
> 2 pimples grew out
> popped them
> now this
WTF is this shit /b?

probably herpes you mango


there's your problem you tremendous casserole. just trim

Oh oos spaghetti oos

Wow it took me a while but damn you have a super small dick dude

Its flacid

Got tested before i got maried, it cant be herpes

>shaves palms

use nair instead. try on a small area to test for ingrown hair first.


I know and I can still tell man. There's no use in denying.

Did you hot tub shortly after shaving, or use something that might have irritated it?
Might be a minor infection, I had that once as well
Just give it some time

Full power, angle helps it alot.

I did

I had similar shit happen to me OP so i stopped shaving a just trim now. It's just an infection or something that'll subside in a few days/weeks.

However can someone tell me what this looks like? I've been clean forever but recently broke up with my ex and noticed this after. Is this early signs of HPV? I don't know if I ever had this before.

Lmfao I stand by what I said earlier man. Even more so if the angle is misleading.

post more angles

Does look like VPH, do you have bumps under the tip?

Top I measured was 7inches, let me see your dick

Yeah its pretty much only under the tip, none on it and doesn't really reach the rest of my shaft.

It's a scab. Very unlucky it healed that way. It will definitely fade over time, but it isn't going anywhere quick.

Yeah could be VPH. Did your gf get any?

I asked her about it recently and her response was "im clean lol" which I think is bullshit. I'm going to a doctor tomorrow so hopefully I can catch her out lying again. (or hopefully not)

That being said she never had any genital warts that I could see. She did have a wart on her thigh but I didn't think that'd be related to HPV.