Caitlyn Jenner Experienced ‘Sex Change Regret,’ Might De-Transition

>Caitlyn Jenner, who announced his transition from man to woman last year, has considered de-transitioning, the author of a new book about the Kardashian family told TheWrap on Wednesday.

>Ian Halperin, the author of “Kardashian Dynasty: The Controversial Rise of America’s Royal Family,” said that, while researching his book, multiple sources told him that the former Olympian had been miserable for months and has considered transitioning back to a man.

>“One source confirmed to me Caitlyn has made whispers of ‘sex change regret,’ hinting he might go back to being Bruce Jenner,” Halperin said.

not so fast smoley

Saw this sort of article a few months back.
Better source?

I just feel bad for him. Mentally ill and there ain't shit he can do about it.

>The Controversial Rise of America’s Royal Family

Fucking Yanks. Just fuck off already.

>transitioning back to a man
Is that even possible?

I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a shitty person.
Can't wait to see the libs chalk this up as oppression somehow.

>might transition back to a man
Shouldn't be too hard, right? He's still a man after all.

>implying he did any transistion apart from dressing as a woman

South Park has done this already.

now the murder case is over, may as well have his cock and balls back

Strange, usually they go for the suicide method when feeling regret.

It's possible so long as he didn't snip the dick. Even then he'll just be a balls/dickless man.

Actually kind of glad that he's considering a transition back instead of just suicide. Those were the two inevitable options and this way he can start advocating against the industries that take advantage of gender dysphorics.

If he had killed himself it would have been "a tragedy brought on by transphobia".

The best part is that he's just proving Benji Shapiro right.

He never got the surgery. He just had a pair of tits strapped on

This guy's been used to publicity all his life, he's much quicker to cry than actually do something

Poor guy. I have no hate for trannies, just pity.
I hate those who enable them. Fucking SJWs.


>internalized transphobia

As usual they are years ahead of the game.

>mfw an actual man
>won the woman of the year award

If I wasn't so tired I'd be laughing so hard right now.

This is what you get for being such a fucking retard.


There's two kinds of people who transition: people who are, to put it bluntly, women with dicks and balls. And then there's people who do it for other reasons.

The people who do it for other reasons, of course, experience the gender dysphoria that the aforementioned women in men's bodies experience naturally when they transition.

Of the people I know who "are women" your brain never tells you something is off about them because they behave like women and think like women. Most of them where treated as women even before they transitioned by people, subconsciously.

Do you know why?
It's retarded to do it in the firstplace

What did he say?

Matt and Trey are literally prophets.

may as well keep them though

This. They cry -phobia when we're trying to sympathize with the people that have been duped into embracing delusions because it's more profitable solution.

he probably realized how degenerate and stupid this whole thing was after he started supporting trump

Considering he never had his dick inverted and he's too old for hormone replacement to work on him, de-transitioning is completely viable for him.

Yeah, this is a guy with no hormone replacement, a full penis, long hair, a little bit of Botox, and the only surgery he got was reduction of the Adam's apple.

Holy shit, I saw that episode last weekend. It's incredible how precient it was back then and how relevant it still is today. Maybe even more relevant now than when it aired.

For those who want to watch the episode, it's called Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina (for some reason google's suggestions kept saying 'fancy new watch' when I searched for it, weird).

Enjoy your no balls.


When do the nukes drop? When does this society crash and burn into the ground and crushed beneath the boots of true humans?
Trump cured the mental illness. Truly the God Emperor.

>considered transitioning back to a man

So did he actually get his dick pushed in?
Or did he just go buy heels?

Is that because the heat over the woman he killed is completely gone now?

He's trying to kill two women now

>the Caitlyn Jenner persona is just some form of martyr to convince people that trans is an actual mental problem and should not be perused

>Bruce Jenner advocates against it and puts an end to the degeneracy

The left will turn this around and call him a bigot and muh soggy knesst because he couldnt live like a woman.

I think he is referring to the debate where a Tranny journalist threatened to beat him up on for calling Bruce/Caitlyn a "he" repeatedly

I appreciate the joke, but lets not pretend he was ever actually a woman.

Trump IS the mental illness, my friend.

Furthermore they all hide, to the point of never telling people their male birth name for fear of them accidentally calling them by it.

I have a trans buddy in Phoenix who says there literally aren't support groups for true trans because they all get occupied by people like the guy in this article and all the young transitioning people get creeped out and scared away.

Trey & Matt
Blessed be their names

I keked hard to this, does this make me a bad person.

failure go die.

take the wig off lol


Convinced he did this just to trivialize trannies. He's made it all look like a mental joke.

It's basically an encouraged mental illness.

you mean an actor did a stunt to keep up with the kardashians and is now regretting it? - whod a thunk it!

but, this asshole kicked off a national debate about trannies in bathrooms and the federal government is threatening to withhold 4.3Billion dollars from NC schools if they don't let dudes use women's bathrooms - FUCKING HELL.

>the great overreach
>the left had secured same sex marriage, the battle was over
>tries to push trannies on normies
>left throws kitchen sink because normies can tell trannies are fucked in the head
>normies vote for Trump
>left blew their chance at a supreme court majority because MUH lady dudes

>be insane
>get no help
>change sexes back and forth
>implying he wont kill himself in the next 5 years tops

>Ian Halperin

Ever believing anything ''His Highness'' says. Yea, nah

I would kek my head off.

>Even then he'll just be a balls/dickless man
Nah, I read a news article on a man who went through the same shit

He ended up with on of those tranny sausages that you need to pump up to fuck with.

If he does, will he get awards for being such a brave man?

>implying this wasn't his master plan from the start
You underestimate Bruce
>be famous
>transition in order to gain influence over the tranny movement
>use your position to discredit real trannies by expressing regret
>garner hate from lefties for being a right winger
>defend and vote for trump


Maybe he took one for the team, he transitioned which got a lot of media attention and made him the spokesperson for the transgendered and now he's going to transition back to prove that transgenderism makes people depressed and regretful.

He will note. He already got 100 millions with this shit.

>What a fucking idiot, they don't change any cells, they just give you hormones and genital mutilation in order to mimic a female.

In a season or two he goes back to being a man anyway.

>“Kardashian Dynasty: The Controversial Rise of America’s Royal Family”
Accurate, yet sad.

Post your face when he transitions back to man and still has the woman of the year award.

Is this another false alarm? Hesitant to lose my sides prematurely.

There's an episode called Goobacks (s08e06) which relates to refugees nowadays

no shit, it was just a cash grab

>“She’s still into women and wants to meet the right one,” Halperin recalled one friend saying.
I love how this keeps popping up while all the news sites pick up that he's having trouble finding a man. He won't find a man because he wants to fuck women and the whole world is eating up the tranny lie.

>After intense training, Jenner won the 1976 Olympics decathlon title at the Montreal Summer Olympics (after a Soviet athlete had won the title in 1972 during the Cold War), gaining fame as "an all-American hero"

The subversion is real and clear as day. A once declared "all american hero" become a transvestite. It's hard to believe that this was not influenced or at least encouraged by external forces, would explain the immense media coverage.

Read between the lines.

It's the Jews.

men are even better at being women than women

His awards and reality show and praise from the entire left wasn't enough. Heven only wants to transition back to male because he is struggling to handle the pressure from the people who are transphobic

>Trump IS the mental illness
That's the problem.

Common sense inverted into some fucked up sort of abomination like Caitlynn here - or Bruce now I guess.


>Legendary athlete, television personality gets bored being great at everything
>decides to be great at something else for awhile and becomes a woman
>wins woman of the year, done with that too

>jews be like

He was a handsome wholesome all-American hero. What the fuck happened? Sometimes I hate this world.

Sup Forums was right again.

his wife, daughters and adopted daughters all fuck niggers and are as smart collectively as a pebble

I remember watching that when I was like 11 years old not thinking much about it and then my mom walked in and redpilled me on illegal immigration. Them the orgy part came on and she turned it off.

Seriously. I have empathy knowing they're struggling, really. Letting them do this hasty shit is just enabling the condition and leading them down a path of an even worse outcome. Just like every other problem I tackle, fix it at the root, don't nigger rig it and slap a bandaid on top. SJWs are the worst thing to happen to the medical advancement for transgenders.

He got his last gold medal... Was this all a ruse by based Brucie?

>famous runner with 10 minutes of fame
>marry that kardashian bitch
>10 more minutes of fame
>become 12th banana on the kardashian show
>3 and a half more minutes of fame
>even Kim isn't keeping attention like she used to
>no more fame
>sex change for your precious attention
>weeks of fame
>people stop caring so much
>im gonna be in sports illustrated
>4 more minutes of fame
>people stop caring
>only people who talk about you are the normies who think you are some gross old pervert
>realize your reputation as a woman is shattered
>talk about changing back for 5 more minutes of fame
Bruce... Just stop, no one cares

>Them the orgy part came on and she turned it off

all the men turning gay got rid of them though. that hasn't worked for Sweden

Snoop dog was a tranny.

zhe really shouldn't, if xir becomes male again then xhe'll lose zir female privilege to get away with crimes and be charged with manslaughter for that woman zxhe killed while texting while driving

And you only have to be a worn out austistic nigger musician to fuck Kim.

Oh boy, when my gf's pro-diversity friend hears about this.
The amount of butthurt will keep me laughing for weeks.

Does this mean that Jenner would be the first Kardashian to regret sucking black cock?

excuse me shitlord but she's a transbian

>SJWs are the worst thing to happen to the medical advancement for transgenders.
I think this problem also lies in the fact that liberals attach so much value to identity. Being aware and proud of your body is one thing, but they're going so far as building a personality around disease and disorder. They equate what they have with who they are. Look at a random tumblr bio of an SJW and you'll likely see a list of illnesses. Tthe amount of autistic tranny SJWs with irritable bowel syndrome is fucking staggering. Another example is the recent attempt to reclaim STDs as a part of identity people should 'wear as a badge of honor'.

Saying something that invalidates an identity, for example saying that transgenderism is a mental disorder, is seen as an attack, even if one is sincerely concerned. Their identities cannot be challenged, because that would mean their personalities would colapse. It must be unchangeable and impervious to criticism.

They're not very progressive in this regard.

Nowadays all you need to transition is wish really hard.


Does he get to keep the Woman of the Year awards etc?

All he did to himself is, most likely, breast implants and a jaw shaving. He'll be able to transition back really easily, besides for having a thinner jaw

he needs mental help. not a sex change.

he's always been a male.

He still has those

Has he really changed anything except fake tits and a wig? Did he even get HRT?