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angsty possible trap wannabe / 10
I can't tell if your a really manly girl or a very girly man?
please get out
you look fine, I guess...
7/10 would bang
If he's a 7/10 to you then you have very low standards and frankly it would make me a 9 or even 10/10, so thanks for the indirect compliment, user.
You're a poor man's Bo Burnham. He's not very attractive, but at least he's funny.
0/10 for soul
Bo Burnham looks very attractive, you might just be autistic.
Oh no, it's retarded..
>not very attractive
Dumbest Nigger of the Day award goes to
But, hey, beauty is subjective. But everyone on Earth subjectively thinks you're an ugly autistic faggot.
The salt is real. Autism > retardation, so at least I got that going for me unlike you who is most definitely going full retard.
Time to roast your dumb ass some more I suppose.
>uses le funny facebook meme
>says autism isnt a retardation
>gets called out on being autistic and pulls the classic "lol u so mad bro"
gtfo my board nigger
You're pretty cute, would you let me top you?
Implying anything you say is an actual roast is the biggest joke on this thread. The thing is.. the classics work when the shoe fits, right? Right. Inb4 more more stupid "I'M SO EDGY, I SAY NIGGER" comments, grow your ass up.
You are getting roasted and it's absolutely hilarious.
>calls me edgy for saying nigger on Sup Forums
>says inb4 and ironic
You look like a feminine Ed Sheeran.
You look like Ed Sheeran
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You must be
I just love a desperate bitch in a losing argument, really nothing better.
youre welcome!!
Glad to see you coming around and admitting how retarded you are, user.
Im not retarded you autist
Oh it's been proven multiple times in this thread that you are indeed, a class 5 retard.
And ur a class 6
Soon this summer will come to an end.
amen praise allah
Im just fucking with you man, im not the same guy, i think he left the thread a while ago
Yeah he left after he said "youre welcome" kek