Hey Sup Forums i know this board is kind of shit now but I really need help from you guys...

Hey Sup Forums i know this board is kind of shit now but I really need help from you guys. My gf left me about a week ago and said that she just don't love me anymore, but I still love her. She want us to be friends tho because she still think I'm important. Now it's 6 am and I'm just sitting on my bed because I can't sleep. What do I do now Sup Forums? What do I do?

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Fuck bitches.

move to the upper canadas

I just don't feel like, I feel just depression and saddnes like a fucking 15 yo

That would be nice if I wasn't a poor faggot


Come on guys...some real help?

>She want us to be friends tho
dont do that. she wants everything to be the same for her emotional well being but doesnt want to be reciprocate anything for you while also fucking other people. this will kill you. just ghost her 100%

It is. Fuck someone else, you'll feel better.

That's what I thought, I just can't she mean so much for me

Holy shit I can even smell your beta shit from here, but I will help you, she is just a whore like any other woman however she was so desperate for that Chad girl, now that she got it she wants to recover her normal life and the first step it to make you feel like shit and become your friend

Don't do it man, it will be worst later

forget about her. Do not contact her. If she tries to contact you, ignore it. Do not be friends with her. The relationship is over and must stay in past. She wants to be friends with you so she can exert control over you.

"Lets get dinner and catch up."
"Can I get a ride to xyz?"
"user I'm a little short on cash can you spot me?"

It's fine to still be pining over her. Its not fine to act on those feelings. Get her out of your head and move on with your life.

a cherub will grant you new love with his little arrows

Ya I know that...the beta part to... I don't know maybe im just hoping for something better

this user right here knows whats upalso hit the gym or go out to an event you like and go meet some new people, youll be vulnerable but really authentic and you will learn something about yourself (over time) but the initial experience will still be beneficial

Actually just so you have an idea of how important she is...she saved me from suicide

I know I'm shit...but, how do I interact with people

tell her YES we can be friends
find a nice girl slightly hotter then her with some money
tell her we are now moving to the upper canadas
but for real be her friend it will confuse the shit out of her and you will feel better

I love the upper Canada's part but still I'm just a fucking beta fag who don't know how to interact with new people

same thing happened to me a couple months ago OP. I will always love that bitch. I'm just glad we didn't marry. I think that she wanted me for the money and then she found out that I wouldn't tell her how much I actually have. None of that s*** would be any one else's business until we are married.

just go as you are, you feel like your in a really low place so you can only benefit. just go out and not give a fuck and since you say you feel raw bout the whole thing you will be very genuine, you could probably pull some new contacts and take some girls out later just go out to meet knew people

Fuck off user, that is the most pathetic shit.

"Bloo bloo bloo she saved she saved me"

You know what she is doing right now user? Choking on some other dude's dick. Get some cheap whiskey and have yourself a good cry if that's what you need to do. But you need to treat the situation as if she never existed. Hang out with your chums like this user stated.

I'm poor af so I've never worried about that kind of things, but every fucking panny I've earned I gave to her

did she really though, user? did she pull the gun out of the way right as you fired, or tourniquet your arms after you cut your wrists (down the street, not across the lane) -- did she do something like that?

You can think "oh she stopped me from doing that" all you like, but that's just codependent behaviour, and bitches thrive off that shit.

is completely correct.

if you want to still be friends with her, do so after being apart from her for a year or two - zero contact. get over her, get a new relationship (or not), and restart your life without her. then, after you're stable if you still want to be her friend, then you can. some people can do that. but not RIGHT after the relationship ends. that's how you get taken advantage of.

Telling you to fuck bitches is real help.
Fucking and love are two different things.
You CAN love someone and fuck them, but you can also fuck with no love involved. You need to break that emotional tie with her. You HAVE to. True love, being able to truly love another person begins with living yourSELF. If she no longer wants the relationship, CUT HER OFF. Do NOT let her USE you for all her emotional needs while turning to others for her physical needs. Don't throw your life away on a useless manipulative cum dumpster who doesn't deserve all this pain you're putting yourself through. She's out fucking someone right now. THAT'S what you mean to her. Go do likewise.

Op here
I think she saved me because she is the only person I talked in like a year, I'm such of fucking peace of trash, ugly af, no money, no friends, nothing. And that's why I was going to kill myself but she just fell in love with me and made my life easier

Okay first off:

don't stay friends with her. just cut off contact. Trust me, you aren't going to get her back. It's just not going to happen.

Get on with your life without her. I had to deal with the same thing about 10 months ago. Took me a really long time to get over it. In fact, I just recently got over it. We were together for 4 years and I loved her a lot, and she left me for another guy.

You just have to accept that you aren't getting her back, that you don't really need HER specifically, and that life goes on regardless. It's up to you to decide where you go from here.

We love you user, we want you to make good decisions. Communicating with her in any form is a BAD decision. If she crosses your mind at all you need to associate it as bad. In next few days and weeks she is going to try to get in contact with you. By phone, email, text whatever. Its going to happen. What are you going to do when that happens?

cut off all ties and move on

So let's say I cut every contact with her and we are no longer friends, I still can't fell like loving someone else, like never. What are the actual possibilities to meet a girl I will actually love? 0 there are none.
It's depressing af

She "saved" you as a bonus to making herself feel better. Girls love to fix shit. That's why you see all these females doing community work to help others.
However, as well as they fix things they can fuck them up without hestation whenever they feel an urge they want satisfied.
Don't be friends, tell her it would not help you to move on. Delete her number, throw away anything she gave you. No reminders.
>Move the fuck on with your life

She already did, she was drunk, not because of me her parents are separating. She called me and asked for help, I stained with her on the phone all night and today she was happy that I did that...did she just used me?

while you still have feelings for her, friendzoning yourself for her is the last thing you want to do. don't let her keep leaning on you for emotional support while she is seeing other people... fuck that. best way forward is to cut loose of her completely and move on. if you have any hope of getting back together with her, let her come to you and beg you to take her back .

your being overdramitic, if you genuinely love her then congradulations you experienced the best of things in teh human experience. now what did you learn? first of dont be a bitch and give chicks your money like that and more importantly you are worthy and legit enough to be loved and accepted by others so stop pretending otherwise and live your life!

user that line of thinking is really fucking stupid and going to get you no where. You are not psychic, no one in this thread is a damn psychic. You make it sound like you have much more important issues to worry about. Forget about this bitch, focus on you. How is your:

living situation?

Holy fucking shit YES! You are now her emotional punching bag. Soon to be her wallet too. DO NOT TALK TO HER!

She gave me a silver ring the first time we actually saw each other couse we're really distant, just can't get it of, it make me nervous every time I try to put it in the closet

>.did she just used me?
kek, yes! you are giving her everything she wants from you and you get nothing from her. she is 99% chance has been sexting and talking to other guys already. im being real with you not trying to flame

>20 yo living with parents
>Friday evening I have the exams for the car license

Fuck that bitch

The funny thing is: she is kind of bi so maybe she like an other girl...

My life is just so fucked up... I don't even understand myself

Been there, done that already. Which is why I am bothering to tell you my thoughts on this. It took me a LONG time to get over mine, I was a retard about it.

It's your life, be a retard if you want.
Whatever reason you give to justify being her bitch at the end of the day you will still be a retard.

jesus christ you are dumb. yes of course she just used you. she will continue doing that while she see other people, sleeps with other men, etc... cut loose of that girl and move on. dont take her calls, dont return her texts. box up all her shit and have it ready for her to pick up. only consider taking her back if she comes to you in person and begs. now the relationship is on YOUR terms, not hers.

Maybe I'm am a retard, why is this so difficult?

Make it a clean break. Turn into polite acquaintances and separate your life from hers.

IM off of 800 mg of dxm what a i doing here lul u plebs just get oney abd go over seas. yung BRUH THESE BITHCES COME AND THY GO

Just going to assume this is you op. So right here we have all if your priorities and goals that you can now give your full attention too since that snake is out of your garden. You need to attain stability in your life. Get a job and secure some income with the eventual goal to move out of your parents house, support yourself. An apartment may be too expensive but you can definitely find a room for rent. Get a car, that shit is just convenient.

No girl wants to date a broke kid that lives with mommy and daddy.

Lots of girls want to date a cool guy with his own place, money, and car.

Going to be honest here user, all your "whoa is me" posts are making it look like you are running a gag here. Its getting hard to take you seriously. Lots of anons here are giving you some A+ advice and nothing seems to be sticking.

Basically you some of you guys saying that I have the control of the situation, but I really don't want her to feel bad, like I don't want revenge or some kind of that shit, I still like her shes a nice person and got a lot of problems, I kinda wanna help her

YOURE BEING A FUCKING CUCK we alrready told you to ghost her. she doesnt want anything to do with you, you are the equivallent to a delivery-boy-therapist to her

It's not fake I'm just stupid I think, don't want to face reality

I KNOW I will try, it's not that easy

ok well be her emotional crutch then. enjoy your new cucked relationship where she visits to tell you all about her new BF and borrow money from you and you get no more pussy. get used to masturbating to your fading memories of sex.

Welp. Just know that while you are crying in misery over it all, she is getting pounded by an alpha in every position. For every memory of her, she is cumming and forgetting you. Except for the occasional laugh she and the dude share when she talks about how dainty and small your penis was.

Nice point... I don't want that

Which is cool, as long as you don't act on it. You fucked up real bad by giving her a shoulder to cry on. Really meditate on how serious a mistake this is. But don't let that shit happen again. You have all the power over your life, she wants to take that power.

have you seen a movie called 50/50? It's really good and semi applicable to your situation.

You know what guys, this is helping, like a lot already rethinking everything

I will watch it thanks

Nice cat tho

As a femanon, don't stay friends with her if you don't want to get hurt.
She'll keep you in her life out of habit, she doesn't love you anymore, she won't be getting back with you, and you'll just end up hurt in the end.
I know because I've been that cunt before. I now know it's garbage and won't work.

Just why don't she love me anymore, nothing gone wrong what happened?

Is it possible that she just said "nah I don't want to be his gf baaay"

Thanks user, she gives my life meaning.

user save this thread and read through it tomorrow. The amount of insecurity you oozed through your keyboard would turn away a succubus.

I can't tell you that.
Do you ever really like a food, and eventually you just got tired of it? It didn't do anything wrong, you're just not that into it anymore.
Sometimes feelings just fade OP. It's hard to wrap your head around it, I know, but it happens.

>gf left him to fuck another dude
>kept him in friendzone because she still wants his money and utility, but this time free of charge

well that's exactly what you are going to get by giving her the "nice person" treatment.

OK I got the point of the situation,everything its so fucking hard to do tho

Yes absolutely, but you don't do that if you love someone still, at least not love them in the same way

Get a job
get a car
get a place to live
go to school

One step at a time op

Before the thread just 404 i really want to sat thank you to all of you.
People saying that Sup Forums became really shit lately but still you guys are amazing.
I love Sup Forums been here for years and its always feels like home.
You guys are the people I want to met in the next life, we help each other in shitty situations and you Sup Forumsros can give really good advices, you help a lot and mean so much to me. Thanks for being there like a group of lonely people behind a computer screen talking to other user. Thank you guys i am really grateful

I fucking love his cat

Here is one more


She is so cute