hi Sup Forums
my mom wants me to get rid of all my commie stuff
what do
Hi Sup Forums
You can try stop being a nigger, literally
your mom is a nigger
tits or gtfo
Join the army
Stop being an anti Semite
Become a man or kill yourself.
send her to gulag
was thinking navy
Do as a true commie and build a farm
tfw half jap but ill try
>still a communist
Stop being a dumb lazy nigger faggot who likes to steal other people's money
Seize the means of sandwich making. That should put her in her place.
>living with your parents
underage ban
Trade your stuff in for some National Socialism
>thinking living with your parents means under 18
>being on Sup Forums
welcome newtrash
>mom visits apartment once per month to make sure i haven't an hero'd yet
Communists are queers. Totalitarians are boss.
Easy, just get rid of it all
Obey your mother
Make your own government with your own flags and stuff then tell her to go and fuck herself if she wants that all gone because that's more you.
she a bitch tho
op here
everyone's answers are pretty good
keep it up
OP did you teach your mother to use the Sup Forums?
Also, tits or gtfo.
nah she just knows communism = bad
cant believe this thread was on page 3 wow
Your mom is smarter than you.
Get a job fag
dropped out of college freshman year only to return at age 49
Hey user, Russianon here. Communism is pretty cool, but you don't have to identify with a dead political theory, especially if you're in America. Good luck with that.
Love the decor though.
>just recieved paycheck 3 days ago
find another planet to put your communism into
inb4 impossible
Go back to Catholic school
You look like a 11~15 cringy faggot thats absorbed too much CNN and not educated himself on history, politics, and the like.... maybe you should read some more and once you understand a little more you can support a psychotic political system thats responsible for millions of deaths and multiple wars.
gg noob fag