If there was a purge night in your country
>where would you go
>what would u do
discuss faggots
If there was a purge night in your country
>where would you go
>what would u do
discuss faggots
Kill and Cannibalize my victims that dare set foot in my home and i'll turn their bones into jewelry and turn their genitals into my play time pacifier
To my dad's farm, no one goes there ever, and if they do I'd know where to hide.
I would kill several girls i know
go to target and steal as much pokemon cards and food as i can
Suck as mamy logs of shit out of andy sixx's asshole as i can.
The purge is actually people fighting over Andy's sweet warm and creamy logs
Set fire to section 8 and grab a bag of popcorn
i would go deep into the woods, strap myself high upon a tree and sleep the night out
sit in my room browsing Sup Forums while clutching my AR
this user is wise.
i really want to try out a punji pit
Arm a few buddies, hunker down somewhere and set up defenses down fatal funnels (hallways, chokepoints, etc) to effectively defend the building until daybreak
AR stands for assault rifle you fucking retard....
what does AR actually stand for again?
What if some crazy fuckers light the forest on fire and you happened to be hanging from a tree like a lynched slave?
break my lil bro out of prison, rob a bank and kill a few people
Armalite you idiot. Research before spewing stupid shit.
>terminally ill
>people with genetic disorders which cost a ton relative to the frequency of people with them
>mentally ill
>morbidly obese
You're welcome.
Armalite Rifle, dumbass.
I'd go walking around naked, flaunting my ass for a group of big black men to rape in the street. Maybe a small crowd would watch them gang fuck me, makes me hot just thinking about it.
Rent a Boat and Go into the ocean for the day/night.
Augmented reality
nice DD, how do you like that mlok rail?
Lock and Load, board up the windows and doors
Pirate tons of music and movies.
ty ar friend
it gets too hot to hold very quickly but otherwise is very comfortable and nice to fondle
i need some rail covers or something
Fuck off that makes me so mad, faggots like you. I HATE you!
Research guns and be annoyed about the hassle of it. Lock and padlock my door. Go out and murder every male I see and maim/rape every female I see. If I die being that reckless without a group, good. Too lonely and empty being alive anyway.
Prolly a good way to delete dumbfucks, instragrammers, white trash, homeless and neckbeards all in one swoop.
go on my uncles sailboat and drink beer smoke weed and fish out in the ocean until it all blows over.
Leave earlier and hide in the city centre somewhere until the madness kicks off then come out mid shit storm and just rape, murder and rob until I get killed.. I'd try get as many mates together as possible as well
quite a few of those are already dealt with in a society that doesn't care about its people enough to have a purge
Prob a lot of rape and molestation.
Honesty I'd be breaking into homes for some sexy time with my neighbors daughters. I mean shit I wanna rape sluts now but there's laws against it.
-Steal as many emo albums as possible
-Smoke unreal amounts of crack cocaine
Assuming purge means no laws/rules
I'd chill in my basement with some guns and my mates
Probably play some MtG and run brainstorm/FoW in my modern deck for cheese
No rules motherfuckers
>get annoyed by the hassle of it
Are you poor or just really lazy?
>quad MG42s
>spiderhole in my backyard along with tunnel systems
>people try to rob my empty house
>jump out
>barrel cooling
>shells dropping on grass
What if people are trying to get away from a large group of niggers
Fuck going and doing the purge shit, but I would definitely start a business
Purge Mask/Costume/Persona Salesman
easily get fucking rich off of selling that shit Purge Month Eve
So if you lock someone if your basement for fuckies during the purge but decide to keep her once its over does it become illegal again?
Damn why did I say rape and murder, can I change my answer?
No, all crime is legal (for a temporary basis).. I mean, people might not find out so I guess try it and see what happens
>jump out
>"Are you my daddy?!"
yes, all criminal acts committed during purge is fine but anything afterward is illegal again
[spoiler]hence why purge could never work, they could never make sure people stopped right before midnight or at the crack of dawn[/spoiler]
Probably hide under my house like a bitch hoping i survive
Head for the nearest Martin Luther King Boulevard and lighten the load on the welfare system.
I would go to the middle of the desert that I live right next to and camp there between a couple bushes
i have no weapons.
too pussy to die so i dont feel like risking my life trying to fuck a girl
so i'd probably stay at my computer desk on 4chin with pic related
Assault with a weapon and murder if I had to
Basically get rich and put a lot of dealers out of business
Like 99% of normal people, then you have internet hard asses like how feel the need to be important on something as insignificant as 4chinz
Autistic Retardgun
It'd be like an immunity to catching charges. Someone would probably try to do the same shit to me though
The same thing im doing right now tbh lads
>stay at home
>jerk off
You are the reason we need a purge
secede from the union and ban the purge
I'd go to the white house and settle the score I have with trump. If he wants to pretend fight me on twitter, he's gonna have to put action where his words go
Steal some cheeseburgers.
Like, a billion fucking cheeseburgers.
Deploy a massive and ruthless military force?
on that note theres a fancy hipster bottlewerks store right by me so on the off chance nobody's manning that
Kidnap a pretty girl and lick her feet.
>what would u do
lock my doors and shitpost on Sup Forums
Stay inside, shitpost, then jack it yo tranny porn
I like to dice up girls
As opposed to inflating your own ego by calling out internet tough guys, making you an electronic hero of sorts?
They'd start to smell pretty bad eventually.
FInd old boss and do "Swimming with Sharks" action.
Grab a buck 120 knife and make scream a real thing
I live in a rich community so we wouldn't go full nigger
You didn't let me finish.
>I would then distribute the ones I don't eat to the homeless the day after the Purge
Fuck off with this gay ass retarded meme kys
You're a decent sort.
to the internet and download free music
I am not divulging that information, even on an anonymous, fictitious image board. Let's just say I'm ready.
Most likely rape attractive women
I can't imagine too many people would go camping so I'd probably do that. Set off a day or two in advance, hike deep into the woods, and wait it out there. I definitely can't afford one of the elite home security systems and I'm not interested in murdering people. It'd be nice to get a load of cash, but there's no way anyone would be stupid enough to not deposit cash into their bank and I doubt the banks wouldn't be under heavy guard.
Well considering I'd be hiding during a purge too? not really a tough guy now am I?
but by all means, continue your contradiction.
I know a couple that used to be friends of mine. They have a daughter, and she's a knock-out. they are poor and lazy/dirty/gross so instead of a bathroom door they had a curtain hung up. I've seen every inch of that girl's body and goddamn is it nice.
we had a falling out. I happen to know they are both fat, lazy, and the other occupants of the house are one old lady and a bunch of young children. they have own no weapons, have a staunch "no guns around my kids" policy (because that's "safe" right haha) and are completely defenseless.
During a purge event.... I'd go in and take their daughter. I wouldn't shoot anyone, or kill anyone. I might have to knock them around a little with a ballbat but they would live.
I would take their oldest daughter and simply be on my way. I wouldn't have her tied up though. If I knew a "purge" was coming, I'd set up the basement to be escape proof/sound proof. I'd make sure it was well stocked with simple foods (she's not a great cook) and hygiene products. The basement would be her new home. She'd have her own couch, tv, with dvd player and every movie you could think of. books, small kitchen (no knives and plastic-ware only) bathroom, bedroom, etc.
I'd have hidden cameras all over the place. I'd build the shower and toilet in separate rooms though.... I'd like to watch her shower/shave/etc. but toilet stuff is gross
I'd just leave her down there. to her own devices. sure, at first she be freaking out.... but eventually.... she'll start to relax. get used to it. try to make the best of it. that's when the fun starts.......
>every house and store near
>loot, rape, repeat
Non-US, in the suburbs, got my parang with me and i'm set
finf the spicist mieyball ever and makr a big eat ::P
Stay at home posting on Sup Forums
Make a nice safe bunker in the woods for my family...and another one in the middle of the city for me. Go out grab a few chicks, take um back to my spot and have at it.
Why aren't you at work?
Post gore on /mlp/
did it once and got banned
>fuckin' brony fags
Dead Trumpski's everywhere. Such a warm fuzzy thought thanks OP.
only correct response
If I make an automatic firearm during the purge, is that legal after? Do I need the tax stamp?
I live out in a swanky cabin with some mountains. I automatically give no fucks.
I'd make a thread on Sup Forums and asks you faggots for support
Commit mass financial fraud from my deep woods bunker
>it's just a buried shipping container with a power source and stolen internet
Survive the purge a rich man
i would go to the mall and fuckin' steal all the stuffed animals, jewelry, make-up, shirts, and food
Are you anonemouse?!1?
well there ya go. unless someone wants to go on a hiking trip youre golden dude
nothing because I'm a massive pussy.
I'd stay where I am. I'm in one of the safest cities in America. I might get a crowbar in advance, for self-defense and utility, but I wouldn't be too worried.
Come to think of it, I remember saying in a conversation about this that I'd like to go streaking.
I still stand by this.
I wish
I wouldn't wash my hands before returning to work
you wanna share girls on skype
fuck a horse and rob a bank
You are the most shit-kind of human being.