Is there anyone honestly afraid that hell exists?
Is there anyone honestly afraid that hell exists?
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I know it exists. We're already here.
Nah. I'm gonna be punished cause God made me a fuck up? Nah I'm good.
if in hell i'm still human i will develop tolerance for suffering mental and psychical.
either way heaven is place where you are constantly happy so this mean you can't be unhappy, this leads to no_free_will.exe.
Question is be redpilled in hell for cost of not even eternal suffering or blue pilled in heaven. without free will
which version of hell?
We're already in hell. Being alive is our punishment for being shitty people.
No because this isn't a cartoon and my parents didn't care enough to brainwashing me into believing it.
Some say we reveiw our lives in the next life. If thats true, i couldnt think of a worse hell
I think I was in hell for 500 years but they let me out to preach the word of the devil
although I could just be crazy
>ITT 2 much edge 4 me
No because hell is subjective
Once you learn to love hell, you will realize that you are in heaven.
Isnt that hell (greco-roman/germanic) is pagan invention in christianity? Like judaism does not have that cocept?
Man, watching yourself jerk off. Yep that's hell.
The worst hell is the one where you are reborn on this planet over and over again. Couldn't think of anything worse I think.
fuck no death is nothing and is nowhere
Why would it?
jews either dont believe in hell or its basically a reform school
Jewish verison
which is what?
Not me. The way I see it, if you sin (break God's laws) you'd be treated as royalty in hell, seeing as Satan is opposed to God. Why would Satan burn you and cram pitchforks up your ass for eternity when you are clearly on his side?
Nah man, Hell exists to scare people into doing good so they aren't punish for eternity. This really just shows that religious people do not believe that Humans are capable of doing good deeds on their own.
Jews believe in Sheol, or Gehenna which was derived from Valley of Hinnom where Molech worship practiced.
Hell exists. Read up on some negative NDE. Greatest trick of Devil--kaiser solche knew it. Universe is kata/ana in 4th dimenson, Kata is home 7 heavens, Ana is the "basement" separated from the Tetragrammaton. Yet because these 4th dimensons are kata/ana literally just "next to us" 90 degrees in 4th dimensional plane.
Lucifer is the Satan/Shaitan, they great Adversary and go on not believing in him. Just know he believes in you and wants you to exercise your freewill and have all the worldly knowledge you would like, and focus on Babel towers and not humility and humanity and knowing a deity gave his avatar so you could be reconciled to him, since the tetragrammaton was separated from humans by a factor of inifinity,
>kaiser solche
The world we live in is Hell.
Not the user you replied to, but I think this is it. Basically a pit which puts you at the furthest possible distance from god and heaven.
Humans have a very powerful energy that passes on after you die, some would call a soul. The universe wastes nothing
no, but rather hopeful.
i know someone who who got a voicemail from the devil
How did he know for sure
Hell is real. And most of you are going there.
Because the devil likes to provoque suffering, he make it look like hell isnt that bad so he can convince people into harming others, and then he harms the harmers when they die
Because she threaten to keep the kids if she didn't get the child support
>wastes nothing
the fuck is that supposed to mean
>humans have very powerful energy
HAH fuck no, your cells die, degrade, rott, and then decompose into the same shit that made us in the first fucking place.
but lets get back to your point, what energy exactly is it being converted into?
is it light (photons)?
is it heat?
there's so many different types, pls do tell..
There were times...
i listened to it, he literally sold his soul to the devil and immediately after received a voicemail from a restricted number
>christians say that if you break the 10 commandments, you go straight to hell
>christans say that no matter how many of the commandments youve broken, if you ask god for forgiveness then you go to heaven
If all you gotta go is ask forgiveness, then why the fuck are people sent to hell?
>murder 1000 infants
>sorry god
>free pass into eternal paradise no harm no foul
Whether or not it exists doesn't matter. Be a non shit human being. Fear shouldn't lead to morality. Morality should just be a thing.
It is very real.
Ur a cocky little fuck arent ya?
I havent died so i dont know. Nobody does.
Maybe that "energy" passes on to another dimension
Shouldve put it on youtube
If god knows everything that transpires in our lives, before they even happen, then why would god send us to hell? Did I choose to come to Earth if I had a soul? For what reason? The answer to this question can only be interpreted by us humans in our flawed human ways, which means the question can never be answered until we bite the dust. So what do we do in the mean time? Survive, I suppose.
1. Either God forgives ALL sin or no sin.
2. God decided to forgive all sin.
3. You simply need to trust the gospel.
4. The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of God in the flesh (Jesus Christ)
5. If you simply believe it (trust it) you're now saved.
6. There is a parable in the Bible that deals with your "problem".
Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? - Matt 25:15
Parable of the workers.
Some worked 12h
Some worked 1h
Both got paid the same.
The people that worked 12h were mad.
Yet they had no reason to be.
Wake up, O dead one.
this is hell
carbon is 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons.
we are the beasts.
the sun is basically satan
I'm fairly sure intelligent life persists postmortem, but it's probably something you'd not like; a shame for those who are mentally ill or not self aware. It's a melting pot of nonsensical chaos where all sentience in the universe has a chance of slipping through and--if I'm not just tripping balls--we all are just a roulette away no matter what.
been pretty close to dead a couple times and still never met jesus, so i have no reason to believe in heaven or hell
You can review your life anytime you want though
hell can be real, we'd create it for ourselves, others are born into it, by their ancestors
Arise O sleeper
Harken unto the LORD your God.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. - Rev 12:9
uh go on? que?
I believe hell is an end of your conciousness and existance or the realization of what it truly is followed by a less desirable path we cannot understand now, probably not the shit Dante dreamed up. I believe to say this life is hell shows not only a lack of imagination but a true disconnection from the idea that we live in the greatest age of humanity; not perfect, but the best thus far. Paul said, paraphrasing, that some of us would just sleep and never wake again after death. I think that hell is truly the most terrifying but thats me.
They mock you in plain sight.
>he might not save you
>believe in him and he'll save you
So which is it?
All of you keep saying "I believe" "My opinion is" etc. Garbage.
Nobody cares about your beliefs.
Only the TRUTH matters.
Not even a little.
He will save you, if you believe the gospel.
What's the problem? What don't you get?
>people thousands upon thousands of years ago recognized how utterly moronic, selfish, psychopathic, disgusting, and hurtfull humanity is
wow, i think the majority of western so called "leaders" need to take a little trip back in time to recognize these facts.
just look at how fucking stupid they are, inviting millions upon millions of strangers into their homes, people who spent the better part of the last decade slaughtering their own peers who share their own religeous and cultural life views.
just imagine what the fuck they'll do to people who don't even speak the same language as them. as if their mobster run familias aren't going to follow them into their new countries.
You just said
>1. Either God forgives ALL sin or no sin.
Then, you said
>5. If you simply believe it (trust it) you're now saved.
Which is it?
and now there are other dimensions?
holy hell kid, bring yourself back to reality.
Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Why do Christ-fags always full-caps "god" as "GOD?" I even see it in advertising for churches when I expect them to, at least, be somewhat literate. Pronouns warrant a single capital letter and, forgive my austismo, but I can only imagine it as if the text is typed to come off as if the are literally yelling out "GAWWWWDuh!". It isn't endearing or cute. It makes me want to cringe so hard, my face might just implode.
Prove it.
God cannot interfere with your free will.
So God already paid for all the sins of the world.
But if you never trust that He paid for them, you're rejecting His payment for your sins and you're going to have to spend eternity trying to appease an infinitely just God. Which is why hell is eternal.
Do you get it now?
There are IF conditions. He cannot just pay for all your sins and that's it. You need to accept the free gift.
I got a letter from the devil three days after extensively researching people who sold their soul
Hell is real
Dude what are you doing on this thread?
>just imagine what the fuck they'll do to people who don't even speak the same language as them
oh wait you don't have to imagine, just turn on the news, they're always doing something damaging to their new refuge..
Reminder that God "paying" for sins that God came up with is nonsensical, and that's before even getting into how grotesque substitutional atonement is.
i'm currently trying to figure out just wtf this retard is talking about
"is" was also capital letters.
I don't write God, GOD.
God, the only true God is written as "God" and that's it. Damn you're pathetic. You get all this info, the only thing you care about is how I wrote something. So pathetic.
So when a judge judges you to go to prison the judge is nonsensical because crime is something society came up with?
You're a fucking moron.
"hurr durr don't pay for you crimes!" idiots on here, I bet you're a nice, fat atheist too.
It's more than asking forgiveness, it is modeling your life after Christ and what he taught. If you are doing it right, you are asking forgiveness constantly until you change the components of your life entirely. This change should see you doing less "bad" and thereby asking for forgiveness less or more likely for "less severe" things. Simple formula, be the best person you know how to be and push yourself each day to be a bit better. No one is perfect; we all think shit thoughts and do shit things
You capitalize the word god as God when it is used as a proper noun. It is lowercase otherwise.
"In the Bible, God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses"
"The god of the Bible gave the Ten Commandments to Moses"
It's more believable than a magic nothing that exploded for no reason creating all that exists and life appearing out of nowhere to turn into us after an infinite number if mathematically impossible accidents.
It wasn't just about you, It's virtually everywhere. As I said, even in advertising. I just got Vietnam flashbacks of normies. Don't get buttfrustrated.
>God cannot interfere with your free will.
I thought God had the power to do anything he pleases? He is literally the "all powerful God" after all.
>Do you get it now?
No, because you say one thing, then another, now you're saying God is incapable of doing something even though he's God
You said if I asks for forgiveness, god may or may not forgive me. Then, you say god will forgive me if I ask for forgiveness...
Which. Is. It?
>being this triggered over someone else's opinions on the afterlife
Lets see it
You do not need to model your life after Jesus Christ to be saved. That's called works salvation and will send you to hell.
The reason God came down and died for all our sins and lived a perfect life is BECAUSE we can't follow the law.
No, but it would be nonsensical if the judge went to prison in your place or sent his son there instead.
what the fuck lol
a deity gave his avatar..
dude translate some of this shit
I think I'm more afraid of the idea of nonexistence than Hell. I know that's really stupid and I'm sure there are plenty people here who are comfortable with the idea of nothing, but I personally love feeling and perceiving, even if it sucks.
Long gone in the trash where it belongs, I didn't bring it into my home
I have never said "If you ask for forgiveness God may or may not forgive you" that's retarded. I just started posted on here. This is my first post:
If you believe the gospel, you're saved. There is no maybe or might. It's 100% certainty.
Now days the more scientists learn about our universe, the more theyre inclined to the idea of a grand architect. Even the egghead atheist ones think so
God brought me down to Hades one time, it's beautiful like the rest of creation. There is where evil can lurk. I would go again if I had the reason to go, and no, I'm not afraid.
No it would not. Someone has to pay for crime. It's either you or someone in your stead who is willing to do it for you.
You need to use your God given brain and think.
Actually blind faith without rejection of your sins also gets you to hell to for even the demons claim he is lord.
You're supposed to accept jesus gift of salvation and try your best to live your life after his model. Yes you will fail because you are human but you are supposed to give your best.