






would like to cuddle

Not gay have pictures of men in women's clothes saved on his computer.




Is that you? kik?

Moar of this

I refuse to believe you have a peener


I said it was OC didn't I -_-

Spoiler alert I have a peener

it's not gay if her clitty is locked in chastity : )

I seen a couple in a thread 2 days ago and been wanting moar... any lingerie shots

A-are you anywhere near Seattle?

No im too poor to afford any lingerie


Yeah! I'm about 3100 miles from Seattle!

Cool story...

Well it IS gay if you call it a clitty.

OP, you are confused.
bang-a-trap = gay.
that's fine, if you're into it, but it's totally gay.

Bra and panties ?

Hey guys I'm going on a date with a cute transgirl tomorrow, feels kinda gay but w/e. I like her.

Thoughts? The feminist blogs say it's no different than dating a normal girl but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel fucking weird.


I don't have any sexy pairs of either lmao, unless you're into penguin panties

What's the best way for a bicurious straight guy to find a femboy

Is that really a trap? She's gorgeous...


i have oc.


yes - so your gay too

we definitely are

Moar please

I'm sad

stop posting me

I only have two nude shots on my phone and this is one of them




you are from the other thread, right?

Clothed is good too

No you're too cute

who is she?
and will you marry me?



O k


Seen it and fapped to it
I NEED more

A mentally disturbed qtp2t

so, do you use tinder or something?




O k

Old pic; trap gets ass

dubs and ill take it out.

Nah I haven't been in the dating game since Tinder became a thing, really.


sure why the hell not?

Im still not there
Dump everything please

For science

why would it be gay to fuck something so fem?


if i get the dubs, you show the booty instead?

Do we love our crossdressing war heroes?



dam sun

who is she(he)

really? If you use tinder you will get alot of fun.

first mother fucker too. here ya go m8.


ok dubs gets booty.

fuck yes

im fapping

post your ass for a tribute



kek no way a trap

She was/is my girlfriend


gonna try to get the chastity trend going again : P

>i love you if youre locked, seriously kik me if we're close i might spend a night or two with you in a nice hotel, IN here

Apparently a trap going by the name Aubrey Frost.

Don't have more, but a google search should help you find some.

name brand vs generic

this thread is dead. you need less

Shrutchi serviced those tanks to hell and back, wasn't even a healer class


That for the dic pic I guess

Who is this? Tumblr? Kik?



Like...... your best friend?????



get me some dubs then bitch

this pic is good.

Visual perfection in a human being

Name? Tumblr?
