I'm high on meth right now
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I'm high on meth right now
pic related
this nigga been high on meth now for like 4 days
Whats it like being a druggie loser?
im Spiderman ama
why not just pretend you have adhd
Why be crazy mad on neth for ages when you can just enjoy a few lines of good coke every now and then and not ruin your life man
Post dick
Nah just the 2
Meth is alot more fun than adderall, trust me fam
Coke is expensive and won't have me speeding for 3 days. Its fun but meth is more enjoyable for me
Do you enjoy being a waste of human resource that the rest of society has to deal with?
Its really fun, apart from when i'm not high.
the high is the same, meth gets into your brain faster
I have a job. I work to pay for my habit. On the whole i'm a pretty responsible citizen, i just have an illegal hobby, but i'm not hurting anyone.
It's totally not the same. Smoking a fat rock of meth is unlike anything i've experienced
>not ruin your life
pick one
What do you plan on doing about the neurotoxicity and the teeth issues?
I wonder whether you intentionally misinterpreted ADHD as Adderall or you're just too damn high right now
my man
La migra! La migra!!
do you gain super powers?
Bait thread.
I dunno lol. My dental hygeine is pretty good. I hope to stop doing this before i'm 25. hopefully i don't rot myself away doing this shit, but if i do i don't really care. i don't enjoy anything else in life so i might just ride this bitch into oblivion. I'll see what happens in the future
>I'll see what happens in the future
inb4 prison
Keep fighting the good fight my man
No its not the same at all lol
Im not spanish bro. just have that mexican moustache right now, i need to shave i know
Will do bro
Where you at? What does shit cost? Opiats around???
I'm in Holland.half gram cost me about 30 euros. I can get heroin and codeine tabs but i don't use opiates
Most shit decriminalized there huh?
Yeah it's a good place to live if you're a drug user
Texas isn't. If you live near a city they'll let you off sometimes, because of overcrowding. Otherwise they hang you for the money they get from the state/ nation. It's kinda fucked.