Is this true?

Is this true?

fuk u

So more reasons not to date a porn star, okay then.


No its not, even the fucking tweet is fake. Fuck off user.

fake tweet
stop posting this shit

once youve gotten an incurable std from a black guy, you really have no other choice, especially since these hos have to get tested

Nope stop spamming these threads.

>bigger dicks

okay, they are still niggers though

reported for spam

Okay let's think
Porn shows dicks
Dicks that are bigger means more profit
People think black guys have bigger dicks so they pefer blacks
Wave "BBC" for more profit
Get blacks with many shlong inches for MORE PROFIT
Make a girl git shloinked by biggo shlongo
That person already liked negros
They work in porn therefore make money from biggo shlongo

There ya go


You people are worse than furries or bronies ever were.

agreed, the cucks can leave Sup Forums 5ver (dat means more dan 4ver) and no one would shed a tear.

people need to fuck off with this black superiority cuck shit.

You kids get so butthurt over it.


I work in the industry and absolutely not. There is a political and racial wave right now that everyone is riding. We're hurting so bad for money that we'll milk this black superiority bullshit for all it's worth.

You want it to end!?


If we see a spike in revenue for a different type of porn, we'll gladly milk whatever that genre is.

A giant black cock fucking up a small white cunt gets literally 5x more downloads AND a fuck TON of advertisement clicks. This started happening in like 2015.

lol you keep telling yourself that while you wank in the corner to some nignog porking your slut of a "girlfriend" if you even have one.

On campus, all I see are interracial couples and a bunch of white dudes walking around by themselves. There's more to this than just a meme, unfortunately; or perhaps it was the meme itself that became real through meme magic. Whatever it is, black dude on white girl is very real.

This so much he's a fucking loser cuck

This me. I'm just going to chime in here again real quick.

Our sales are down 70% on every white/white brand. All of our interracial shit is booming. We're converting a once black/black brand to a black/white brand. blackpayback (dawt) com will be a white girl black guy website before the end of the summer. Editing shit for it right now. Pic related


>Being degenerate

Imagine that

Now, for the daily reminder of what a nigger lover looks like who isn't getting paid

Really? I usually seen coons just monkeyfucking about in groups of 3 or 4 on mine. Every now and then you see a civilized one in a suit with a white girl. Also, go find an asian chick, they are easy and have good values depending on nationality.

It's social conditioning

the black dick disappears once she gets pregnant, amirite?



White women are trash tier anyway.


>porn girls
>left their man

Why would you date a pornstar?

>average body type




We have 100 of these threads every single day and people still reply to this bait.

theres like 14 jigs, 8 kikes and a turkroach that post this meme adan

>this is what ceos of tech companies ( amazingly all indian/asian of some sort) are trying to make seem popular via botnet baitlinks and fake clicks
>meanwhile they spam the news relentlessly with race war propaganda

nobody else see the blatantly obvious divide and conquer tactics at play here?

godanm indians -.-


>Using a computer

Yeah, no. It's all Tumblr social conditioning faggotry


Poor black dudes just can't seem to admit their failures. Sad.

August Ames started dating one of her first directors and is now married to him for over a year now. Idk how that cuck can just watch his wife get fucked by hundreds of dudes and still want to be married to her. It's fucked up

> Pic related

I guess it doesn't help that she fucked well over 50 dudes in high school as well. She was well known to be a slut at both high schools she went to.

It's the fat ugly white girls who can't do any better that are really out of touch with reality.

They try to convince themselves that they 'prefer' niggers. Yeah like a guy stuck on an island tells himself he prefers coconuts to t-bone steak

>the daily reminder of what a nigger lover looks like who isn't getting paid

>Posts bleach blonde with an ass for a chin

Exactly. Thanks for proving my point

until he beats her or gets her pregnant you monkey.

>being married to a women who gets fucked by different men multiple times on a daily basis
Cucks like that deserve to be alone

look at him and then look at her and then do it again for a few times, he can get that kind of pussy only under such circumstances.

better to watch her fuck 100s of dudes and then fuck you, than watch it anyway and not fuck her, amirite?

>Average body


When they say that, I think they mean average for mud sharks


It cant be. Why would she leave for someone thats about to go to prison or shot by white cops?

Back the blue.

> prefer not to say body type
> posts pictures of land whale.
I wonder what she looks like

I can't imagine that these disgusting blobs actually think they're attractive.

it's got to be some serious overcompensation

All those coalburners will become fat single mothers of niglets, sponging off of social welfare.

This faggot deserves the rope

What's really fucking pathetic is that whites being gone benefits no one

You never know, maybe that is average body type for Alabama.

Interesting, can we get a wider dox going?

It really is