Fuck Sup Forums

Fuck Sup Forums

I ordered a fleshlight and I came home today with the package on my bed open...

I live with my grandpa. He's not talking to me. I think I fucked up.

Why the fuck does your grandpa open your package?

Get him arrested for opening your mail

Did he use it?

Offer to share it with him

As if his crusty ass never abused his one eyed eel. Tell him to have a stroke and die already. When he does rub one out on his grave, timestamp and upload to /b

>I live with my grandpa


your grandpa has either a reading problem or a privacy problem. you should be the one not talking to him

Say someone fouled you. Then ask him why the fuck he dare to open your package

Walk down with it and pretend like he ordered it and ask why the fuck it was on your bed.

>"There is a common misconception that it is illegal to open mail addressed to someone else that has been delivered to you. There is no federal statute that prevents you from opening mail not addressed to you once it has been delivered by the Postal Service."


1. Take the fleshlight.
2. Go downstairs.
3. Slap grandpa across the face with fleshlight
4. Tell him to never open your shit again
5. Call police and raport grandpa for rape

>not just getting your grandpa to suck you off for free

>2. Go downstairs.
How you know?

inb4 grandpa is a Sup Forums faggot and is on this post fapping.

He just saw his own bloodline purchasing a plastic pussy instead of going to get some.

Imagine how dissapointing that must be, seeing that you passed your genes so the son of your son can waste money on fantasies instead of facing the edge of reality like a real man.

says the guy on Sup Forums the night before a federal holiday at the height of summer vacation

Wich fucking federal holiday are you talking about, I have to work and go to college for an exam tomorrow hamburgertard

Tell him to not go through your mail, it might be illegal technically. But it's sure as hell rude and invasive of privacy. Kill him and eat him.

why not share it stingy

America's fucking birthday, you pantload are you that retarded?

>calling someone a retard and not knowing the US wasnt "born" on july 4th.

The birth of america? Or the declaration of independence?

My goodness. There is an insane difference between those things, I bet you can`t difference the cardinal points on a map

How do you know he doesn't get pussy? My girlfriend ordered one for me so she could watch me use it. Guess we all know who isn't getting pussy in this thread. Stop projecting faggot

>Fuck Sup Forums
No fuck you, you son of a bitch

Well, your Grandpa was hoping you'd get the butt one, but instead you got the gaping grandma one, your Grandpa was not happy. You did clean it right?

He's right you know. Commas are important.