How do you get rid of these fuckers?

How do you get rid of these fuckers?

Don't say gun/weapon. They're illegal where I live and I'm not skilled enough to make one.

I've tried brewing poisons, but they often work as repellent than remove the problem. Have a big ball of flour/baking soda out there now and not a Myna in sight.

I'd rather not get a trap.

Is that a kingbird?

do they do some sort of harm?

BB gun?

The fuck is wrong with you.
This some kinda filthy lime faget thing?

If it's a king bird they're incredibly territorial and will attack literally anything that comes within a certain radius of their nest.

make a trap.

He said he didn't want to make a trap.

google says it's a myna bird

He also said he doesn't want to use a weapon so I don't know what the fuck he expects us to tell him.

I'd say go to Walmart and get a wrist rocket. Get some ball baring ammo and just kill it. They're more accurate than you'd think.

Since you're inept, call a professional. There are people who can, for a price, get rid of pest birds in and around your home.
Search for bird or pest removal in your area on Google.

He said he would rather not GET a trap.

I'm reading that they're territorial as well. Maybe posing the same problem.

op seems to have fucked off

slingshot / marbles

They are invasive and territorial.
If you use poison, you risk killing off unintended birds that are actually beneficial.
Best bet - call a professional.

pellet or airsoft gun
noise horn
plenty of ways to make their lives as inconvienenced as they make yours

Indian Myna

Invasive species here. They drive the native birds out of their homes, shit everywhere and never shut up.

No guns

Unless there's a simple way, probably can't. I'm shit with DIY hardware.

Again, weapons not an option. Don't even have walmarts, I'm not american.

I was hoping for something along the lines of a recipe for their last supper.

where are you from

All guns and slingshots are illegal here.

A horn scares them away, but I want them dead.


where are you from

If I knew I may be able to help

use a boomerang

>No guns
Not even an air rifle? Jesus Christ... Do they confiscate your man card at birth as well? How do you cucks just roll over and let the government fuck you in the ass like that?

Last time I cheaked its LEGAL to kill them as long as its in a 'humane fashion'. I'd just look up some Indian Myna traps and then WWII gas them with some sort of simple vinegar and baking soda C02 gas chamber contraption you can make with old hose or tubing as well as plastic bottles or buckets. (I've seen this work before with mice so same thing I guess plus its humane since they just pass out with no real pain). but I have no personal experience with capturing or killing these since I live in the suburbs of Syd and they don't affect me.

Best of luck user. Kill those invasive fuckers.

Touch the nest,

Get a fake owl and place it a tree's branch they hang out.
Owls are natural bird predators and often birds are scared to be around them.