So just asking: Is every US citizen as stupid as they seem, based on their elections, religious beliefs, consumer choices, police and armed forces, etc? Or is it just my perception, coming from an ancient society? ITT post the most stupid pics of those illiterate nation (America is a continent, you dumb fucks)
So just asking: Is every US citizen as stupid as they seem, based on their elections, religious beliefs...
Go back to Tumblr OP
Third-world cuck detected
The flaw in a democracy is that an intelligent person can have their vote rendered useless by a mouth breathing retard.
Resented faggots detected
Trump is a great President
Sure kid
Poo in the loo
Great pic, although I have a master's in Political Science, been a lecturer in 2 continents outside America, and have a far better life than the 15% of US citizens living under the poverty line, so please, be kind enough to gtfo
Sure kid
Wasn't the point to bait you fags. I'm just proving how /b is the pinacle of the dumbing down of your shitty country
Show your bravery, honor and patriotism to your homeland; what country are you from?
A country that has at least 5 civilizations that are more than 1000 years old, one of whom is considered one of the greatest civilizations of the entire human history.
>A country that has at least 5 civilizations that are more than 1000 years old, one of whom is considered one of the greatest civilizations of the entire human history.
Can you be a little more descriptive or are you ashamed?
You're stupid for thinking all Americans feel the same way
This explains why Hillary was able to get more total votes, but lose in the election. Our system is not a 100% truly direct democracy and is designed to prevent the mooches and low-lifes from voting themselves free shit even when they out number the upstanding, successful patriots.
Happy 4th of July everyone
>I live barely above the poverty line
OP's pic is pic related
Nah. Just the white ones. Trump won white people overwhelmingly -- he is what the lowest of our citizens imagine a winner and strong leader to be. (The majority of our lowest citizens are white, but don't tell the white people that, it hurts their delicate little feelings.) Hope that helps, OP!
>A country that has at least 5 civilizations that are more than 1000 years old, one of whom is considered one of the greatest civilizations of the entire human history.
I see you want to play games.
Do you have running water?
Do you wipe your ass with your hand?
Do you fuck blood relatives?
What color is your skin?
Do you ride a "motorbike" or drive a car? Did you take the muffler off for more "power?"
Do you escort females in your family where ever they go?
If a woman claims rape, do you and other males have to be witnesses?
Do you have a unibrow?
Do you shower daily?
Do you kill and eat cats and dogs?
That should narrow it down, thank you.
How about no cares about you OR Your faggot country nigger? Go post how superior you are on your fb page.
No you are correct. Americans are the most gullible, badly educated and fucking lazy cunts in the world. In Trump, we have got what we deserve.
1st thing straight, Americans; that means citizens of the United States of America, not north, south, or central Americans. North Americans in Canada land are Canadians. Central Americans in Mexico land are Mexicans. We that live in the USA are Americans.
70% of business in China is owned by the Chinese government.
70% of the American government is owned by business.
These are the same in effect. One Party line, those that don't follow get marginalized.
Americans are cucked for believing in oligarchy as some sort of liberating force, and the inability to directly affect policy as a blessing. Good goys, the lot of them.
Americans as a whole aren't as as our government. If you see how our population is cut up into our election districts you can see how they keep an informed voter base from Gaining too much power
>70% of the American government is owned by business
That should be 98%
The "informed voter base" in the US is so small, it is statistically insignificant.
“America” is not a continent. There’s North America, a continent. There’s South America, a continent. Combined, they’re called: The Americas. “America” refers only to the United States of America. It’s a shortened version of that word.
OP won't even say where he's from because he knows his shit hole third world country is below our great America KEK
So what shit school did you go to that has you shit-posting on here asking dumb questions?
“An ancient society”. The Aborigines have the most ancient human society. And they’re the most backward. Ants have ancient societies. Going back, literally, 99 million years — when they first evolved, from wasps. So “coming from an ancient society” means nothing.
OP is an embarrassment from Texas.
Congratulations on your absolutely worthless degree in political science.
I hope the Morans were able to get the brain for that transplant. Poor family.