Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an anti-porn board. The only reason porn is so prevalent on here is because degenerate fucking weirdos invaded a few years ago to detracted from what made Sup Forums a worthwhile board.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an anti-porn board...
Does this make you feel like a crusader.
cool story bro
True. Sup Forums didn't have nearly as many porn threads 5 years ago.
I hate porn threads on Sup Forums it demonstrates a lack of creativity
Man it was so disappointing to get back on Sup Forums after a bunch of years and seeing nothing but porn and trap threads
sadly, agreed . there is nothing wrong with fetish,it just does not belong on Sup Forums
wut you say op?
traps have always be a part of Sup Forums
maybe, ya know, you can understand that your preferences do not define what Sup Forums is supposed to be
>daily reminder
More like 'yearly' reminder
Sounds about right.
Evrey thing is ok user we got what we wanted if times get dark again we shall strike again
Till then stop
Deus Vult my brother
porn is one of the fundamental bases of the internet-- like it or not.
He said that fucks like you are the ones that fucked this shit up.
>implying trap threads aren't porn
>implying trap threads haven't always been here
I will fight till the bitter end
>degenerate fucking weirdos invaded a few years
we need to step up our game, fam
supposed oldfags have been complaining about the user base basically since Sup Forums's inception.
help us tho
>no one is willing to teach code.
holy shit yo'
you learn that shit yourself
>The only reason porn is so prevalent on here is because degenerate fucking weirdos invaded a few years ago to detracted from what made Sup Forums a worthwhile board.
To those who want a better life.