What year did it turn to shit?
What year did it turn to shit?
Started going down hill in 2010, each year it picked up speed till we're here with andy six, manlet and more fags than women.
13.7 billion bc
The first one cause life on earth has been a mistake.
The asteroid wasn't enough. I should have finished you off when I had the chance but I underestimated your planets will to survive
And now we're coming for you, bitch. Fuckin faggot ass space dinosaurs. We know you're out there and we got nukes for ya.
2007 was the golden age
what is "it"?
was never good and always shit
same could be said about 4chin
the internet on the otherhand didn't turn to shit until 09
It never was as good as people on here claim. There always were ups and downs, though.
It was Boxxie. People learned they could spam the same thing all day every day and get away with it.
I'd say that at least concerning Sup Forums. One might consider the golden age around 2004 when there was still the lolicon and guro boards. Personally I think it's been getting better considering I primarily post on Sup Forums, and the changes have been good on there and the other non-random boards
the only people who keep claiming how shit Sup Forums's gotten are the newfags who want to pretend they're oldfags
Pretty much. and porn. I know I know Sup Forums has always been the same but if we left space for -al least- non porn stuff
That's the year I was born, so basically this.
Sup Forums was always a shitshow
it was always a damn fun shitshow
I will always be a shitshow.
Richard is Gay
Newfag spotted
it got kinda annoying when people worshiped GET's, too
And not just for 4c but life too.
And krautchan was way better actually.
since the beginning
2009 and 2015-16 were the gold ages
2010 when the ponyfags started to invade
And honestly this last election cycle dropped the quality of this site by a couple pegs as well, mainly b/c now we get a ton of Sup Forumsbots
It had decent year until the end 2013
In the end of 2013 my life changed forever
2014 and 2015 were the worst year for me
After I started to have crush on a fictional character in the end of 2013 it turned into a shit
Sup Forums was never good
I got here from accidentally clicking on an Encyclopedia Dramatica article in November 2007.
I have to say it's largely the same, with the one major difference being that we used to do stuff.
Invasions, raid, IRL rallies, DDOS. ect.
There was a sense of community from when I got here until about the time Occupy started.(kind of like what Sup Forums has now.
After scientology and Occupy, Sup Forums basically hit "Eternal September" due to the mainstream media coverage and resulting newfag influx. The culture changed and now we're left with the same ten threads on loop.
when the nigger was elected
Jesus Christ look at all these little faggots bitching about how their life is oh so terrible. "This is tha year everything got shit."
Maybe it's time to be adults? Hmm? Stop looking at things as, "Oh poor me." and start living your own life and bettering it? Nah thats too hard right?
>kind of like what Sup Forums has now
What Sup Forums has now is nothing like the community we used to have back in the day, tho.
We genuinely had fun and still enjoyed life.
Sup Forums is essentially a wolf pack of rabid suicidal animals that have given up on everything, they essentially want to see the world burn.
2010 was a good year, even when i was cold turkey off heroin (13 a day) i was in such a good mood browsing this place...i remember richard perish and something burn doing the jesus hotline troll. good times.
>better drop that new hot meme reply so I can avoid facing reality
This is the correct answer.
Death of conservatism.
Birth of Neoliberalism.
We can thank Reagan and his billionaire normie trash.
I always think of them as 40 year old christian family men venting about muslim attacks and jews taxing there pay checks.
This place has always been full of faggots so what difference does it make?
In the months before moot's corruption, it really went downhill.
2009/10 was like the start of the decline
2008 last good year
It all went to shit after 9/11
really? They seem like angry man-children who probably still get far more from their community than they contribute.
I like Sup Forums - it's like /mlp/ and keeps them in their own ghetto where they belong
in 2004 when newfags started showing up.
2011 was close to being the last good year but 2010 was the final year in my opinion
It's been shit from the beginning.
That's the joke.
Sup Forums always sucked
Sup Forums is now as bad as tumblr
the whole universe is a mistake it bursted out of nothingess for no purpose
1789, pretty much when the country started going down hill
Sup Forums peaked with the first meme war in 2005
Sup Forums
ever since then the place got a huge influx of new idiots from those places, acting the way they think 4channers act, which has become how they actually do act.
parody of parody of parody, perpetually degraded.