, fat manlet

D u m p h e r n u d e s

And we might consider helping.

I wasn't friends zoned actually tbh I just know about. Looked the other way for long time. Getting old now.


Do it yourself pussy

1. not your personal army
2. no proof.
3. timestamp it

you were totally friendzoned lol

That looks like a Duke more than a dude man.

friendzoned lil pussy. do it yourself if you actually care

You are possibly the most retarded neckbeard on all of b ATM

Always amazes me that people like OP exist;

People so devoid of purpose, so shallow and empty, lacking in goals and direction in such utter and absolute way, that you are only ever content in meddling in the affairs of others.

My greatest joy is knowing that you, OP, are so insignificant that you will die without ever being experiencing the bliss of being held by someone who truly loves you.

Not because you don't deserve it or who you are. Oh no. It's because you're quite literally less important than the static, unnoticeable background white noise of life - where nobody would realize you're gone - as if you were never there to begin.

Such an amazing life you must lead. No wonder you contemplate suicide daily, and the only thing that keeps you from doing it is the fact that there isn't anyone who truly cares whether or not you'd go through with it.

Love it.

>we might consider helping
>thinking the current population of neckbeards at b doing something other than fap

Hahahahahahahaha looks like we got a "we r lejun" 14 year old faggot here.

Tell me, what exactly can YOU personally do if faggot op posts nudes?

if you're too pussy to get her to leave her bf what makes you think you have the balls to get down on her

wank off to them

and then not help op.

He can hack and stuff

Here's what you do you little bitch. Find another little bitch with a pussy he actually wants to fuck, not yours. Get her to meet him. Let them fuck. You watch while you play with your little pecker in the dark corner. Green text that shit. Go hang yourself.

Do it, pussy

If she doesn't know already, she is probably happier not being told. If she does know, she is choosing to accept it.

Life is not easy, and moments of happiness are not about the memories we die with, but the moments we live through. If a few more months or even years of happy oblivious times can come her way, why take that from her just to give her truth?

We don't always have to be aware to be happy. Sometimes just being happy without knowing is better.

When she does find out, she won't cry over the happiness, she will cry that it is over.

Be kind, don't be a rat.

real shit roight there


This was obviously a waste of time, I don't care anymore anyways. Thread is kill.

Because you realize your selfishness?